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An Older Sister In Need Is a Baby Indeed


Rachel is in her early thirties, but it doesn't feel that way to her, especially when compared to her younger sister. Eva, ten years younger than her, is already a published author with a lovely house, a good steady income, and her parent's love and admiration.

With the recession, Rachel's job is gone, and she has no way but to return home to her family. Except, her parents have no room for her, so it is her time to beg Eva to let her stay with her.

Chapter One

"You are out," said her boss, and the thirty-year-old woman left his office and emptied hers.

She wasn't bad-looking, a bit chubby and short, but still very attractive. Though, when compared to her younger sister, Rachel did feel less. It wasn't just that Eva was taller, with a rounder butt and perky boobs. Her sister was also the definition of success; everyone said so, unlike her. Rachel was divorced, jobless, and now with no money to pay her rent.

What was she going to do? Her rent was too much to pay with an unemployment check. She would have to think about what to do before that morning, but she knew it was either calling her parents or her perfect younger sister, and she wasn't going to give Eva the satisfaction.

That night, in her room, she cried herself to sleep.

It was a weird dream. It started with Rachel waking up. Her sister was sleeping next to her. Now, that would be weird enough for anyone, especially cause they were both naked. Or, at least Eva was. On the other hand, Rachel was wearing a bid diaper and nothing else. Worse, her diaper was full and about to leak, but it didn't bother her.

"You need a change, baby?" Asked Eva.

Rachel only nodded.

Eva stood up, carrying Rachel in her firm, muscular arms and taking her to what seemed to be an oversized changing table. The dream stopped right before Eva opened Rachel's diaper-

That's when Rachel noticed a cold and wet spot on her crotch. She had peed herself.

"Dam," she said, "First my job, and now this?"

She removed her sheets and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She kept telling herself that it was only the stress of losing a job and decided that it wasn't a big deal.

The following day, Rachel woke up, ate something light, and called her parents.

"Hello, dear," said her mother, "Is everything okay? Do you need any money?"

It hurt Rachel that one of the first things her parents asked her was whether or not she needed money, which she did, but they didn't know yet.

"Hi, mom," she said, "I'm okay. I don't really need money, but could it be possible for me to stay with you guys?"


"I had a problem at work, and well, I won't be able to get enough to pay the rent this month," she said, probably the next, she thought to herself.

"Oh, honey. What happened?"

"It's just the economy, and they were not making enough money. Many people were let go," she lied. As far as she knew, it was only her.

"So you need to come to stay with us?"

"Yes, please"

There was a long pause.

Rachel grew worried. Her parents couldn't say no, could they?

"I'm sorry, honey. Your dad and I have just sold the house. We are moving somewhere small and using the money to travel for a while."


"It had always been..."

Rachel was too angry. She just hung up.

On the other side, Rachel's mother wasn't surprised. It was just another of Rachel's tantrums, though she had hoped they would stop after she grew up. But that time never did come. She sighed, hoping her daughter would mature and grow eventually, the way Eva had. She was so proud of Eva and of everything she had accomplished.

Rachel was devastated. Her parents rejected her. What kind of parents would do that? She was about to cry in frustration. There was no one left to call. After her divorce, most of her friends stopped talking to her, and the remaining ones were not the kind of friends one could call whenever. She would have to call Eva, and as she dialed the numbers, she felt like losing even more respect for herself.

"Hello? Who is this?" Said a feminine but severe voice.

She had never called Eva before. They only saw each other during Christmas do Thanksgiving, and they would only exchange a couple of words before leaving their parents' house.

"Hello?" Eva kept asking, "Whoever this is, I'll hang up now."

"No," said Rachel.

"Who is this?"

"It's me."


"Rachel," she said, trying her best to be polite, though it was shard as she had no respect for Eva.

"Hello, sis. Everything okay?"

There was a short pause.

"If you are not going to talk, I'll just..."

"I need a favor," said Rachel, screaming internally.

"Go on"

"Can I stay with you for a couple of weeks? Until I get something steady, I swear you won't even..."

"Sure. I'll email you my address. See you soon," and Eva hung up.

Rachel thought it was very rude to do that, but she needed her sister's help, so she remained quiet about it. Knowing she would have to move away soon, she began packing, hoping her sister would let this go and not make a big deal out of it.

Chapter Two

Two days later, Rachel was parking outside her sister's house, which was an impressive view. Eva lived just outside L.A, and her house was more of a mansion than a house. It was huge; just by being there, Rachel could feel herself getting smaller. As if compared to her sister, she was just a joke and a failure.

She looked at herself in the mirror. The one thing she knew she had going on for herself was that even at thirty, she still retained some baby fat, or perhaps just fat. Still, it made her look younger than she was. Though, her body was that of a late thirty's woman.

Rachel sighed. She left her car and got closer to the gates of her sister's house.

"Who is it?" Asked Eva through the intercom.

"It's me, Rachel."

