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Chapter Five

Kyle sat in the living room with James on his lap wearing nothing but a big diaper. He had his face buried in Kyle’s chest, and was hoping Charles wouldn’t come out. But, luck wasn’t on James' side.

“What the...” said Charles, entering into the living room to witness his older brother in nothing but a diaper.

“Hi, Charles,” said Kyle, “Say hi, Jamie.”

James didn’t want to say anything. He was blushing more than he had ever blushed in his life. It was one thing to let himself be babied by his younger best friend. But to be seen by his younger brother when only a day before he decided to show who was the boss. It was too much for little Jamie. He just struggled in Kyle’s arms until a little pee came out, which turned into a big pee not long after.

“Is James okay?”

Kyle nodded.

“Why is he...”

“Wearing a diaper?”

Charles nodded.

“Jamie’s been having some accidents. But, the truth is that he wants to. He just doesn’t want to be an older brother, or a friend, or an adult at all. Little Jamie just wants to be that, a little.”

That’s not true. Kyle put him in diapers, thought James, thinking he could protest. But, to be fair, he could’ve just removed them or not allowed it in the first place. He just wanted to make Kyle happy, no matter what. And, if Kyle wanted him to be a baby, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

“James. Is that right?” Asked Charles.

James looked at his younger brother, tears running down his cheeks. He didn’t have the words to say anything, so he just nodded as he began sucking his thumb. That was it. There was no going back. For all intents and purposes, James was now the baby of the house.

“I cannot say I’m surprised.”

“I don’t think your mother will be either. I bet she’ll enjoy having little Jamie back. Don’t you think Jamie?”

James nodded. He had not thought about his mother, but there was no point in pretending she was not going to find out. After all, Charles would probably tell her first thing when she gets back. So, without any say in the matter, James just buried his head back into Kyle’s massive chest. He had to admit, even now, Kyle’s arms were the place he felt the safest. His best friend’s arms. His daddy’s arms.

“I won’t be changing any diapers,” said Charles, sitting next to them and turning the TV on, “Nor will I babysit him.”

“That’s okay. I’ll look after the baby,” said Kyle, kissing James in the forehead.

“I gotta admit. He does look better this way. He was never much of a man.”

James had to sit there. In his wet diaper, listening to his brother and Kyle talk about his lack of masculinity as if he wasn’t there. He just pretended he was asleep, sobbing against Kyle’s Chet, when he felt a familiar sensation in his tummy. It was a grumble first, so he thought that it could just be hunger. But, the sensation began growing until it became too much.

“Daddy,” he whispered, “Daddy.”

“Yes, baby?”

“I need to go to the bathroom.”

“Do you?”

James nodded.

“Why would a baby need to go to the bathroom?”

“I need to go potty.”

“That’s so cute. But, you are wearing your potty.”

“But,” James stopped and turned to look at Charles, who was pretty much aware of what was going on, “But Charles.”

“There’s no buts, baby. Charles already knows about you. You might as well get used to doing your business in front of everyone.”


Kyle nodded.

“Come on, little boy,” said Charles, “Show us this is what you really want.”

James didn’t want to, but if he didn’t reach the bathroom soon. He would have no choice. So, Kyle left him on the ground. He was free. In theory, there was nothing preventing him from going to the bathroom. Nothing but Kyle’s expectations of what he needed to do. He stood there, confused about whether or not to use the bathroom.

“So. What’s it going to be, Jamie?” Asked Kyle.

“We are waiting, little one,” said Charles, with his phone on one hand waiting for his older brother’s decision.

James couldn’t hold it any longer. If he was the baby Kyle claimed him to be, he shouldn’t have a problem pooping himself right there. It shouldn’t matter if his brother was looking at him. So, he did what any toddler would do in his situation. He squatted, grabbing the back of his diaper with one hand and sucking his thumb with the other, and began pushing. It must have been quite the spectacle, judging by Charles’ reaction. But it wasn't Charles he wanted to impress. His eyes were on his daddy, who seemed to be pleased at his actions.

He kept pushing, until a solid log of poo came out, expanding his diaper. But, he wasn’t finished. After a little more pee came out, he kept pushing until a mushy poo escaped his insides. It was so much that it filled his entire diaper, and he only stopped when he felt the warm poo against his scrotum. He didn’t want to admit it, but the sensation was enough to make him climax. Hopefully, Charles wouldn’t be able to tell what he had just done.

“Good boy,” said Kyle, standing to pick him up again, “I’m very proud of you.”

James felt happy he made his daddy proud. It didn’t matter that right next to them was his younger brother, laughing at him.



Where are the previous parts to this? Can’t find them


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