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James had always been insecure about his height. It didn't help that at nineteen, he was still in the last year of high school or looked more like a middle school boy than a man. Being held back one year didn't really help, and even if he was the oldest in his classroom, he was the one everyone bullied. His only consolation in life was his best friend Kyle, who was a year younger than him but in the same classroom.

Kyle was everything James wasn't. He was tall and handsome, with dark hair and dark eyes. Captain of the Football team, the swimming team, and basically just better at everything. His grades were also perfect. It just seemed to James that Kyle had everything figured out.

Chapter One

James' mother, Emma, was a good-looking woman, especially for someone in her forties. She worked for a pharmaceutical company, which meant she had to travel a lot when releasing a new drug on the market. She had two kids, James and Charles. Although James was the oldest, he tended to be a sort of momma's boy, which meant that Charles, at only fourteen, would boss him around when they were alone. To the point where Emma would find James crying after spending an entire day by themselves. Now, she needed to travel for over two months, and there was no way she could leave James in charge of the house.

She went to the living room, where she found James and Charles playing video games while Kyle, James' best friend, read a book. He seemed so much more mature than both her kids, even if he was younger than James.

"Hello, Miss Clement," said Kyle, his voice manlier than James and most men her age, "You look great."

"Thanks, Kyle," she said, blushing; that's when it hit her. Why not leave Kyle in charge? He already spent most of his time in their home, and he was responsible enough to keep everyone safe, "Could I talk to you for a minute? In private?"

Kyle nodded and stood up, a towering man. She couldn't believe he was only eighteen.

"Is there any problem?" Asked Kyle as they reached the kitchen.

"No, nothing. I mean, it is not really a serious problem".

"It's okay, you can tell me," he said reassuringly.

She didn't know why, but his words did make her feel more at peace with her decision. So, she explained what she wanted and offered Kyle money to take care of her kids while she went out to work.

"Babysit?" Asked Kyle.

"I know James is already a man, I mean…."

"He is special," said Kyle, "But I meant more about Charles. He can take care of himself."

"I know, but James, on the other hand."

"So, I'm taking care of James to prevent Charles from walking all over him."

"That's it," said Emma, "I know it is a big imposition, and you already have your plate full. I mean school, and all your sports, and homework..."

"I'll do it."

"Really? I'm so glad you said yes."

"As I said, James is special. And, I think he does need someone to look after him if you are gone for too long."

"If you are going to do this, there are a couple of things you need to know," she said, "Now, it only happens once a week or not even, but Jamie will sometimes wet the bed. He has these nightmares, and I think he just cannot tell that it's happening until he wakes up. I know it's a lot, but just reminding him to pee before going to sleep would be helpful."

Kyle nodded.

"And, he can come from school crying sometimes. It means someone has been mean to him, and I usually hug him until he feels better."

There was a short pause.

"It's okay. I'll deal with it," said Kyle.

"So you'll do it?" Asked Emma.

"I will"

The two of them went to the living room, where they found James and Charles fighting over the controllers. Though it wasn't much of a fight and more James begging Charles to let him go or he'll tell his mother; and Charles. Well, he was laughing as he pushed his older brother to the ground.

Emma knew that she couldn't take James with her, but she wanted to. Her son needed her protection, though Kyle would do a good job. He always did a good job in everything.

Chapter Two

"I'm in charge of the house?" Asked James, smiling and excited at the prospect of his mother going away for so long.

"Yeah," said Emma, lying to her son wasn't something she enjoyed, but she couldn't tell him that his best friend was in charge of babysitting him, "I also talked to Kyle. He will be staying here to keep you guys company."

"Sick," said James, his heart beating faster than usual. He would spend more time with Kyle than ever, which made him smile, though he wasn't sure why.

"I just want you to be nice to Charles, okay?"

"Okay, mom," said Jame.

"Now, give me a kiss and go do your homework. I don't want any surprises like last year."

James blushed. He was ashamed of failing his last year of school, but because of it, he met Kyle, who was the silver lining of his life. Though, everyone else beside him would tease James because of his size, lack of masculine features, and the fact that he tended to cry when bullied. A nineteen-year-old baby, that's what they called him, and part of him felt like it was true.

He left his mother's room and went to do his homework, though he soon grew frustrated at it. It was his second time going through the same homework and exams, and he was still not good at it. He began tearing, which was a mistake 'cause that's when his brother came into his room.

"Are you crying?"

"No," said James, though it was more than evident that he was.

"What is wrong with you? You are supposed to be my big brother, not the baby of the house."

Charles left the room, disgusted at his older brother.

James knew he was right. An older brother wouldn't be pissing the bed every other night, nor would he cry when things got hard. So, why was he still crying? Was he not the older brother?

