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So I promised I'd run another poll after pushing out James' chapter 17, to see who people would want to be the 7th route. This is not a final vote, this is for fun :)

There's only male characters available, and you cannot pick characters that haven't appeared yet.

You can also choose whose design interests you the most for upcoming side characters!

Vote here:



I have a feeling I know which way the results of this poll are going to go. I foresee at least half the votes being Eeyok and Jed


Close! Eeyok is in the lead, but Varitus and Nornus are a close second. Jed takes half the votes, with the other half going to Greg. Based on who you like; Jed or Greg, you either voted for Varitus or Nornus respectively. Which is funny to me, because Jed's personality is nothing like Varitus, he's a big sweetheart. Whereas Greg is also nothing like Nornus, he's quite a douchebag! Of course, people don't know anything about these characters yet, but it was interesting to see people's 'type' shine through ;)


So hard to choose between Eeyok and Nornus, up to this point I love them both. It’s hard to say though, it’s weirdly still early in the story so you never know, that could change depending on the rest of the story.


wow!! that's pretty cool actually. I didn't think I would actually get so close!


I'm torn between Alex and Kaleb. I don't care if they're both brothers of the the main characters and with unpleasant personalities . They're both yummy to my eyes. I didn't have any prob regarding the new characters though. I knew who I wanted for myself right away harhar.


Same, I knew exactly who I’d pick from the new characters lol


As much as I adore both Eeyok & Nornus, I think I prefer them as friends instead of love interests. Varitus, Kaleb & Billius on other hand... Though I also enjoy seeing Billius with Lana, they fit each other so well! And out of the four characters based only on designs, I choose Jed! I look forward seeing him on Gray's route, and maybe end feeling a bit jelly of Sarah then. xD


I was considering voting for Varitus mostly because the idea of a sorta-villainess route sounded very intersting.


This poll was much more difficult than I thought OTL