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I'm currently working on Aiden's endings (chapters 26 & 27). Usually I do both versions at the same time, so passionate and innocent. This time I switched it up and did one ending first (passionate), before moving onto the next one.

It keeps things a bit more cohesive for me, so I don't have to think about what happened in one ending, and what happened in the other.

You, as a player, won't notice this when it's time to read those chapters, they will still be released at the same time :)

Everything is still going according to schedule!

Current schedule on Aiden's route:
February: chapters 23 & 24
March: chapter 25
April: chapter 26 (both versions)
June: chapter 27 (both versions)
July: chapter 28 (epilogue)

Which means August is most likely going to be Eeyok's first chapter! I'm prepping a lot already, including giving everyone appropriate period-styled clothing, and teaching myself 3D so I can make suitable backgrounds. Much like James' story, all the backgrounds are going to be new here, so it's a lot of artwork to be done.

I'm also thinking about the 8th love interest (Tailor Tales can have many more characters!). Since Eeyok won the poll last time, I'm debating whether I want to turn a side character into a love interest, or create an entire new character this time around. I'm leaning towards new character, particularly a character who is a bit aloof, strict, and thinks MC is a pain in the butt to deal with. But I'm curious to hear your own thoughts!



Maybe a bit out there but I would do anything for a Sarah route 🥲 I love her sm


I could go for a whole new love interest but I also want a Nornus route. Real bad. idk how old he was in James's route but I wanna see a Dimitri situation again (younger male/ older woman) with him being around 20ish.


I would love a female love interest, not necessarily a new or existing character, that is up to you ^^


I voted for a new one buuut I did really like that red haired doctor from James route or Ivan🤷‍♀️


I am super excited to see what you have in mind for this aloof and strict character personally. I have too many scenarios in my mind, like a maybe a hot young professor or a fellow competitor in the fashion field. Hell, maybe even making costumes for an actor with the personality you described and she makes all the costumes. I'm saying I like whatever you work on, because I can tell you put a lot of love and work into it!


I really like lexi and jed


I wouldn't mind a female love interest this time around. c:


missing the prince from james story


wouldn't mind a new character, but also, would LOVE to be able to date Lexi <3

Angelina H.

is there a chance to get a female love interest, too? ... yeah, didn't expect it. Guess I'll have to write my own fanfic for the MCs best friend Sarah and her to get together. :,D