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What with James' epilogue out of the way, it is time we vote for the 7th route! These will only be male side characters that have appeared in other routes. Future side characters are not eligible, since we do not yet know what they are, personality-wise.

The votes will run in an elimination-style bracket. The bracket will run for two weeks, so you've got time to vote! I will announce when the next round will start.

Here is the link to vote in the bracket. 



Thank you for letting us vote!


Woo! Can't wait to see who the lucky winner is~


Thirst level?? 👀What do you mean by this


By this point, it's not a mystery, that I'd love for Eeyok to win, but Nornus and Varitus would also be interesting. Hope everyone will be happy with the results~ BTW. Wow, Eeyok is a thirsty one, lol.


I'm really hoping for Eeyok or Kevin 😩🙏🏽🙏🏽 but either way thanks for letting us vote :)


How sexual they are! The higher the thirst, the more they want sex. Varitus for example, has zero, because he's asexual. Though I would change that in the event he becomes the 7th route because I wouldn't want to force an asexual person to have sex.


I love then all, but Eeyok stole my heart!!! ♡ Even though I loved James, I always had Eeyok in the back of my head think "just say the word and I am elopping with you baby!!" ♡♡♡♡


I'm loving the Eeyok support, even if he doesn't become the 7th route, it would still be really fun to see him featured in the story!


Team Eeyok for sure as he is such a sweetheart, but I'd love to see them all as a new route! Excited to see who wins!


For me the toughest part is how I feel towards the characters. Like Eeyok and Nornus are so adorable I just wanna take 'em home n keep 'em forever and ever... hard to see them being romanceable but omg they're so cute! Course it's hard because you can't be objective when you know what's up. Like in a game I love, Dragon Age Origins, there are choices I make strictly because I know full well what they've done and no matter what I'm affected by it.


Poor me, I'm a new patreon and didn't get this poll. 😔 I also regret Kevin Sterling didn't have much love. Wish we can have his route another time in the future. 🙏