Yes, he was. Decided to change the way people treated him, James stood up and washed his face. He was an older brother, and he was going to start acting like one. The only problem was he didn't know how to. Maybe now that his mom was going away, he could try and be more responsible, and he should start by not wetting the bed anymore.

Their mother left the following day, and luckily for James, he woke up dry. He was so excited and proud of himself, and his mother made him a special breakfast just before leaving. Yes, things were going to change. He was going to change, and nothing would stop him.

But, as soon as his mother closed the door, things didn't change.

"Okay, loser, I'll be in my room. Let Kyle in when he gets here," said Charles, as if he was talking with someone below him, and, even if James wanted to impose himself as the older bother, he didn't know how.

He was alone in the living room until a knock on the door broke the silence.

Jame opened the door to find Kyle, tall and handsome, holding a big suitcase and his school backpack. He was wearing a classy shirt, some pants that really let people see he was a full man, and his cologne was almost as strong as his body odor.

"Hello, little one," said Kyle, "Ready to have fun?"

Little one was the nickname Kyle had given him. He had protested at first but to no success. Now, that and baby were his name whenever Kyle was around. Though, he would avoid calling him that way at school.

"I'm ready," said James, allowing Kyle in and feeling better knowing that while Kyle was around, Charles wouldn't make fun of him too much.

Chapter Three

During their first day alone, not much happened. Kyle got them pizza, saying their mother forgot to leave money, and she contacted him to take care of that. Though, she did leave the money to Kyle. But James couldn't know that, not yet.

Kyle had a plan, and he knew it wouldn't take long. After all, James was ready and practically begging for it.

"Let's play video games all night," said Charles.

"Yeah, we should," said James.

"You guys can play a little. But your mother said you should be in bed by nine, " Kyle said.

"But, Mom is not even here," James complained.

"The baby's right," said Charles, "We can do whatever we want."

"Oh, do you?" Said Kyle standing and towering over the two brothers.

None said anything else about it.

They ate, watched a movie, and at eight-thirty, Kyle stopped everything to let them know it was time to get ready. But, once Charles was gone, he stopped James from leaving.

"Hey, little one," Kyle said with a comforting voice, "Your mom told me about your nighttime issues."

James blushed fifty shades of red.

"What are you talking about?" He tried to pretend he knew nothing about it.

"I'm talking about your bed wetting issues. It's okay. I won't tell anyone. But I don't want to clean any messes, so why don't you start wearing some protection?"


"Yeah, you know diapers," said Kyle.

James blushed again.

"No, I'm not a... I'm not a baby."

"I know that. You know that. It will just be to help you keep your bed dry. And, I bet waking up with a wet bed mustn't feel too good."

It didn't, and James hated the cold feeling of the soaked sheets against his skin. But, diapers were too much. He had decided to act more like a grown-up, and now it felt like that goal was getting further. What would Charles say if he found out? He would tease forever.

"We won't tell anyone, not even Charles," said Kyle, reassuringly, "What do you say?"

A part of him wanted to say no, but Kyle just seemed so determined. That made James actually want to do it for him. It was his best friend, and he didn't want anything to jeopardize that friendship.

James nodded.

Kyle stood up and guided James to his room as if he were a little kid needing someone to help him get ready for bed. James wanted to say something, complain that he was the one in charge. But he didn't. Kyle opened the door to James' room, he's been there many times before, but this time was different.

He placed James on the bed and grabbed his backpack.

"You bought diapers already?" Asked James, looking at Kyle holding a package of adult diapers.

Kyle nodded, "When your mom told me about it, I decided to take matters into my own hands."

Kyle began undressing James. But, this time, he did complain.

"If I'm going to..wear diapers, I'll put them myself."

"Have you ever put on a diaper?"

James shook his head.

"But, I'm in charge. I'm the oldest in here. You shouldn't... I'm not a baby," said James, tears streaming down his cheeks, "Please. I don't want you to stop being my friend."

Kyle undid James' pants and removed his underwear, which had stains of pee all over. James had little to almost no pubic hair, and that made Kyle smile. It was just as he had imagined it so many times before. Though, Kyle had to admit that even if he had not seen many, James' parts were tiny. He grabbed some baby wipes and began cleaning thoroughly. Then, he applied baby powder all over James' parts, paying extra attention to his balls and butthole, which made James blush even more.

"It's okay," said Kyle, "I'll take care of you."

Then, he placed the diaper on him, locking him for the night. Kyle lifted James from the bed as if James weighed nothing and held him in his arms. James felt so many things at once that his brain zoned off. He fell asleep almost immediately, feeling safer and more comfortable than he had ever felt before.

