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There's something really satisfying about seeing Eeyok's route progress. The screenshots always look really pretty.

I hope people aren't too put off by Eeyok's personality at the moment. He's standoffish and curt for a reason. Once MC wins him over, he'll be our lovable Eeyok again.

After last month's post, I've decided that Eeyok will now have one new chapter a month. More if I have the spare time, but one is the minimum. Tailor Tales is already completed with the 6 original love interests, and Eeyok and Zex are simply extra content.

Voice actors for both Zex and Glenn have been found as well! You will meet Glenn pretty soon in Eeyok's route, probably around chapter 5. Sadly there will be no voiced names for Zex, the VA's rates were rather high and I wouldn't be able to afford 300 voiced names (that's 1500 files by the way). So he gets the default soundbites only.

Now... as for what else I've been working on. I will now also spend development on my next (otome) game...

Moonstone Remix!

I've had a couple of comments about the eventual dungeon crawling part of the game, and after a lot of thinking, I decided it's best not to add that part to the game. Instead, it will be a GUI afk kind of battling. Basically, you select party members, select a dungeon, and you get a certain percentage of passing that dungeon.

I'll let the mock-up speak for itself:

note: mock-ups are not final, and are simply images that are subject to change. I'm also using placeholder art from other artists such as the icons and background.

You will meet new people in an online game called Moonstone Remix. Befriend them, and you can add them to your party to clear dungeons. Play enough with them, and they will invite you to Chaos Chat (yep, the one from Aiden's route!), where you can talk more.

There will be story-specific chats, and optional chats to simply get more intimate with the love interests.

If they like you enough, you can meet up offline, and it will be displayed as a regular visual novel, and you can see their sprites and expressions.

There will be a varied amount of love interests - including women this time around. I'm looking to see what my limit can be, but I believe I can simply add as many as I want. However, there will be a core cast of characters that will advance the plot. Anything that is included after the core cast, won't be involved in the main plot, but you can still chat with them and meet them offline for cute moments.

This is all just in planning stages - nothing is coded or written. But I always start with mock-ups and character art, so it's getting there! This will still be an otome game; the goal is to have fun with characters you meet in an online game and get to know them through chatting and playing together and get an immersive experience.

People really enjoyed the chat portion in Aiden's route, so I wanted to expand on that concept. And yes, I've listened to complaints; there will be a way to speed up the chat!

Here is the rudimentary plot (subject to change):

Tired from work, you sit down behind your computer to relax. You read the news, and there's an article about a rich CEO from en AI company sponsoring the reboot of an old MMORPG called Moonstone that the CEO used to play. Now it's back and people are excited due to nostalgia reasons. Interested in the game, you download it.

A friendly player who has played this game before offers to help out a newbie like you. He teaches you how to play the game, and you finish your first dungeon together. However, as you go to collect your loot, another player swoops in to grab your reward. He even calls you names before he disappears.

Who is this player? No one really knows, he never befriends anyone and always solos dungeons or steals other players' loot. Thankfully, there are more friendly people playing the game than those that want to ruin your fun.


Brittni Selman

Ahhhh!!! I'm so excited for more of Eeyok's route! I loved him in James' route and I really wish I could have romanced him instead sometimes. LOL Also!! I'm very very excited for your new game!!!! I can't wait for that either!!


I just finished Eeyok's first chapter and my god, I NEED another one right now XD It's so good! I literally screamed when Eeyok appeared for the first time XD How I missed him! The story has already drawn me in, I want to know more! And that dramatic ending... I feel like it's going to be as wonderful a route as James's <3