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There are some Patreons who haven't yet tried out James' route. Reasons such as wanting to wait until it's completed (this will take until next year though!), or simply because James isn't their type.

I encourage you to try out his route either way. James' route is the most plot heavy of them all, and nothing inherently romantic has happened yet in the latest chapters (1-12). So even if you think he's not your type because he is rude, cold etc. then give his route a shot either way because you may enjoy the story instead!

Also, when James' route is completed, Patreons are able to vote for the 7th route, which is most likely going to be a side character. There are many new side characters in James' route that you may like, so if not for James - play him for the side characters!



All it let's me do is the first chapter.


You have to click "start a new route" when in James' chapter selection. The first chapter is simply already unlocked for you, but you have to set him as your main route to unlock the rest :)


I can’t say if he’ll be my my favorite in terms of romance yet, as there hasn’t been any, but as far as plot goes, James’s route is such a departure from anything previous that I’m thoroughly loving it. For that alone it might very well become my favorite route.

Irma Lynn

I was also hesitant before I started James' route, not because of his cold character (i love tsundere guys) but of the supernatural theme which is completely different than the other stories. After I finished the first chapter though, I was dying to read the rest. It's truly worth reading James' route for all the reasons written above by our fav creator. Also I cant wait when James will start having feelings for MC and see how their story will go... <3


Well, yes, I think James’s route, despite the fact that it’s the most heavy, is worth a try, or even play for the side character.


I personally still struggle to like James but he has very appealing design. Sometimes I'd wish the character would be more straight forward at times but regardless I like the consistency of the characters including the main character. And I just like seeing where the story is going.


You and me both. There's not much to like about James early on! In the second half of the story he and MC have the opportunity to bond some more :)

Mandy Lee

While James frustrates me, I freaking LOVE his route! The world is fantastic, and Eeyok must be protected at ALL COSTS. I hope Kaleb gets his own route one day... their entire family has no right to be so attractive, no matter what a pain in the butt James is xD


As someone who's had her expectations blown away by your characterization and storytelling, I recommend/urge/BEG people to play James' route even if he's not their type! Dimitri and Caine in particular are normally not my cup of tea (the younger cinnamon roll, and the younger, almost devil-type if you will, respectively) but I ended up adoring them. Neil is still my favorite (which was surprising already considering how tired I am of tsunderes lol) but every boy so far has been incredibly well-written and lovable.


I absolutely love this route so far, I would adore a route for Læna!


I only recently became a Patron and I just finished reading through James' route. I love it. It's such a departure from the other routes, though. It really feels like it could be the basis for it's own game. It's got several side characters that are good enough for their own routes.


I love the story so far I'm so stuck between adoring eeyok or the younger brother of the lord I like cute characters too much!

celianna (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-22 07:11:29 They are very adorable! <3
2020-05-23 08:56:17 They are very adorable! <3

They are very adorable! <3


I think I like James' route the most so far. It really tickles my sci-fi bone and I am WEAK when it comes to these types of men. And tbh, the whole route is filled so many great characters that I almost hope I could romance Billius as well. Hnngh.


Glad to hear you're enjoyed James' route! It's definitely a departure from the rest of the guys, but I hope it's still engaging. And yes, so many side characters to love! Remember: you can vote which side character becomes the 7th route once James' route is completed.