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Just giving you a heads up I won't be doing any biweekly updates in September, though I may create a post every now and then. The content and actual update for the game will still go through as planned.

My attention is needed for a dying family member, so I hope you understand.



I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure everyone will understand.


Of course we do. You take all the time you need. My condolences.


Take all the time you need and please take care of yourself! 💖


Please know that all of us are with you. I too, lost so many people in my life to the point I've gotten used to it. But even so, somethings are meant to happen in the end. We want you to know that we're here for you nevertheless, the same way you have stayed and worked so hard to make something that actually puts a smile on our faces. Take your time, remember to eat and stay hydrated. ♡


Please don’t worry about us, family and health are much more important! I hope things get better.


I’m sorry that this is going on, but I hope you and your family are taking care as well as you can. After everything you’ve given us, it’s the least we can do to understand and cheer you on!


Oh no :( I am so sorry.


Please take all the time you need !!