"Oh, sis. Come on in."

The gates opened, revealing an even more impressive home. The garden was gorgeous and completely private, thanks to the walls. There was a pool, an grill area, and a fire pit, all of which looked extremely expensive. Rachel got to the front door of her car and started unpacking. It was only a couple of suitcases, all of which had clothes and a few other things. She had a problem with shopping but didn't admit it to anyone.

The door to her sister's house opened to reveal a stunning woman, wearing a black cocktail dress, with a body anyone would kill to have. Her breasts were bigger than Rachel's, and she was the definition of fit.

Eva hugged her older sister, though anyone looking at them would confuse Rachel for the younger of them both. Rachel didn't like it when she hugged her, but she had to admit that her sister smelled so good.

"You poor thing, come in," said Eva, releasing Rachel from her arms.

There it was, the condescending tone Eva always used with her. Rachel hated it, but she couldn't protest much now, could she? So, she picked up her things and went inside the house; once again, she was impressed by what she saw. The house was modern and classy and resembled the house Rachel had dreamed about all her life. Massive, white walls, glass doors, and a chimney right in the living room. The ocean view was gorgeous, and Rachel thought that at least she would have a nice place to live for a while.

Eva guided her through the room, showing her where everything was, from the kitchen to the laundry. Though there was one door Eva didn't open, it made Rachel curious. Maybe it was her home office or something. After all, she was a writer.

Finally, Eva showed her the room where she would live; Rachel couldn't believe her eyes. It was not just the awfully childish pink but also the fact that it was filled with stuffed animals and cartoon characters everywhere. It looked like the room of a toddler rather than a woman.

She was going to say something when it hit her. Her mother told Rachel that Eva had been pregnant at one point, but she lost the baby, which broke her spirit for a while. So, not wanting to insult her host, she said nothing but thanks.

"You're welcome, dear," said Eva, smiling, "Now, why don't you get comfy, and I'll get us something to eat"

"I wouldn't say no to eating," said Rachel smiling.

Her sister left, and she was left alone in the weird childish room. She thought she could just remove the stuffed animals and cover the cartoons on the walls with some posters. This might actually be fun, living like a Queen the way she deserved it.

Chapter Three

Eva ordered pizza, and the two sisters ate together while watching a rom-com. The plot was a bit over the top. But, spending time with her sister made Rachel forget that she'd been sacked from her job.

"Well, look at the time," said Eva, "I think we should get ready to sleep."

"It's only ten."

"Yeah. But some of us have work to do in the mornings."

Her words, true as they were, hurt Rachel. Though she said nothing about it and only nodded in agreement with her sister as she commanded her to go to her room. It was already bad enough that she had to endure this humiliation, but allowing her younger sister to send her to her room. That was too much.

In her room, Rachel decided to let go of her anger with a hot bath. It did help because right after the bath, she just put on her pajamas and fell asleep immediately.

The dream was the same as it had been the night before. This time, though, Eva would hold her closer to offer her breasts, which Rachel took without second thoughts. She was enjoying her younger sister's milk as Eva rubbed her diaper. It was all too much, and it felt too good, and Rachel let out a soft moan and woke up.

Her heart was racing, and she could feel the warmth of her pee escaping her right into her clothes and the bed. Rachel tried to stop the flow, but it was too late. She had peed the bed for the second night in a row.

"Oh, no," she muttered to herself, "No, no. This cannot be happening."

Okay, I need to keep calm. Eva should still be sleeping. It's only 5 a.m. I just need to clean everything before she wakes up. Rachel had a plan; if she succeeded, her sister would never find out.

So, she stood up, removed her soaked clothes, and undressed the bed. Rachel just opened the door, thinking that it was okay. No one knew, but she was wrong. Outside her room, standing in the hall, was Eva. Tall, beautiful, successful, perfect, Eva. She looked at Rachel, and Rachel looked back at her. The judgment in her eyes said it all.


Eva shook her head.


"Leave them on the floor, and I guess your clothes too," she said, getting closer to her sister.

"Please," said Rachel, "Let me do this?"

Eva shook her head again.

"Where are your clothes, little one?"

Rachel did her best to avoid her sister's eye contact. But before she could, Eva had grabbed her chin, keeping her eye to eye. Rachel felt small, smaller than she had ever felt in her life. It wasn't the bedwetting or the losing of her job, nor was it that she had to live in her younger sister's house. No, for Rachel, what was worse was that Eva was judging her. With what right did she judge her? Rachel was the older sister, after all. She should be the one in charge.

"I will ask you again. Where are your wet clothes, little one?"

Rachel shook her head.

"What's that? You wanna say something?"

She nodded.

"Go ahead."

It came out in a burst of anger and passion.

"I'm your older sister, bitch. You owe me your respect, and you will..." but before she could finish, she felt the physical power of her younger sister.

