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Progress on Gray's route is going smoothly! Chapters 6 and 7 were coded into the game, with 8 being under its way.

Chapter 18, which is Gray's first sex scene, was also written and completed! Progress on the script is a little slower than I would have liked, we may catch up to the script too fast.

Hiatus ended!
Currently getting back to work on Aiden's route. I wrote chapters 2 through 5 and am currently coding in his 2nd chapter. The 2nd chapter will display the chat simulation for the first time, so hopefully that all goes well.

Aiden's first selfie!

Because Aiden's route starts off mostly on the chat in the very beginning, there isn't really an opportunity to show any CGs (because they're not in person). Hence why there will be a selfie here and there in the mean time. MC will also send selfies to Aiden... and they will look like your MC as well! My programmer made sure we could combine a picture using the colours you picked out, so I no longer have to pretend MC sent a selfie or not (like I did with the phone messages).

I am a little worried about Aiden's route perception. I saw some criticism about a game called Boyfriend Dungeon where people complained about a character in the game that is a stalker, despite there being warnings for it. Aiden's route will have its very own stalker, with MC being the victim. She will receive verbal abuse and slurs from him. MC being a woman and venturing into a male-dominated game is part of her journey, which brings to light the casual and sexist abuse women receive while playing online games. 

I have warnings set up but I feel like perhaps that's not enough? I'm unsure.



For what it's worth on Aiden's route, I think you should tell the story that you want to tell, how you want to tell it. All your wonderful works have provided plenty of carefully crafted and considerate warnings before; how consumers react after being warned is down to their own choice. I appreciate that your tale actually addresses a real issue and doesn't simply pander to it.


I agree. There will always be people who would complain, when it was their choice to continue reading it despite the warnings. Read at your discretion per se.


I agree as well! No one is forcing them to read if they dislike the content, so don't compromise too much on your vision. I think this project has progressed on long enough that more mature themes like this can be expected. A lot of us aged with it after all :)


Some comments I've been seeing about Boyfriend Dungeon are upset not at the presence of stalking, but because the stalker gets off without any sort of punishment, and even gains sympathy from characters in a way that has been triggering for some survivors. Your warnings have all been really wonderful in TT (though I haven't been a survivor of any the ones you mention and cannot really judge) and you've handled delicate topics with a lot of care. I imagine this would be handled with just as much care <3. I'm excited to read Aiden's route and support you in whatever you decide. Thank you for putting so much consideration into triggers and warnings.


I agree for sure. Having clear trigger warnings at the start of the route is a good practice in general. If people acknowledge them and continue with the route, then it's on the reader. Tell the story you want to tell and if the contents are too upsetting for someone, then there's a whole game full of other lovely options 💜


I agree wholeheartedly! Especially since there’s the option to have even more specific warnings from the start by clicking three times.

Sock-Time (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-22 06:25:49 As long as there are warnings for more delicate topics that could trigger survivors or people in general, I see absolutely no issue with you continuing forward with your story as planned! As others have said before, the warnings you have already been providing have been amazing! I am constantly blown away with about the care put into the game <3
2021-08-18 01:07:30 As long as there are warnings for more delicate topics that could trigger survivors or people in general, I see absolutely no issue with you continuing forward with your story as planned! As others have said before, the warnings you have already been providing have been amazing! I am constantly blown away with about the care put into the game <3

As long as there are warnings for more delicate topics that could trigger survivors or people in general, I see absolutely no issue with you continuing forward with your story as planned! As others have said before, the warnings you have already been providing have been amazing! I am constantly blown away with about the care put into the game <3


I feel that a lot of criticism stems from, well, the ambiguous content warning. I feel that if you're clear about the fact that it's the MC that gets stalked, I feel that it will likely be received better. I know some people were caught off-guard because they thought the stalking was just mentioned/referenced, or it was directed at someone else. I know that a clear, unambiguous warning will enable people to decide whether Aiden's route is for them or not.