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Gray's chapters 4 & 5 were coded into the game. More Gray content for next month! Currently the pace is about 1 chapter a month for the script, so we might eventually out-pace the script if I keep putting up 2 chapters a month, but we'll see!

Aiden is still on hiatus as I focus on prepping James' release to the public. Not that I haven't worked on his route. When I say hiatus, it mostly means I'm not writing his script nor coding any chapters for him. I have finished quite a lot of art needed for him, such as all the artwork for Legendary Arena.

It took me and my programmer two hours to get nametags to work above the chibis haha. They will show your custom username as well. This way you're not lost as to who is who in-game.

In future preparation for Eeyok's route, some new jacket styles were added to the game, specifically the "robe" jacket, which serves as a great way of creating 18th century style dresses. I've been researching a lot when it comes to the 18th century, bought some nice books for fashion styles as well as how seamstresses lived in that era. Very interesting history (did you know that it was one loud guy in 1740 shouting that it is a woman's only purpose to attract a mate, and therefor, fashion is a woman's thing and men shouldn't make clothes - which resulted in what we see today, where women are raised since birth to like fashion?). Even though the era is completely different, making clothes is still going to be part of the route!

Currently going to focus on releasing James (to the public) and being on 24/7 support duty until the end of the month. Whenever there's a release, there's a wall of bugs and errors that goes along with it.


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