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Since Caine's route is finished, that means there's 3 completed routes out. I decided to host a fun survey to see which LI is the current favourite.

Please take the survey if you have the time :D I'll post the results tomorrow.


Current favourites

Here's a for fun survey. What with Caine's finished route, I am curious to know who ranks first among the released love interests in your opinion! I separated routes and LI into two questions, as you might enjoy another route more, but you'll always have a bias towards a certain LI.



I keep changing the answer between dimitri and caine D: dont make me choose!! lol


If you have to pick, it's Dimitri, 100%! Mostly because Caine is dominating the charts ahaha.


nooo I just submitted caine jdsjksdk dimitri I'm sorry bby, I failed you :'(


Don't feel too bad. I picked Dimitri so at least he got a little love ;)