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Thank you so much for supporting the game and its development! You can now play an early access version of Tailor Tales, either the regular version or the Plus (18+) version.

Follow the steps below to get you all set up and playing the game.


Itch.io won't give you access to the game if you unpledge before claiming it. So if you only intend to pledge for a single month, make sure to follow these instructions first before changing your pledge.


Note: your previous game on either Itch.io or Steam have nothing to do with the current version. You will download a separate game and start a new game to be able to claim Plus (or early access).

Step 1:
Please install the Itch app before downloading and claiming the game. https://itch.io/app

Step 2:
Claim the game:

Monthly Pass Plus & Normal
Download: https://celianna.itch.io/ttplusearlyaccess/patreon-access

Early Bird Tester
Download: https://celianna.itch.io/ttbeta/patreon-access

Step 3:
Get the latest password and be ready to fill it out.


Plus Password:  https://www.patreon.com/celianna/posts?tag=UpdatePlus&filters[tag]=UpdatePlus

Normal Password: https://www.patreon.com/celianna?filters[tag]=UpdateNormal
(Please use the latest password, ignore old ones)

If these links don't bring you to the correct tag, please find the latest post on the Patreon page for "Password Plus" or "Password Normal."

Step 4:
Install the Patreon version of Tailor Tales through the Itch app.

Video instruction how to download Tailor Tales through Itch:


If the above video didn't work out for you and you got a "invalid game" error, make sure you connected your Patreon account with your Itch account at the very least. Then open the Itch app and go to your Library. Tailor Tales Patreon should be among your games, if you click on it, you can find the install button from there.


Step 5:
Open the game and start a new save file!  Yes, you will have to start a new file. No, you cannot transfer your save file from Steam. Plus pass holders can unlock any of the completed routes if they want to jump straight to the juicy content.

Plus passholder can use these passwords to unlock the routes:





To unlock said route without having to play through it again.

Remember to launch the right Tailor Tales app - the one that says "Tailor Tales Patreon." 

When the new game has been started, please enter in the latest password, refer to step 3 for how to find the password.

Step 6:

Enjoy the game! You can now start reading any of the currently available characters.

How do you read current uncompleted routes? You have to set that character as your main route. Go to Settings, then Character, and select the character you want to read. Then simply click on the button "start route" at the bottom right.

After that, you use the big continue button in the main menu to read the next chapter!

What now, after each month?

Each month, the game will get updated with new content. You will have to enter a new password to unlock the latest content. Click on the tag "UpdateNormal" or "UpdatePlus" to get the latest password.

Passwords are different for each version (normal & plus), as well as each month. You need to launch the game, and click on the Settings in the main menu. Then click on the Gift icon and you can enter the password to unlock the latest content.

New users who are just joining the Patreon have to enter the latest password as well!


Password not working? Troubleshooting guide here. 


Monthly Plus Pass holders can also tell me their client name here! 


Connect your Patreon to Discord here to receive your Patreon role.
Or go to your profile settings, and find Discord under your apps


For Monthly Plus Pass holders, you can download a PDF file of the finished routes in story-form. Please use the tag "Story" to look for them, or click the link below:


PDF file Stories:


Got any questions? Feel free to ask me! You can reach me on the Tailor Tales Discord: https://discord.gg/Hh5RGA3 

Or twitter: https://twitter.com/Celianna_C


camryn alk

hi! sorry i cant seem to find the password, i dont really know how patreon works so im a bit confused. i tried clicking the links and it didnt work so im kinda lost:') ty!

Angelina H.

the last pw i found was here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/password-plus-4-81000508 but I think there should be a new one coming in the next few days? new here, so I hope it helped. I'm having a hard time with the installation and getting the plus content running myself right now. Edit: Why is there no pw for Gray? I played through his free routes on Steam and bought the Plus Version for his route. But now I have to replay it...? Bummer. :/

celianna (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 20:44:30 There is a password for Gray! However, I realized it's checking whether you've completed James' route or not before unlocking it. Oops, my bad. That's probably why it didn't unlock for you. The new update should work though <3
2023-05-04 01:59:37 There is a password for Gray! However, I realized it's checking whether you've completed James' route or not before unlocking it. Oops, my bad. That's probably why it didn't unlock for you. The new update should work though <3

