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Rachel is in her early thirties, but it doesn’t feel that way to her, especially when compared to her younger sister. Eva, ten years younger than her, is already a published author with a nice house, good steady income, and her parent’s love and admiration. 

Now, with the recession, Rachel’s job is gone, and she has no way but to go back home to her family. Except, her parents have no room for her, so it is her time to beg Eva to let her stay with her. 

Chapter One

“You are out,” said her boss, and the thirty year old woman left his office and emptied hers. 

She wasn’t bad looking, a bit on the chubby and shorter side, but still very attractive. Though, when compared to her younger sister, Rachel did feel less. It wasn’t just the fact that Eva was taller, with a rounder butt, and perky boobs. Her sister was also the definition of success, and everyone said so, unlike with her. Rachel, divorced, jobless, and now, no money to pay her rent. 

What was she going to do? Her rent was too much to pay with an unemployment check. She would have to think about what to do before that morning, but she knew it was either calling her parents or her perfect younger sister; and she wasn’t going to give Eva the satisfaction. 

That night, in her room, she cried herself to sleep. 

It was a weird dream. it started with Rachel waking up, her sister was sleeping next to her. Now, that would be weird enough for anyone, especially cause they were both naked. Or, at least Eva was. Rachel, on the other hand, was wearing a bid diaper and nothing else. What’s worse, her diaper was full and about to leak, but it didn’t seem to bother her. 

“You need a change baby?” Asked Eva.

Rachel only nodded. 

Eva stood up, carrying Rachel in her strong, muscular arms and taking her to what seemed to be a big changing table. The dream stopped right before Eva opened Rachel’s diaper-

That’s when Rachel noticed a cold and wet spot on her crotch. She had peed herself. 

“Dam,” she said, “First my job, and now this?” 

She removed her sheets, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. It is only the stress of losing a job, she kept telling herself, and decided that it wasn’t really a big deal. 

The next morning, Rachel woke up, ate something light, and called her parents. 

“Hello, dear,” said her mother, “Is everything okay? Do you need any money?” 

It hurt Rachel that one of the first things her parents asked her was whether or not she needed money, which she did, but they didn’t know that yet. 

“Hi, mom,” she said, “I’m okay. I don’t really need money, but could it be possible for me to stay with you guys?” 


“I had a problem at work, and well, I won’t be able to get enough to pay the rent this month,” she said, and probably the next, she thought to herself.

“Oh, honey. What happened?” 

“It’s just the economy, and they were not making enough money. A lot of people were let go,” she lied, as far as she knew, it was only her. 

“So you need to come stay with us?” 

“Yes, please” 

There was a long pause. 

Rachel grew worried, her parents couldn’t say no, could they? 

“I’m sorry honey. Your dad and I has just sold the house. We are moving somewhere smaller and we’ll use the money to travel for a while. But, I bet Eva has room to spare” 


“It had always been...”

Rachel was too angry, she just hanged up. 

On the other side, Rachel’s mother wasn’t surprise. It was just another of Rachel’s tantrums, though she had hoped they would stop after she grew up. But that time never did come. She sighed, hoping her daughter would mature and grow eventually, the way Eva had. She was so proud of Eva, and everything she had accomplished. 

Rachel was devastated. Her parents rejected her, what kind of parents would do that? She was about to cry in frustration. There was no one left to call. After her divorced, most of her friend just stopped talking to her, and the remaining ones were not the kind of friend one could call whenever. She would have to call Eva, and as she dialed the numbers, she felt like losing even more respect for herself. 

“Hello? Who is this?” Said a feminine but severe voice. 

She had never called Eva before. They only saw each other during Christmas do Thanksgiving, and they would only exchange a couple of words before leaving their parents’ house. 

“Hello?” Eva kept asking, “Whoever this is, I’ll hang up now”

“No” said Rachel. 

“Who is this?”

“It’s me”


“Rachel,” she said, trying her best to be polite, though it was shard as she had no respect for Eva. 

“Hello sis. Everything okay?”

There was a short pause. 

“If you are not going to talk, I’ll just...”

“I need a favor,” said Rachel, screaming internally. 

“Go on”

“Can I stay with you for a couple of weeks. Just until I get something steady, I swear you won’t even...”

“Sure. I’ll email you my address. See you soon” and Eva hanged up. 

Rachel thought it was very rude to do that, but she needed her sister’s help, so she remained quiet about it. Knowing she would have to move away soon, she began packing, hoping that her sister would let this go and not make a big deal out of it. 



Great start I can’t wait for more!!!!!! : )