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Gray's 2nd chapter was coded into the game, as well as Aiden's 1st chapter. Gray's 1st CG comes up in his 2nd chapter, so I had to draw that, too!

The VA for Ivan (a character in Gray's route) didn't quite deliver and I had to decide to remove him from the role. For now, Ivan is going to share Varitus' soundbites.

Lexi is looking good in Aiden's 1st chapter. She will be MC's best friend, replacing Sarah's role because Lexi fit more with the whole gamer persona.

I am also sad to say that mentally I'm doing horrible. Not to go into too much detail, but my 15 year old cat who has been my support and rock for half my life will need to be put down soon and I have no energy to deal with game dev at the moment.

So I'll be taking a break from creating any new content at the moment. Aiden's route will be put on halt until I can actually manage to sit down and write again. Gray's route will continue development because chapters 1-16 have already been written for him. I don't need to sit down and think to work on Gray.

So next month we'll be getting Gray's 2nd chapter and Aiden's 1st chapter, but after that, it will just be Gray at the moment. Sorry for the delay.

Cat tax:



Thank you for this update! So sorry to hear about kitty. Please take as much time as you need 💖

Bianca Hernandez

Thank you for the update. I'm so sorry to hear about that. Having to make the decision is always tough. Take all the time you need.


So sorry to hear about your kitty. I know that feel and it’s awful. Take as much time as you need, sweetheart. ❤️


Take your time, your mental health is more important and I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty, spend what time you can getting snuggles and love 💜


Thank you for letting us know. I’m so sorry about your cat. Give your kitty a lot of love and remember the good moments. Hope you get better soon


That is so difficult, I'm truly sorry about your feline friend. I'm sure you've given them the best life they could have. Take care of yourself 💗


Aw, Celi, I'm sorry😔 Losing a family member is terrible, and I hope you enjoy every minute you have left together ❤️


I'm so sorry to hear about your cat :( I hope you feel better and take as much of a break as you need, of course!


Losing family is never easy, but please remember to take care of yourself as best you can during this time. Take whatever time, or breaks that you need. I'm sorry about your family, best wishes to you during this time.


Take all the time that you need, you deserve to put yourself first. I know that your kitty had a wonderful 15 years, all thanks to you and your love.


I’m sorry to hear about your cat! Put yourself first and take all the time you need. You’re wonderful.


Take as much time as you need. 💗💜


Take your time and take care of yourself. That can't be easy. Thank you for the transparency. 💙


We're here for you! Take as much time as you need and remember to take care of yourself during a sad time, too. 💜


Take all the time you need, we’ll wait as long as it takes ❤️


take all the time you need, your health is more important


It's always sad losing a loved one, take all the time you need and I hope you take care of yourself!


I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. It's always painful when a loved one passes away, and pets are precious family members. So please take all the time you need.


I’m so grateful for everything you’ve given us already, take all the time you need, and know that we’re all here for you 🖤


We are all in support for much needed breaks and time away to just deal with life. We will all wait patiently for your return and I wish you better days ahead. We support you 💗


hang in there Celi!


I'm so sorry, hon. As someone who also owns an elderly cat I completely understand the feeling. Take whatever time you need and focus on yourself and your fur baby. We can wait.


Hang in there and take as much time as u need❤️❤️


Take your time with your cat! My precious cat, Rascal, passed away about 2 years ago and tbh I'm still not over it (I had him from aged 10-25). Take your time, focus on your precious kitty, and we will be here when you are ready/able to come back. Wishing you and your kitty the best during this difficult time! <3


Please take care of yourself, take your time... we love you❤️


Hang in there! I can totally understand you, my precious "puppy" left me here some months ago, after 16 years... :( I am whishing you the best in this difficult time! <3


Take care of yourself. Animals are so important to our lives.. Sending much love.