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Biweekly updates are back!

Game progress:
- Added James' chapters 21-24
- Added two new jacket types (quilted bomber & trench)
- Added one new top (paneled tunic)
- Added three new shoes
- Added a character quiz in the beginning of the game

Script progress:
- Gray's chapters 9 & 10 were written
- James' chapter 25 is still being written, currently reached 175k total words in the script

Art progress:
- Drew some more hairstyles to prepare for Fashion Shows
- Drew a bunch of new side character sketches to prepare for Gray and Aiden's route

Last month due to my personal circumstances, I wasn't in the right mindset to write, so James' script didn't progress for an entire month. I was able to draw a lot instead, focusing on sketching out new side characters, creating mock-ups for the fashion show, new clothing items etc.

I'm doing better and will try to get back on track with James' script! My goal is to finish writing chapter 25 this month, which is the longest chapter (excluding the epilogue) due to splitting off in the middle into the passionate and innocent end.

I hope you all enjoyed James' latest update!


May Lee

Thank you Celianna, and I'm glad you're doing better now! The new chapters were definitely really fun to play through and I love mc and james as bad cop/good cop. :D


Thanks for the beautiful update! Glad everything is getting better! Remember to get plenty of rest and take breaks.


Also glad you’re getting better! And I throughly enjoyed the last chapters and the new clothing items have re-sparked my interest in designing again so thanks! Also I peeped more melanin in the section where you can change how your character looks in the CGs - THANK YOU! That’s a rarity in games like this and I’m here for it. Also loving the color range in the side characters too! Anyways, remember to practice self-care and treat yourself from time to time ❤️

Pri Karin

Wow all those sprites look amazing!! I just finished Caine's full route too and it was amazing, I loved it so much <3 I'm sorry to hear you had a rough time, recently. Hope you're feeling better, remember to take breaks and do things that make you happy and able to relax!! <3 On another note, I just became a Patreon yesterday and for some reason I'm not finding the role to react in the discord that allows me to write in the channels. I didn't have any problems finding the roles for age, favorite guy and personal pronouns but I can't find the member role ;__;


Glad to hear you're doing better! Still, I know I might sound like a nagging nanny now, but remember not to overwhelm yourself and to take breaks! The new side characters all look amazing and interesting, I look forward in meeting them in future routes. It was also neat (as it always is) to have new clothing items and patterns, I just have to spark my own brain's low inspiration level to create something with them! :P


You are a promising artist. I've read through all routes and can see that the story continues to improve as new content comes out! I have very good faith you will become something big. I am proud to follow and contribute to your amazing work ~<3 But always make sure you put time aside for yourself.


You need to connect your Discord to your Patreon account, so you have to do it through the Patreon website, and it will automatically grant you your Patreon role on the Tailor Tales Discord :)


Hey im new to your channel here on patreon but I back you up because you have so much talent. Your writing and your characters are so fascinating that it literally has me hooked. Believe in yourself and know that what you have here is amazing. Can't wait to see more!

Belén M. Hdez

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! And the new clothes and sprites look lovely. I can't comment on the update from September and neither October because. my laptop is being repaired, so I'll have a lot to read when I get it back. Take care, darling!