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Well, that's certainly a divide. Thank you everyone for filling out the survey and letting me know your thoughts (I know it isn't always easy to voice your thoughts on Discord if you're too shy!). You can still vote if you haven't already. I'm just going to talk about the current results.

The results of the survey is basically split (I grouped it into fierce/kind players), which puts me in a conflicted spot.

Aiden and Gray are supposed to be opposite routes of each other. With Aiden you have an MC that is dominant and Aiden loves it when MC takes charge.

Then there's Gray, who is the dominant one instead. However, that doesn't necessarily mean players would like MC to be the opposite. One of Tailor Tales' allure is the fact you can be a bold lady who doesn't get shy or flustered, so the playerbase already skews towards this preference.

That doesn't mean the players who prefer to play as a shy MC don't exist. It would make sense that if Aiden's MC is outspoken, that Gray's MC would be the opposite.

However, I personally struggle really hard writing shy and demure MCs, especially when pairing it with a flirty love interest (I could write it when paired with another LI!). You could say it's my kryptonite. The only way you're getting such a route out of me, is if someone else writes it, hah.

A lot of the comments mentioned not wanting to play as a shy MC, as they are tired of seeing them in otome games where this is kind of the default. They don't want to freak out if the LI flirts, or be clueless about love and sex.

However, there are still comments that say they'd like a really kind and demure MC!

In the end, I can't please everyone, but I will keep in mind that there's players out there that would prefer to act shy. Gray's MC will most likely be a bit of a tsundere, where the kind options can make her flustered or shy. I think that's the best I can do in this situation :)




Can I just say that I love how much effort and part of yourself that you put into this! I'm one of the more difficult people out there because I'm more of the fierce player because I like my MC to be flirty and bold but also really kind and giving to random strangers lol You've ticked nearly every box I want in all of your stories. Thank you for doing all that you do!


So excited for all these ideas to come to fruition! 🥰 As one of those that leans more towards the "kind" options (depending on the scenario) I just wanted to say that when voting I imagined the MC not as the typical otome heroine trope, but rather as someone independent, so much so that when the LI flirts directly or indirectly they wouldn't necessarily acknowledge it, and instead respond coolly or casually (less of a "naive" sort of thing and more of a "this feels a little shallow, I'm not into it, try to know ME not just pay me lip service") you know? But either way, super excited for the development of this route and I know you will do the MC justice no matter what! 🥰 Your work is awesome!


Also, will we perhaps get to see the results regarding the opinions of Gray's appearance eventually? 😍


Ah yes, Gray's original appearance is still the most popular (white hair + blue eyes), with the second being your generic black hair + green eyes (which is the most popular colour combo in otome in general).


I will most likely go in that direction, where the MC doesn't take his advances seriously :)