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Scott has always been what people call soft. He loves teaching, reading, and nerdy things. He keeps himself in shape, but he is not the sporty kind of person; but that’s never been a problem, until now.

Chapter One

It wasn’t that his students were the ones with the best scores in the school. That was not Scott’s point of pride. No, for home, it was that they seemed to respect him, and, for a lack of a better word, like him.

Scott himself had never been popular at school. He was a bit effeminate, which made him even more unpopular with girls. He was just a bit over average height, though most of his students were already taller than him. It didn’t help that at thirty-five, he had the face of a twenty-year old boy; while his students were in senior year of high school and looking the part. He also had hair on the long side of the spectrum, dark blonde and curly. Though, some girls did seem to think he was cute, but maybe not what someone in their thirties is hoping to be known for.

Anyway, he was proud that his students liked him. They were intellectuals, who would probably leave school to become great thinkers, doctors, or lawyers. Knowing he had helped mold their minds was enough for him, enough to feel accomplished.

The bell rang. School was over for the day, and everyone left, slowly and thanking him for the lesson.

Once it was only him in the room, Scott picked his things and left too. Though, before he could completely leave school grounds, he was stopped by the principal. A lady in her fifties who was taller than Scott, and a lot fitter.

“Scott, please. I need a word with you.”

“Megan. Sure,” said Scott following back into her office, “How can I help you?”

“I need a favor to ask”


“I need you to handle the Football team until I can find a proper coach”


“I know you don’t seem like the type of Alpha male that enjoys sports, but I need someone to do it; and, you are man, right?”

Scott nodded. He hated it when people thought he wasn’t one just because he didn’t care about sports. He did yoga after all.

“Perfect, then you can do it.”

“I don’t know, Megan...”

“Look, I’ll double your salary for this month. Okay? We are about to enter the season, and someone needs to make sure they are practicing and going to the games” said Megan, placing her hand on Scott’s shoulder, “You’ll do fine.”

Scott didn’t know why, but he just accepted. Though, he wasn’t sure he did until he was out of her office and she was thanking him for being such a team player. It has been a thing since he was a kid. When an adult, or someone in a position of power, asked something from him, he would just say yes.

He sighed.

How bad could it be? It was just kids playing ball, or whatever. He was smart, it shouldn’t be such a big deal. Maybe he could even inspire those jocks to read more, and do more intellectual stuff with their lives. Yeah, that’d be good. He entered his car, and drove away.

Chapter Two

The next day classes went as usual. His students once again found his lessons to be enlightening and interesting. He didn’t admit, not even to himself, but it was a big ego stroke every single day. It was as if he was addicted to these kids drooling over every word he said. He was good at talking, and it would be the same with those jocks that liked to play with balls.

The bell rang, and school was over.

However, this time instead of going straight to his car. Scott went straight to the field, where a band of jocks was already ready to begin their practice.

“Hello, everyone,” said Scott smiling, “Why don’t you come over here to let me introduce myself?”

But no one cared.

There was this one guy, who everyone seemed to be following. He was tall, a lot taller than Scott, and built like a proper athlete. He also had more body hair than Scott has ever been able to grow, which made him feel like a mature man rather than an eighteen-year-old.

“You,” said Scott, “What’s your name?”

“Who’s asking?”

“I’m the new coach. So you better answer nicely, or I’ll have you on the seat the entire season” said Scott, smirking.

“On the seat?” The boy asked, “Bench”

Everyone laughed.

“Bench” said Scott, thinking how foolish they might think he is, “You will spend the entire season on the bench.”

“He’s the Captain,” said another one of the jocks.

“I don’t care,” said Scott, chuckling, “I’m in charge.”

Everyone was looking dead serious at him. He felt, for a small moment, that he made a mistake and that these kids would actually hurt him. But, they wouldn’t do that. He was a teacher, after all.

“That’s okay, guys,” said the Captain, “Let’s listen to the coach, shall we?... My name’s Dylan.”

Dylan got closer, which made Scott flinch back, making everyone else laugh. They were mocking him, a scared baby or puppy, they were calling him.

“Hey, hey. He’s doing his best. Ain’t that right, coach?” Asked Dylan, offering to shake his hand, “Coach?”

Scott only nodded and let Dylan grab his hand tightly.

“So, am I gonna be able to play this season, Coach?”

Scot nodded again, looking down at his own feet. Why was he like this? He was a man, after all. A teacher. He should step up and act like one, or was he all bark but no bite? Scott sighed, and looked up.

Dylan was towering over him.


“Well,” said Dylan, “Let’s just keep practicing, boys. I’ll talk with the principal to get us a real man to coach us.”

Dylan turned away, but his words weighted on Scott.

“Stop. I haven’t dismiss you” he said, “I think it’s...it’s time you jocks learn some respect”

Dylan stopped, and Scott thought he had it. He was going to teach that jock a lesson. Jocks thought too high of themselves, and today, Scott would finally let them know who was the one in charge. After all, he was the best teacher in school, and he was an intellectual with more talent and knowledge than all of them combined.

But, that’s when he felt a strong, sharp pain in his stomach. He could barely breathe, and it felt like his own insides wanted to escape. He fell on his knees right in front of Dylan, who was standing over and smiling at what he did.

Though Scott's problems were just starting. Before he knew it, there was a warm feeling growing on his crotch, and growing fast.

Silence reigned for a minute until everyone realized what had happened, and then, laughter.

Scott knew it, but he didn’t want to look down. He knew what he had done, and he knew why they were laughing.

“He peed himself”

“What a baby”


He heard it all, and he started crying. They were disrespecting him, but he was the teacher. They couldn’t. They shouldn’t. He cried even louder.

“Shut up”

He heard Dylan say, and everyone shut right away.

“Go practice”

And everyone did as told until it was just Scott on the ground, in a puddle of his own making, crying his eyes out, and Dylan standing right in front of him.

“You are indeed pathetic. But we cannot leave you here, I’m not sure how we would explain this to the principal,” he said, lifting Scoot with no problem and carrying him as if he was a small kid, “Let’s clean you up.”

To be continued…