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Just letting you know I still won't be doing the biweekly updates, but will post here and there with some progress. I'll be taking some personal time due to another death in the family, so I don't want to deal with biweekly updates again.

On a more positive note, since we did reach a Patreon goal; Tailor Tales' soundtrack will now be replaced by completely original tracks. I know certain tracks were clear favourites to some people, but sadly due to the licenses of these royalty free tracks, I was unable to continue using them in this way. So now Joel Steudler will be composing all the tracks!

You can listen to the Starry Night sample attached to this post! This one will play in Caine's route, when they're watching the stars.



Thanks for everything Celi, please take care of yourself

Marissa Torres

Im so sorry Celi. :( please take care of yourself, we’re all here for you!


I'm sorry for your loss just take all the time you need!

Bianca Hernandez

I'm sorry Celi. Take all the time you need, we are all here for you.


Thank you for everything. Please take as much time as you need <3


I'm sorry about your family member, take care of yourself!


My condolences. Put yourself first and go at your own pace <3


I am very sorry for your loss. Please don't mind us; we will patiently wait.


I am so sorry for your loss. Take whatever time you'll need. Family is important for all of us.


My condolences. I don't know what else to say, but do take care of yourself and take some time off. We can wait.


Take the time you need, dealing with heavy stuff like that takes time and is not easy. We'll wait right here, take care of you first.


as someone with a large enough family that deaths are practically a yearly event, I totally understand the difficulty. take your time and sort things out. your health and family is more important. Thankies for the updates, and the sample music! I really enjoyed it. can't wait to get to play though with the new music, but, again, take care of yourself first!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need.


My condolences, rest and take all the time you need


I'm sorry for your loss. I wish you rest and time needed to recuperate from such and event.


Very sorry to hear about your loss. Hope you're doing ok and healing.

Belén M. Hdez

My condolences. Please, do take care of yourself and take the time you need to heal and recover. Lots of love.