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So I took it easy last month, spent a lot of time at the vet emergency and whatnot. Which means not a whole lot of things were done, but Gray's chapter 3 is fully coded at this point!

Currently working on chapter 4 and 5 (while Aiden is on hiatus, I will try to deliver more Gray content).

I did however, still work on Aiden's route, just not his script. The background for the game that everyone plays in his route is finished, along with the chibis. Some parts of the story take place in the game, so you will get to see cute chibi representations of the characters. No fancy animations though.

A whole lot of work was done on the chat simulation, which tries to mimic a real chat such as Discord. The MC will interact with her friends through this chat, as well as Aiden himself.

Some cool features in the chat:
- Real time typing for immersion
- You can still have a fierce/kind choice
- MC's thoughts are shown in a thought bubble above her own avatar
- You can select your own avatar
- You can pick your own username (different from your first and last name as the MC)
- Ability to show pictures and emojis
- Ability for MC to send a 'selfie' which reflects your chosen colours
- Characters will appear as online/busy/away/invisible when the story calls for it
- Light/night mode
- Previous conversations between MC and her friends that you can scroll up to read. Not necessary to follow the story, but helps establish the fact that MC has been friends with these characters for a while

I'm really hoping that MC's online life will allow the player to immerse themselves more and get attached to Aiden like the MC does.



As a big gamer, I love these additions/details! Thank you for putting in so much work Celi, I'm super excited for Aiden's route so I can admire all the gamer-y/discord-y details for all the immersion! Gray's route is gonna be great too, I'm a sucker for rival romances hehe 💜


I love those details it really helps with the gamer feel! I can't wait to see this route!