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For Monthly Pass Plus Patrons, this month's password is:


Tailor Tales content this month:
Caine's chapters 27 and 28 - his complete route!



Thank you so much! This made a bad day much better. :)


I'm sorry about your bad day! Caine would definitely cuddle you all day long.


This is the best ending yet! Finishing Caine's story just reminds me what an amazing storyteller/creator you are. I know writing/drawing/creating Tailor Tales isn't easy, but every chapter you write makes my month a bit better. I hope you know that! Thank you for the beautiful ending of Caine's story. I can't wait to fall in love with James!


Oh my god! Your game rules! Cain is definitely my favorite. He's just to crappin' cute for words. Thanks for being such an awesome person and putting so much work into making such a great game! :)


How are you so good at this. Caine's the best route I've read. Seriously. Chef's kiss for that epilogue because that ending was very hot. Plus I gotta save that ending CG. I love it that much. Real excited to see what you cook up for Jame's route. 👏👏👏


Thank you for playing his route and supporting me all these months! It was a pleasure working on Caine. I hope you will enjoy James as well :)


Thanks so much, I'm happy you enjoyed his route! He definitely became a favourite of many.


Aww thanks so much! Couldn't have done it without your support, so thank you so much for being a Patreon all this time! And getting to see my progress on Caine :) I hope you'll be with me during James as well <3


Hi ! I d'ont now why but the password doesn't work for me..


Hey there! Here's a troubleshooting guide: https://tailortales.wordpress.com/patreon-troubleshooting/ If you still can't get your password to work, please let me know!


I loved the ending and the whole story! It was the best character yet! Your monthly updates make my months so much better and I reread the stories so much. Ty so much. In sad that Caine's story is over but that ending 😍😍

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-22 07:37:46 I waited whole day to read the chapters since I was at work and could not read it in the morning.. Right now I feel a little... Empty but with this happy sweet feeling.. Im feeling sad this story ended but i've been part of this for so long, its so sweet.. You always surprise me in the best of ways. Really you're amazing and I cant wait for your future work.. Congratulations, you're the best <3 i'll reread it again and again :')
2019-10-04 16:16:36 I waited whole day to read the chapters since I was at work and could not read it in the morning.. Right now I feel a little... Empty but with this happy sweet feeling.. Im feeling sad this story ended but i've been part of this for so long, its so sweet.. You always surprise me in the best of ways. Really you're amazing and I cant wait for your future work.. Congratulations, you're the best <3 i'll reread it again and again :')

I waited whole day to read the chapters since I was at work and could not read it in the morning.. Right now I feel a little... Empty but with this happy sweet feeling.. Im feeling sad this story ended but i've been part of this for so long, its so sweet.. You always surprise me in the best of ways. Really you're amazing and I cant wait for your future work.. Congratulations, you're the best <3 i'll reread it again and again :')


i finished his route yesterday before having dinner and I literally went to sleep with a smile on my face, I absolutely love Cain and his whole route was *chef kiss* tailor tales is now one of my top 3 favorite otome games uwu I also wanted to know if there was another game made by you or if this one is the first one? I feel like I want to play everythig you have worked on lol


Tailor Tales is my first game, it's been rebooted twice now! If you're curious about my other content, I have a really old small romantic novel on youtube here: https://youtu.be/5uPi_hoclhg


It is a little sad Caine's route is finished, I feel some emptiness as well. It's been a long journey, but it has come to an end! It's time to make way for James :) Thanks for playing and supporting me all this time!


I had a lot of fun working on his route! I'm glad you got to enjoy yourself every month as well. Hopefully James' route will satisfy you :)