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Game progress:
- Coded James' chapters 19 and 20

Script progress:
- James' chapters 21 and 22 have been written
- Gray's chapter 7 was written

Art progress:
- Completed the forest background
- Completed the basement background
- Completed the bedroom background
- Completed James' supersuit
- ... And many variations of James' outfits
- Completed James' 6th
- Sketched Nicky's design

Dating system
After thinking long and hard on this, I will be removing the dating system from the game and will not work on further locations, or add any other guys.

Due to the low amount of feedback I've gotten on this system, and how players professed they were more interested in seeing side stories instead, I weighed my options. It was too much work and effort to create even a single character to date, and it is not worth my time when player interest is low.

I also realize it was simply the wrong genre; people play Tailor Tales for the stories, and maybe the clothes. A dating simulation is cute, but doesn't hit the current target audience. This is why I'm removing it from the game in September's update.

The system that my programmer and I created however, can always be used for something else in the future. I like to think we can always re-use it at some point, so it wasn't a complete waste.

Approaching James' ending
While players are currently only on chapter 16 - I am already writing chapter 23. As you all know, chapter 25 is where the route splits. The end of a route is always a stressful time for me because while the player will only be playing a single chapter, for me, it is two chapters in reality.

Chapter 26 has a passionate and innocent version, they are completely different, much like with chapter 27. So the player will only experience a single version (depending on the route ending they're on), but for me - I still have to create two chapters.

Because of this, I want to warn players now, usually I can release two chapters a month, but starting with chapter 25, that will change. So far, this is (roughly) the release schedule:

August: chapters 17 & 18
chapters 19 & 20
October: chapters 21 & 22
November: chapters 23 & 24
December: chapter 25 (splits halfway through, hence why it is longer than most chapters)
January: chapter 26
February: chapter 27
March: chapter 28 (+Gray's first chapter)

With Caine's route last year I was able to release chapters 26 & 27 in the same month. However, Caine's route is much shorter than James. Caine's word count for each chapter averages 3.6k words. James' word count averages 8k words, that's twice as much.

Basically, James' route is a beast, hence why it would take me longer to release chapters. Not to mention the amount of art that I need to create for it.

I hope you'll bear with me! Endings are stressful for me, but I will do my best and hopefully wrap up James' route in a satisfactory way.



I am always impress by the amount of work done every month, you are amazing


Two chapters, one chapter, it’s all fine by me. I’m just happy to get something. That stinks about the dating system, but the fact that you’re already looking ahead at how to implement it in other games gives me hope that there will be more games from you in the future. ❤️


Thank you for the update. This is a long list. I hope you take plenty of ME TIME and mental breaks. You've got this. 😉


Do what you need to keep up this wonderful game! Additionally, it sounds like it was a hard decision to cut the dating system, but I think that it is a good choice. The rest of the year looks like it will be fun. :D


I could be wrong but wasn't July's update for plus 15 and 16 not 17 and 18?


No, you're right haha. My schedule was off by one month then, oops. August should be 17 and 18!


Nooooooo..... TT I had so much fun with dates when u could tease LI and I was so eagerly waiting for dates in Cain route.................... TT any possibility of reconsidering it? It is such a unique feature that is really both nice and interesting - the ability to interact with LI outside the story;]


I will most likely keep whatever is available within the game and let you access it through a password, but will formally remove the 'date' option from the main menu.


I also played the "dates" so much that I tried it several times. I didn't want to miss a thing. I guess it depends on the LI's personality. Like I think Dimitri is better off as side story than date. But for my new husband, Jæmes (LOL), I'd prefer a date.


Okay. I'm the only one who's going to comment on measuring Jæmes genitals then LOL. When I saw its preview in my email inbox I was like, "Yes! Let me measure it!" If there's a fierce or kind option here, it's going to be fierce for sure. P.S. I'm only expecting one update a month but you surely give more. And it's very much appreciated. <3 <3 <3


I like it when people can laugh at their mistakes. I mean life is too short.


Jaemis 'dates'...that is really killer idea ;PPPPP

Hattivatti (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-22 07:02:27 First time commenting, but I had to because of the screenshot! The first snarky reply (by a fierce MC) to James' question that came to my mind was: "No, unless you wish me to make you jockstrap?" xD Also I had a random question! Could Joselina & Ralph be twins instead of an older sister and a younger brother? I think that would rather cute and make their bond stronger so to speak. Joselina could still be the older one, just not by years. Another cute detail to add would be if one of them was left-handed and the other right-handed, as I've heard this can happen with fraternal twins.
2020-07-29 10:21:24 First time commenting, but I had to because of the screenshot! The first snarky reply (by a fierce MC) to James' question that came to my mind was: "No, unless you wish me to make you jockstrap?" xD Also I had a random question! Could Joselina & Ralph be twins instead of an older sister and a younger brother? I think that would rather cute and make their bond stronger so to speak. Joselina could still be the older one, just not by years. Another cute detail to add would be if one of them was left-handed and the other right-handed, as I've heard this can happen with fraternal twins.

First time commenting, but I had to because of the screenshot! The first snarky reply (by a fierce MC) to James' question that came to my mind was: "No, unless you wish me to make you jockstrap?" xD Also I had a random question! Could Joselina & Ralph be twins instead of an older sister and a younger brother? I think that would rather cute and make their bond stronger so to speak. Joselina could still be the older one, just not by years. Another cute detail to add would be if one of them was left-handed and the other right-handed, as I've heard this can happen with fraternal twins.


You can headcanon all you want, if you want them to be twins! But officially, Ralph was born a year later than MC :)


I guess so, but I'd still prefer them to be twins canonically. Nevertheless, thank you for answering my silly question! :)

RM Cruz

I'll miss the date system tbh. I'm glad you're thinking of keeping what's currently available in-game, because I certainly had fun with it! Thank you for your hard work.