There is a password for Gray! However, I realized it's checking whether you've completed James' route or not before unlocking it. Oops, my bad. That's probably why it didn't unlock for you. The new update should work though <3

Shealyn Hay

Hi, where can I get the password to unlock all of grays chapters on the itchio app? I was doing the steam version and switched over to this one


Gray's name should be able to be used as a password. Let me know if it works or not.


hi celianna! played the game for several hours already but new patron. love the game, story, characters, art, and all you do! i can’t seem to download the game to the itchio client, i have an error message saying “cannot read property “build” of undefined”. the only help i found on this issue is here: https://itch.io/t/1112356/cannot-read-property-build-of-undefined-error-when-trying-to-install-games (the error message is basically the same exact format) further down the thread it says the dev has to do something on their end? but not sure; not getting much info on this one unfortunately. was hoping you could possibly help out with this!


Not much I can do there (no, it's not related to the developer, as tons of other users can download it just fine), however you can still download the game through the website as a stand alone version instead. That should still work, but you'll be missing updates. It's possible for you to unzip the files into the folder that the Itch App tried to create for Tailor Tales, so that it could theoretically launch the game and receive updates still. Since the issue 'mostly' seems to be about giving it the proper build (which it has, it's Windows), I'd have to ask; are you downloading on a Mac? For further technical support I suggest you join the Discord: https://discord.gg/Hh5RGA3

Amyah Schofield

I got that too but I think it’s because I tried to download Patreon plus version to my steam deck (blame Aiden for being so CUTE!😡)

athi lustra

I am trying to select Dimitri in the patreon version but doesn't work.


Ahh, I see it! The intro seems to skip Dimitri. I will fix it. You can still select Dimitri in the main menu however, regardless of who you picked in the intro.

Hannah Pixie

hiii i really need help with the opera dress, i can't seem to find the right pattern anywhere


That's the requirement for chapter 19, no? The opera dress needs the Gloves sleeves, a Sweetheart neckline, Floor Length skirt and then both top/bottom need to be blue with the sparkle pattern (sparkle pattern should be set to NO COLOUR).

Kimberly Wulk

Hello. I'm at the Season Pass Plus tier and downloaded the tsplusearlyaccess version of Tailor Tales but for some reason I am not getting the longer epilogue. It ends after she kisses Neil. Did I do something wrong or is it a bug? I looked at the download again and didn't see anything I missed and it is for sure the correct version of the download. (edit) Now that I think about it, the chapters also cost gold to read so I think the Season Pass Plus version is the normal version at the moment.


Hi, I am at the second requirement and the dress has a fading from one color to the next pattern. I can't find it at the shop. Also, when I tried to use the hem line as the belt it wouldn't work.

Kimberly Wulk

Never mind. I decided to test something out. I hadn't downloaded it through the itch.io application and downloaded it on the itch.io website through my browser and for some reason that didn't let me use the plus even though I still downloaded it through my account. When I downloaded the application and downloaded the game again through my library it acknowledged that I had the plus and let me know I had that version on start up. I'm dumb, lol.


Make absolutely sure that you are playing through the Itch app, otherwise you won't receive updates! The bug you were referring to was fixed, but it needed to be updated. I apologize for letting you play through the free version first!


It is not a pattern. Check out the 'Fade' hemline for the Skirts at the store. I am unsure what you mean about the second part though, but if you didn't have the fade hemline in the first place, it would never accept the design.

Kimberly Wulk

It's all good. I was mostly my fault. I wasn't thinking. I know people usually have issues with games if they don't use the app but for some reason my brain just wasn't putting 1 and 1 together lol. I love the free version and the plus version anyways. I usually end up with more gold than can be spent. Thanks for the quick reply though!


Ok, I don't know what my problem is but it wants me to wear a yellow sundress to continue. I designed a yellow dress and it says I am not wearing one. I looked in the store and could not find one either. Am I crazy?


Nevermind...I figured it out.


Sometimes there will be a requirement to design an outfit that you thhn eventually have to wear. So after completing the client's request, check the Outfits area, and then Outfits again for the completed outfit you should wear to unlock the next chapter :)


Thank you. It is so pretty by the way!


Am I able to do another route without losing the one I am on?


