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From my last post, I've decided to introduce the player to the warnings and trigger per character route. It comes with a list of general warnings that doesn't contain too many spoilers, and a list of warnings that DO contain spoilers but these are optional to view.

And a list of his sexual behaviours, such as how dominant he is etc. This should cover all bases.

Now the question is, while the spoiler warnings are optional, do you want the entire warning screen to be turned off, or are you okay with it appearing at the start of each route?

Here's what it'll look like for Neil for example:

Click the grey area on the right 3 times and it reveals more warnings that are spoiler-ish (I don't consider the minor character death to be a spoiler, unless others don't agree):

So the question is:

Would you like the entire warning screen to be optional that you can turn on/off in the main menu, or are you okay with showing these at the start of each route as long as actual spoilers are kept optional and hidden?



I feel like the warnings aren't really necessary (at least for the 3 routes so far), reading this for Neil's route make it feel like it'll be a violent route or something. I believe you did a good job at talking about some sensitive matters and making a good lesson out of it. I feel like those warning could scare people off, like they'd expect something very terrible. So unless the route is very violent or something, I think it's better off without.


I haven’t felt any of the warnings were necessary, but if there are people that need them I don’t mind them being in the game. That being said, you can usually choose not to do some of the things specifically mentioned. You don’t HAVE to be so dominant with Neil, and by the time you get to some of the more dominant parts with later love interests, you know their character and understand/expect their behavior. Moreover, no matter how dominant you or the love interest are, the writing always approaches the situation respectfully. There is still always a pause to confirm consent. But like I said, I’m clearly not the target audience for these trigger warnings, so I don’t know what it would be like to need them. If there are players that need this to feel comfortable playing, I don’t mind. My only fear is the same as Kanah—I’d hate for anyone to be scared off from what is generally a mature, thoughtfully written game.