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Game progress:
- Fixed a small audio bug in Neil's chapter 8
- Added James' chapter 8

Art progress:
- Redrew Neil's 5th CG
- Drew James' casual outfit
- Drew Kaleb's casual outfit
- Finished the bath background

Script progress:
- Finished writing James' chapters 11 & 12

Based on the previous poll, people voted for James' casual outfit, and 17 was the winner!

My personal favourite design was used for Kaleb instead, which I think is quite fitting due to the asymmetry complimenting his eyes.

Chapter 12 & the poll
In another poll, I asked whether or not I should let you be able to choose who to give the ornament to during the festival. The majority wanted to choose, so I've written all 5 different scenarios and you can choose to gift it to 5 people! Chapter 12 is the longest normal chapter in the game, excluding the epilogues. It's 10k words, and to give you an idea, the average chapter has 3.6k words. I slaved away writing this for several days straight.

Well, James' route in general is going to turn out very wordy. I'm estimating 160k words. I don't think anyone is complaining though ahaha.

Merging Normal & Plus
I am planning on merging the Normal Early Access game with the Plus one, so that I only need to update a single game, to lessen my workload, but also so I don't mess up with uploading again. In case you're confusing this with me saying the $4 tier is now the same as the $10 tier, no, it's still different.

You'll both be playing the same game, but only the $10 tiers get the password to unlock any Plus content, and the $4 use their own password.

I'll keep you posted!


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