Eva had reached up to her, grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her inside the room. Inside, they were met by Rachel's wet mattress and wet clothes on the floor. Rachel, on the other hand, tried to let go. She tried to break free. But, she was no match for her younger sister.

"How long has this been an issue?" Asked Eva.

But Rachel, still defiantly, said nothing.

"You wanna make this more difficult?"

Like a toddler, Rachel just turned around, pretending to ignore her younger sister.

"Okay," said Eva, grabbing her again and pushing her into the bed.

"Wait. No"

Eva had pushed Rachel's face against the wet spot in her bed like some people did with dogs. The smell of her own accident against her nose. The cold of her pee against her face. The lengths of Eva's power and her judgment. It was all too much.

Rachel began crying.

"Please," she said, "Let me go."

"Are you going to behave?"

Rachel didn't answer at first. She was crying desperately now, trying to keep her face away from her own pee.


"Well. Will you?"

Rachel, defeated, only nodded.

Chapter Four

Rachel sat in the shower, letting the hot water wash away her tears.

Her sister had commanded her to do it. She said that she would deal with Rachel's mess, and Rachel, not wanting to deal with it herself and not wanting to disobey anymore, did as told. Rachel also had to confess that she had peed her bed the very night prior, but she omitted her intense dream about her sister. It would've been too embarrassing.

The water kept going, and she sighed.

Rachel must have been in the shower for ten minutes or so when the bathroom door opened.

She looked up to see her sister, completely naked. Everyone knew Eva was into fitness, but for someone so young, she was built like a Greek goddess. Her breasts were massive but not saggy. Her stomach was flat; she could see every one of her abs. Her legs were strong and smooth and long.

"What the fuck..." said Rachel, as her sister opened the shower door, readying to get in.

"Excuse me?"

"What do you think you are doing?" Asked Rachel, standing up.

But Eva was already inside, and her sister's presence made her feel smaller. She stepped back to one corner, hoping her punishment was over and this was just another nightmare.

"It's okay," said Eva, sounding a lot more maternal, "I'm not going to hurt you."

Rachel didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Eva grabbed her older sister's hand and pulled her closer, slowly and carefully. When she was close enough, Eva embraced Rachel as the hot water warmed them both. Rachel, nervous and anxious, felt her sister's smooth skin and muscular arms against her. It felt...good.

"I'm sorry for reacting as I did," said Eva, embracing Rachel, "I know you cannot help it. Just wished you would've told me before. We can deal with it together. We are sisters, after all."

Eva's words made Rachel feel at ease, safer. So much that she began crying right there, naked and wet, in her younger sister's arms.

"It's okay. It's okay. I'm going to help you," said Eva, "You are not alone anymore. Will you let me help?"

Rachel nodded.

From that point onwards, Eva took charge of Rachel's shower. She washed her, rinsed her, and dried her, and the older sister just allowed it. She didn't want to admit it, not even to herself, but she felt so safe as her sister took charge. That was, however, until they went to the room.

At first, Rachel thought it was a joke. But she knew her sister was serious when she opened the diaper and placed it over the bed, commanding Rachel to sit on it.

Rachel shook her head.

"No, I'm not wearing that," she said, "I'm not a baby."

"These are not for babies," said Eva, reassuringly, "They are for older kids with problems to keep themselves dry."

"But, it's just when I sleep. I'm not going to sleep right now. And, it happened only two times."

"And, when you have your own house, you'll have your own furniture you can just ruin. But my house, my rules. And I don't want any more of your accidents around here."

"But, but..."

"Listen. If you keep yourself dry, I'll let you go back to big girl undies."

"I'm not a baby," said Rachel, throwing herself on the floor and refusing to move, "I'm not wearing those"

"Fair enough," said Eva, "Get your things ready. You're out."


"Yeah, I'm not having a little girl peeing over my furniture and then refusing to do the one thing that could protect them."

"I'm not a little girl. Stop calling me that"

"Oh, are you not? How do you call girls that how tantrums and wet the bed? I'm sure as hell they aren't called adults, are they?"

Rachel wanted to say something witty, something an adult would say, but nothing came to mind.

"I'm not a baby," said Rachel, standing up and sitting right where her younger sister had commode her to be.

"Of course, you are not. But I don't think you are an adult just yet. Are you?"

Rachel didn't answer.

Eva lifted her and placed her carefully right over the diaper, "Do adult women let themselves be put back in diapers by their younger sisters?"

Rachel shook her head.

"Then. Are you an adult woman?"

Something broke inside of Rachel at that moment, something profound and important. The part of her that knew she was the older sister and an adult felt like losing. Why fight it? After all, her younger sister was the successful one. She was the one her parents were proud of and had not divorced yet. She had her entire career and life ahead of her. Unlike Rachel, whose career died so long ago, she couldn't remember when.

"Are you an adult woman?"


"Then, are you a teenager?"

Rachel shook her head.

"Are you a little girl?"

Rachel nodded.


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