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Originally, Eeyok was a small side character that was supposed to die in James' chapter 5 (instead, we've got Geroed floating out into space). Due to his popularity, I decided to expand his role and give him parts of what Billius was supposed to have. Yep, Billius was originally supposed to go back to Earth! Instead, Eeyok took over that role.

When Eeyok talked, he spoke in broken sentences. Even with the translator, you could tell Eeyok had trouble forming grammatically correct sentences, he had a learning disability of some sorts.

Later on, it's revealed that it was an act so that people would think he's harmless and not give him a second glance as he gathered all the necessary intel for the rebels.

In his own route, Eeyok has no learning disabilities. However, I realize that a lot of people were charmed by Eeyok due to the way he spoke. It is possible to make Eeyok speak in broken sentences in his own route. Eeyok is actually a foreigner in the country MC lives in, so it would make sense if he didn't have a full grasp of their language.

So I'm asking you what you prefer; would you like Eeyok to have a full grasp of the English language, or do you want him speaking in broken sentences like he used to in James' route?



I think either option will be fine as he is adorable and charming.


It makes sense for him to speak in broken sentences if he's a foreigner and not fluent in the language, but I'm fine with either option as long as it fits his character.


I think in James' world it makes sense for him to have his own story/personality (including speech). But in his own route, it looks like an entirely different story from that of James' world, vs one that branches off the same world. Therefore, altho either option would be fine. I would prob prefer him to speak more fluently, that way he'd seem like the different person he's going to be in this world, rather than be reminded of his cute, adorable self he was in James' world🙈. That way his story feels like a whole new perspective in and of itself! I'd love him either way tho😍🙌!


I don't really have any strong opinion ob the subject, but I voted yes since I think it would be cute if he kinda forgets his english when he's flustered x3


Maybe have him start with broken languague and the longer time he spends with the mc he starts to get better at it? 🤔 Ofc I don't know how much work that could be so in the end I'm fine with whatever you choose!

Kelli Creamer

I'd like it if he spoke mostly fluently but maybe forgets or uses incorrect words sometimes?


Reading the summary you have for his route I do agree either would work, but I felt that he was more true to his actual self when he spoke more intelligently.


No matter how he speaks, Eeyok is freaking adorable!! That said, if he’s a foreigner, then it would make sense if his English wasn’t really perfect; having the occasional weird word mix up and/or grammar oopses


That's a very good perspective! Having Eeyok seem more similar like in James' route takes away from his own agency in a sense.


Eeyok is so cute regardless. But I agree with comments above about him speaking English fluently but occasionally forgetting some words. That would be fun 😆


hi! ;] I wanted to remind every1 that Eeyok was speaking in the simple/broken sentences cause of his cover as an agent of resistance on his home-planet. On the contrary he is quite intelligent (as compared to some of his fellow army comrades), he is also diligent and quite devoted character (in my opinion) - and that it is why so many of us likes him;] It would be great to take this into consideration during his rout and it would be quite interesting/good to have him play the role of the 'fool' sometimes as a cover for getting by - it's easier that way and you can gather a lot of information if the others think you are a simpleton ;PPPPP (it also let's you avoid troublesome things or people;PP)


As one who actually has a learning disability, I liked the representation Eeyok's character gave us. For people with learning disabilities, concepts can be hard to grasp, but once we do, we're no less intelligent than the average person. It just means we struggle a bit more, that's all. It was hard for me to learn to read when I was a kid, but now I'm a published author. I kind of like the idea that Eeyok has difficulty with the language at the beginning and, throughout the story, develops mastery over English and the written word (just like me :) ).


I voted for fluent in English, but I think it would be hilarious if he messes up some words or forgets them - like the Tumblr post where a guy forgets the word for "lid" and asks where the pot's "hat" is instead 😂 situations where he uses the wrong word or replaces a word he forgets with something that makes sense but is still silly would be hilarious I think lol. Like a compromise between the two - that way he's not talking in (very cute) broken English, but not completely fluent and suave either. He can be super charming for 90% of a sentence, and then flub up a word and get all embarrassed lol. Either way, I know he'll be charming and adorable!


I agree with previous comments that offer a bit of both. Having him be not 100% fluent, especially if it's not his first language in the story, is good. No matter what, though, the option should be there to have him slip up either with broken English or to interject bits of his native language when flustered/angry/overwhelmed/passionate or some other moment of extreme emotion.


I imagine English language courses weren't so widely available to foreigners as they are now. Even if he's fluent by that time period's standards, it's still likely he may word himself a bit awkwardly every now and then. I haven't seen him in the game yet, but if he claimed to have a learning disability, he could have done so to cover up that he was a few years into learning English or his family came from a lower-class background. He may not have the same access to teachers and study material as middle and upper-class people do. Maybe he was only taught the basics as a kid but later picked back up on the language later in life, making him more or less self-taught. It could make it easier for him to get promoted if he was thought to be from a wealthy family that could afford to send him to work abroad.