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The second round just ended and here are the current standings:

Nornus advances to the finale with 219 votes and 64%.
Eeyok advances to the finale with 198 votes and 58%.


Final results will not be visible this time just to keep up the suspension. When over 300 votes are tallied, the voting will end. If the results are within 3% of each other, I will personally pick a winner myself.

Please vote for the finale here.



My god this is so hard to choose T-T


May the best sub win (⌒▽⌒)


I am happy that it's either Eeyok or Normus since Eeyok is my number 1 and Normus my number 2! ♡ But still plz let it be Eeyok!!!! I just love him that much x3


Why is always these two babies?! I’m going to be thrilled no matter who wins.


I love Eeyok so much and he’s been my first choice from the very beginning, but I would be happy with Nornus too! Both are just so sweet and deserve more screen time, so it’s a win no matter what!


i adore Eeyok but i'm conflicted because he just won't be the same if he's not a lizard man


It's not showing me the results for "previous answers"? Can someone send a link? I gotta watch the voting!


I think that has been disabled to see too since final result viewing is disabled for suspense


I'll be happy with who ever wins! No wrong choices here


Eeyok is my #1 but I kinda want his route to be based on his character in James' route, where he's still an alien, just in a glamor form or something maybe so it isn't weird lmfao, & not the I woke up as a villain-ess route, I personally think that's better suited for Nornus. Either way I'm happy to see Nornus in the top 2 as well since he's a cutie, & I'll be glad to see Eeyok Bae as a route in the future, whether the 7th or later! Excited for more sub-y routes hehe


Eeyok's a dear but I'd really like to see more of Nornus's character. Plus the juxtaposition of sweet Nornus being stuck around another villain. It'd also be nice to potentially see more of Varitus in a different universe and under different circumstances by extension.


Just as the others I'm so conflicted rn. I'm #teameeyok all the way, but as someone said already, it will be not the same with him not as a lizard man. I would love to see him in a story where he's more "himself", should Celianna decide to write another route. But on the other hand, I can't wait, I'm curious about his human self in this scenario, and can't risk we never get a route with him lol. So, aaaah, sorry, Nornus, I like you and will be happy should you win, but my vote goes for crimson lizard~


This vote is gonna be close! Can't wait to see the results!