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We've reached 200 names for the name list! Thanks everyone for signing up your name. I think 200 is a good cut off point so that the VA can begin to record the names.

There will be 4 variations of each name. There will be neutral, smoldering, annoyed and yelling. Whether I'll be using all of these, I'm unsure, but it's nice to have in case I need it in the future!

If you want to hear a sample, just download the attachment below. James' VA voiced the MC's default name Joselina.

Or click this link to listen to it: https://voca.ro/5j45cpgFtVH



My goodness 200 names are a lot. James' VA's gonna be busy. 😅 Btw, the sample sounds wonderful. Can't wait to hear what mine will sound like.

Amanda Hallows

>////< can't wait to hear mine!!!

chelsea acrey

I hate to be that person but... Who was the va again??? I know i know that voice


The VA wishes to remain anonymous (as this is an 18+ game) and goes by the name of John Doyle.


i love his voice XD i bet he will do a great job with everyone's names

Josefine Elias

Will my name be there too? Cause I didn't signed up for it, but maybe someone else with my name did hahah

Josefine Elias

Nvm I checked it, that sucks, I just became a patreon, ah well, your work is awesome btw


Yep the deadline was already over and the names have been voiced. I'll release a master list of the name that are eventually available so you can still make use of it if you'd like :)

Josefine Elias

Well there's nothing I can do about, haha, I prefer using my own name, but good job for both of you to make this happen! Btw when will the next update be?

Josefine Elias

Awesome i can't wait, btw i just want to say your work is awesome, and I really love Caine, thank you for this awesome otome ❤️