You have one continuous save file, however you can only really play one route at a time. When you switch over to another guy's route, the chapters may get more expensive (depending on how much EXP you've currently accumulated). You can still re-read chapters you've unlocked before though :)


Sorry to keep bothering you, but if I did the plus version, is there still an innocent ending?

celianna (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-22 08:21:25 Your wording is a little confusing because Tailor Tales has two endings for each bachelor: Passionate &amp; Innocent. You can get these endings in either the normal or Plus version of Tailor Tales. Though I believe you're referring to 18+ mature content, in which case, the Plus version will always have the mature content at the ending.
2018-07-16 13:45:14 Your wording is a little confusing because Tailor Tales has two endings for each bachelor: Passionate & Innocent. You can get these endings in either the normal or Plus version of Tailor Tales. Though I believe you're referring to 18+ mature content, in which case, the Plus version will always have the mature content at the ending.

Your wording is a little confusing because Tailor Tales has two endings for each bachelor: Passionate & Innocent. You can get these endings in either the normal or Plus version of Tailor Tales. Though I believe you're referring to 18+ mature content, in which case, the Plus version will always have the mature content at the ending.

Taylor Mineo

will there be a Mac version? I paid for the plus not reading that its for windows only and I am happy to support you but I was curious if there will be a Mac version for the updated and mature content


I will not be supporting Mac for the Plus version, because I cannot guarantee it will be bugfree, and I do not wish for people to pay for something that might not work. Tailor Tales Plus is Windows only. The free version will get a Mac release though, but it will be unsupported.

Alexa Matthews

What does "TypeError" "Cannot read property 'name' of null" mean?

Alexa Matthews

I was using the Monthly Pass Plus and got up to Chapter 6 in Caine's route, but now the above is what it tells me when I try to load the game.


That is a save file error, one which I have (hopefully) fixed in the next update. If you could join the Discord and send me your save file, I should be able to fix it for you! Please post in technical support :) https://discord.gg/Hh5RGA3

Megan Rogge

I have no idea what I am doing wrong, but I cannot get the game to show James route, or to show the extra features (i.e. hairstyles, etc). I installed everything on a new computer and I followed the video and downloaded the game that way. Itch shows that I am running Tailor Tales Patreon, but only Neil, Caine, and Dimitri show up when I launch the game and enter the password. When I go to Manage for the game it shows c3.0.5, so I think I have the correct version. Any clues?


Hey there, James isn't programmed in the intro yet, but you can simply click on him in the character selection in the main menu and select "start new route". That's how you start his route :) So click the cogwheel, then click Characters, select James, and click "start new route."

Megan Rogge

Thank you for your quick response!! I ended up copying over all the files from my old computer, including my save file (yay!) and it worked. I appreciate all you do, you are amazingly talented. :)


For whatever reason the game didn't save my progress when I exited out the other day (I did use the save button on the main screen). Idk if that's something I can fix or more just an overall problem. Its ok since I was just on Dimitri's route which I have unlocked through TT+ but its a shame about some of my dress designs lol


When you say it didn't save - how much progress did you lose? The game autosaves after you enter the main menu each time, or whenever you've created a new clothing design. You should not be losing progress after you've created some designs.


I lost everything that I created (even the wedding dress that was the only thing for sale) and all the innocent/feisty points for the route I was on. It was basically like starting all over. I had even tried to be extra safe and hit the save button before exiting the game so Idk what happened.

Allender Lynch

Hello, thank you for sharing such wonderful and well written stories. I am new to this experience and your Patreon and I am a bit confused about one of the features in the game. In the game menu there is a "Shop" option. However, I am unable to see or purchase any items except for two items under "clothing": A dress and the supersuit. Am I doing something wrong? I am able to create my own designs for my character, but I am very confuse on how to use the shop feature. I am currently on Chapter 20 with Neil. I have not played any other characters. I greatly appreciate any assistance. Thanks!!


Hi, I just joined as a Monthly Pass Plus member, and the link for telling my name to be a random client just sends me to a page saying I need to pay more money after I've already paid for the month. Yet on the right side of the page, it confirms I'm a patron with my correct level. How can I fix this?


Try it again! It may have changed since the move to Euros in currency. I tweaked the settings so I think it should be okay again. https://www.patreon.com/posts/20045884


Great, thank you! Was able to add my name :)


Hello! I joined as a Monthly Pass Plus member and when I try to connect itch to patreon to get access for Tailor Tales Plus, I got this message: "There was an error with your request" :(


Unfortunately I cannot help directly as this seems to be a site issue. I would suggest trying again in a couple of hours, and if not - the day after. Contact me again if it still won't connect after a day!


