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Some users reported seeing an error when loading their manual save file, making them unable to start the game.

Please do not start a new game. We are looking into this issue. We will try and save your old save file! Please hang tight.

Edit: crisis averted. If you update your game again, you should be able to load your manual save without any errors! :)



hey i didn't know where to post this but when i went back to reread caine's route to get the other cg i hadn't unlocked i noticed a glitch. there's a blacked out sprite behind him and sarah. it happened when i read the passionate ending. i took a screenshot of caine and his shadow. i didn't get the one for sarah. i didn't notice it right away.


That bug was actually fixed with this update, odd that it didn't update for you, hmmm. Let me see if others still get it as well.


Yeah I played it after I read Dimitri's side story.