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The 3.0.6 update is out! Please update your game and make sure to play the one renamed Tailor Tales Patreon.

There's only one chapter out this month, because it basically doubles as 2 chapters in terms of content.

Note: quicksave at the line "Who should I give my Makoet to?" if you want to see all options!

Take the Makoet survey! Let me know who you ended up choosing in chapter 12!

Tailor Tales content this month:
- James chapter 12

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Irma Lynn

Hmm I've updated itch and it also notified me but the password doesn't seem to work for me.. i pressed it many times, exited the game but nothing..


I've updated the game through the Itchio app and put the password into the gift section, but it didn't work for me.


Please update your game again, the passwords weren't working in the previous version, but it's now been fixed! :D


Updated via the app like before, but the password just doesn't seem to be working? No confirmation it worked, no ability to read past James' chapter 11. Reinstalled, didn't help. Not sure what's wrong. EDIT: whelp, I was too slow to post. thanks.


The makoet survey link isnt working


Hmm Patreon isn't acting nice with adding links to text. Either way, here's the direct link! https://forms.gle/UMYxW2cC6jwkCUY69


welp MC is really a slave with all this unpaid work she (& Billius) has been doing. oh Billius.. it was saddening to learn of his past. the fate of his invaded home and people kinda made Kaleb & James more terrifying-- i mean, a genocide..? is Billius the only survivor because of his "worth" to Varitus? like, damn. that.. that can't be forgiven-- not that it's MC's to forgive, but, i wonder when Billius gives her his Maaka-- does he see himself reflected in her? i really hope Billius gets agency (& some glorious freedom) and a happy ending away from this planet. so I loved the update ❤❤ seriously, lots of great content this chapter. Lana and her super-secret-hidey-hole is totally not suspicious at all! i have my own theories about Lana but i'm interested to see what's really up with her


I officially love Nornus!! I haven't even finished reading yet and I've already fallen out of my computer chair!

Irma Lynn

Hey Celianna i would like to ask you something, if its a spoiler or something important, you dont have to answer me. By giving the Makoet to James, does it speed up their bonding or it doesnt matter? Like if he would warm up faster by the kind gesture.


There are only a couple of unique lines that are brought up later in the story depending on who you picked out, but otherwise, it doesn't influence anything! So no, picking James does not speed up bonding, but he does acknowledge it later on. There's no need to be forced to pick James, you can pick anyone :)

Irma Lynn

Thanks! No not forced at all, I was just curious to see if this choice would have some impact on the plot later on. I picked Billius after all, he was my fav choice xD


I quicksaved and gave my Makoet to everyone to see their dialogues and my favorites were Eeyok and Caleb! If there's ever a secret route, please let it be Caleb in a different setting, he's too suave!! James' reactions were refreshing and my sliver of hope bc there hasn't been anything romantic yet, but a girl can dream about a hot kabe-don can't she (*’∀’人)♥ Also when he gets added into the touch system, will his dates be on Yool? Because a hammam date would be (ノ∀`♥)

Amanda Hallows

Eeyok is baby and he must be protected!!! I'm so down for him being a secret route too, get some atypical love interests up in here (besides the obvious female route that is :3)


Sad to say that if James were available to date, it would still be set on earth! You'll see why once you're further in the story :D


james is really speaking to the 10 year old in me that wished i was bulma and my boyfriend was vegeta


Am not gonna lie here, but Vegeta was a huge inspiration for James, and I totally ship Vegebul <3


Oh my god this chapter... Eeyok is so kind and adorable I just had to! I didn't go back and change my answer because he really deserves it. Precious baby ;;


He has a really cute reaction! And it's his first...! He needs some love <3


I choose James first because I wanted to see his reaction and MC's words of honesty. And it was goo~od. I totally understand why she did it. Like, yeah, he kidnapped her but STILL. I like this little 'but'. It helps to, like, get out of your comfort zone and look at the world through different eyes. Also I wanted them to interact a little more (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ James look of .exe stopped working was really cute though. Tottaly WORTH IT!! I really really wanted to give it to Eeyok especially after seeing him so lonely but... our 24/7 angry boy.... I just... couldn't help myself hh. But I will absolutely reread this chapter so I can give it to EVERYONE!! Also wanted to give it to little brother, he's a cutie. deserve all the smooches in this world ( ˘ ³˘)♥ p.s English is not my native language, hope that you can read it without problems hh thank you for your amazing work~


exactly! and also thank you for putting caine in this route I squealed <3


please do more dates ;c


Haha, glad to see at least someone wanting more dates! I'd like to add them, but I'm very focused on James at the moment! When there's some downtime, I can work on adding more dates for Neil.


I'm torn between the dates and more story lol. The dates are fun but I wouldn't survive without story updates lol


Billius and Eeyok are my favs for responses and to give them to for their personalities and how they treat the MC. Too bad you didn't have 2 to give away I'd like to give one to each. Anyone else see that what the MC thinks as mutual flirting is really Luna being overwhelmingly flirtatious and Billius is a mild person so he gets flustered but he only really agrees to go when the MC invites him along. He is obviously much more into the MC because he seems a lot more relaxed around her and share a connection.