Chapter Four

James woke up the following day feeling a bit dizzy.

He looked around to find himself in his bed, alone. Then, he felt the cold fluffy diaper against his skin, and the events from the previous night came flooding back like a mighty wave.

He stood up almost immediately and left his room. Not noticing that he was naked but for the soggy diaper that was almost twice as big as it had been the night before. He was breathing hard, his min blurry. He wanted Kyle. He needed to confront him. He needed to tell him that he was not a baby. He was the oldest one and deserved to be treated that way. But, when he reached the visitor's room, he found it empty.

Where is he? He kept asking himself.

Then, he heard steps getting louder and closer to him.

James turned to see Kyle, wearing a suit and tie, looking even more mature than ever.

"There you are, baby," said Kyle, smiling, "I went to see you, and you were gone, and I can see that you need a change."

"Change?" Asked James, confused.

He looked down at the soggy diaper and realized he was outside his room and that Charles could walk in any minute now. He felt small, smaller than ever, and he fell to his knees tearfully.

"It's okay," said Kyle, "I'll take care of it."

"But... I'm not a baby."

"Why are you wearing a diaper then?"

"You made me do it," said James, like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"Did I?"

James nodded, now crying and trying to avoid Kyle from picking him up in his arms.

"Did I make you wet it?"

James didn't answer. So, Kyle waited. But his patience could only last for so long.

"Are you going to answer me?" he asked with a more severe tone now.

James shook his head.

"Come on, baby. I'll change you, and you will feel better," said Kyle, overpowering James and picking him in his arms, "I think little Jamie needs a change. He is a bit stinky."

James just buried his face against Kyle's broad chest, sobbing and hoping Charles wouldn't see him. Because he kept his eyes closed, James was unaware that his younger brother was in the hall. Charles was shocked at the scene, looking at his older brother in nothing but a wet diaper and being carried like a baby by a younger man.

"It's okay," said Kyle, "I told you before, didn't I? I'll take care of you. There's no need to pretend you are a big boy. We both know you are not."

"I am," said James, in between sobs, "I'm the older. I'm the older brother, and I should...I should be in College already, and, and"

"But you aren't," said Kyle, with a severe tone as he opened James' room door, "You are here, in my arms, completely soaked and in need of a change. What should we do about that?"

James didn't answer.

Kyle stood in front of a mirror and commanded James to look at it.

"What do you see?" He asked.

"Us," said James, looking at Kyle's tall and handsome figure carrying him with no effort. He saw himself in nothing but a diaper, a wet one to make matters worst.

"Is that everything you see?"

James shook his head, tearing up again.

"What else do you see?"

"I see you. You are wearing a suit. You look, you look..."

"Like a mature man? Like a daddy, some may say, right?"

James nodded.

"And what about the little boy I'm holding? What can you tell me about him?"

James didn't want to answer, but his boy did. He felt it small at first, a little pain in his tummy. But, in seconds, it grew more painful, to the point that he thought it needed to be out or he would explode. And so he did. James pushed. It was a small push at first. Then, he pushed harder, filling his diapers with a solid log of poo pressed against his butthole, making him feel uncomfortable.

Kyle only smiled as he felt James' diaper grow bigger against his arms.

James was not finished. He pushed again. This time a soft, mushy poo came out, filling the rest of the diaper and finding its way against his hairless crotch. Then, more pee came out. When he was finally over, he looked at the reflection in the mirror and saw nothing but a daddy and his baby. A big baby, one that could be an adult already, but adults don't pee and poo in diapers, do they? No, the other man in the mirror, the one in a diaper, must be a baby.

"Should daddy change you now?" Asked Kyle.

James only nodded.

"Atta boy. Who's daddy's good boy? Is it little Jamie?"

James nodded again, this time smiling and drooling.

His brain couldn't fight it anymore. He wasn't the older brother or, the older friend. Kyle was the one in charge. As for James, he was just a small baby, and babies did as their daddies say, which made them good boys, and he was a good boy.

Kyle placed him gently over the bed and removed the diaper, exposing Jamie's stinky bums and messy special parts. James didn't complain this time. He just allowed his daddy to do what daddies do. Kyle quickly and masterfully cleaned him, and only when James was clean did he flip him over to expose his perfect bubble bum and give it a kiss, making James chuckle. Then, he flipped James over again, placed a new diaper under him, and closed the tapes.

"Such a good a boy," he said.

"Thanks, daddy," said James.

Kyle carried him again, holding his baby boy close to him. It finally happened, what he had wanted for a long time. It didn't take long, and now he had his very own baby boy to take care of.



Great story! Loved everything about it!