Hi, I'm sincerely in love this game! But, I've been wondering if there is a way to go fullscreen mode instead of using just the maximized window (I'm using the itch.io app on windows)? If not, it's no problem, hope you're doing well! Thank you! Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out! I had to use Fn + F4 to do fullscreen lol

Rebecca Lopes

Hi, i just bought the plus version, but everytime i try to click on "continue" to play the chapter, theres an error. It says "Type Error this.setTextEvent is not a function"


Hello! New patreon here! Got the Plus version and followed instructions of installing through the itchio app. The file is called Tailor Tales Plus Early Access Windows 4.0.3, but the game I get when I lauch it seems to be the regular version, I can't access side stories and my Plus password does not seem to work.


Nevermind, I'm dumb. Thank you for your hard work!


(Edit, ok never mind i think i got it! I just had to reload after entering the passwords!) Can i somehow retrive my progress from the earlier version that i first had from steam? I only found out that there is better content when i got to the final routes when there was this infromation poping out. I would like to read it now when i have become the supporter but i really dont want to click though all of that for hours to come to the point i am rn, is there any way to retrive it? or at least to get to the final routes with the juicy stuff? I dont really get how to do it i cant find any clear instruction of that


Entering the name of the characters as a password will unlock that entire route for you, so you can skip to whichever chapter you want to read :)


Hello Nadia! Your comment slipped through my notices. Do you still need assistance?


Hi, no, I was using an old password by mistake, totally my bad. Everything works awesome now. Thank you so much!


I can't even get itchio to download, is there a way to get the updates on steam


Sorry for the late response (I don't look at this post and wish I could lock it for comments!), but are you still in need of assistance? What exactly isn't working for you on Itch? I cannot give out updates on Steam.


I cannot get the Plus Version of the game to download through itch for some reason. :/ When I have the app open and try to follow the video, I get the error: "invalid game." I have a screenshot but idk how to attach it here.


And if you follow this link in your webbrowser: https://celianna.itch.io/ttplusearlyaccess/patreon-access Do you still get an invalid game error?


I can download it via itch through a local browser but not through the actual app.


If you go to the Itch app and click on your Library, do you see Tailor Tales Patreon among them? You may be able to install the game by clicking on it in your library. I'm not sure why Itch is giving errors.


That worked! I was finally able to play the game through itch by installing it through the app from my library. I'm not entirely sure why going to the website didn't work but if anyone else has this problem, feel free to let them know that worked for me.


Good to know that worked! I don't think you're the only one, so I may make an announcement post.


It's okay now, I had to remove the VPN, I'm in Korea so I try to use VPN's to avoid the language changing on sites

Cassandra l Varble

I can't access James's side story. I finished his chapter(both endings) but his side story is still locked.


James doesn't have a side story, only Neil, Dimitri and Caine currently have side stories.

Fadzie Karima

Although I do agree with a lot of the criticisms relating to the MC on Gray's route I really hope this doesn't demotivate you. You're a really good game creator and writer and I can't wait to see what else you produce ❤

CookieCake (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 20:44:30 Heeeeeej! I found your game through a random browsing session on itch and immediately downloaded it. I only played Jaemis route yet but oh boy - I needed to support you in any way and seeked out your patreon. You are an amazing artist and storyteller and I'm hyped for all the other routes! Keep up the good work and much love! &lt;3
2022-04-23 20:44:39 Heeeeeej! I found your game through a random browsing session on itch and immediately downloaded it. I only played Jaemis route yet but oh boy - I needed to support you in any way and seeked out your patreon. You are an amazing artist and storyteller and I'm hyped for all the other routes! Keep up the good work and much love! <3

Heeeeeej! I found your game through a random browsing session on itch and immediately downloaded it. I only played Jaemis route yet but oh boy - I needed to support you in any way and seeked out your patreon. You are an amazing artist and storyteller and I'm hyped for all the other routes! Keep up the good work and much love! <3


I think the author should write whatever she wants. ❤️

Elisabeth Braunfeld

The heck are you talking about? I haven't seen any other than this. As someone who is in a committed BDSM relationship as the domme I really like how he had "the talk" with the MC, set boundaries, and did aftercare. I much prefer Aiden's route, but that's for kink reasons not critical ones.