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I finished Aiden's route! All 28 chapters, including all 10 CGs and ending credit CG. Whew, it was a lot of work getting that all wrapped up whilst also trying to work on Gray's route.

Because Gray's route is releasing for free on Steam for non-Patreon users.

Technically I should have been working on Eeyok's first chapter this month, but with Aiden's route ending and Gray's route releasing, I simply don't have the time. So this month is spend on wrapping up all 6 love interests of Tailor Tales!

Yep, that means all 6 originally planned characters are finished!

Next month it'll be Eeyok's time to shine.



Will James' DLC also be released at that time?


Hi Celianna! Will you be releasing Aiden’s script, like you did with Caine? I won’t have access to my laptop for the next few months, but I desperately want to read the last few chapters of Aiden’s route!


I'll eventually release Gray's and Aiden's script, but no ETA yet since those always take lower priority over actually coding, writing and drawing for the new chapters.


I only see Aiden's released chapters up till 26. I know you had said your gonna release them 1 at a time, when will we see chapter 27? Super excited I really love your work!


Someone please tell me how to continue on Aiden past chapter 10 😩


did you pay for normal or plus here on patreon? if you paid for plus, then you will get the next chapters on itch with the password. if not, then you have to wait/pay for the plus membership :) edit: if you need anymore help, just ask!


When will gray and aidens plus be available on steam?!?!?!?!?! I just did the first 9 for Aiden on steam and I'm already obsessed 🙃!!!!!!! Like I'm craving it.....I need my little prince!!!