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Moon gets Sa-Ra back in the worst way!


Lenajah Madison

Moon isnt even physically hurting them like how they physically hurt her she just played mind games with them and the results was them turning on each other and hurting each other and losing their minds all at once


Man this is my favorite ep! Sara’s family definitely deserved to go down. They have been covering up crimes for Sara all this time. This is just the beginning for Yeonjin. Also, Dong eun didn’t expect to be happy in the end. She has mentioned several times that she is willing to bring all the bullies and the families that enabled them down. She was already ready to go down as well. The reason she is going so far is because none of them changed. There all horrible people even to each other. She also gave Yeonjin a chance to turn herself in ep 9. Yeonjin didn’t want to take it so she continued with her plan.


i love how invested yall are in this show lol. looking forward to your reactions for the remaining 4 eps <3

Jamaal Ellison

Korean Rock Lee was a pedophile.


I feel like everybody but Jerry and Evan starting to feel sorry for these people🤣🤣🤣. Go rewatch episode 1, then come back and see if she went too far. I think they got what the heck they deserved, that's for sure.

Jamaal Ellison

Moon was tortured physically and mentally simply because the could, and she was there. These people ruined her life. She hasn't gone too far yet imho. I think they've forgotten how badly moon suffered. They would literally burn her till she pissed herself. We're still fear of retaliation or consequences. She was about to take her own life. As far as I'm concerned, she may have loaded the bullets into the perverbial, gun but they're pulling the trigger and shooting themselves.


Now...they think it's too much😂

Myles Xavier

Im telling You, Yall have to react to ABC's Revenge if you like this show its a little older and its just like this but with a different story, the writing is fire and the Actress that is the main role is Sharon Carter from the mcu

Lalisa Truong

Honestly if they had come together to take on Moon, then they could've shut her down already. But because they're all trash people, they ended up taking themselves down lol. It's very poetic in a way.


Why should we feel bad for a bunch of sociopaths that get off on the torment of others Moon has every right to make them suffer they’re a bunch of narcissists that think they’re untouchable and superior and that’s why they were “friends” but they easily turned on one another


there's nothing to feel bad about for any of the bullies, they haven't changed at all, i would feel bad if any of them had actually changed even slightly but thats not the case. sa-rah's reckoning isn't even completely life ending either, compared to what they keep doing...like you know murder.

raeven b.

I’m convinced Rob was planted to be the opposing opinion in EVERY reaction, man. Can’t be real. I don’t know how y'all do it! lol but I will agree to one thing—the actress who plays Yeon-Jin is gorgeous. That can’t be denied.

Rhianna Liscombe

i find it kinda disturbing that Rob seems to continuously root for the abuser just because she's attractive.


"She (Dong-eu) is just as bad as they are." Wooo child, I can't. The whole hurting people that weren't involved is usually a fair point, but in this context is worthless. She and the other bullies hurt Dong-eu UNPROVOKED. She did NOTHING for them to hurt her, but they did. How is SHE in the wrong for hurting them when they actually did something to DESERVE such treatment? They even went as far as to BREAK INTO HER HOME and bully her there. Like they finished school, waited into the night and proceeded to burn her at home. Also, the doctor/"boyfriend" was seen earlier going to therapy to move on from the murder of his father, but he's decided to help Dong-eu instead. He himself has tried the "having a happy life" path but it wasn't working for him, a man with a successful career, loving mother and great financial situation, so could you imagine how Dong-eu felt with NO ONE to help her, NOTHING to save her and NOWHERE to go? I doubt this will change anything, but I'd like to see if the stance is the same once you see what Yeon-jin did to So-hee and why. (Last point, Dong-eu is aware of what she's doing, she knows there are repercussions. She has referred to her "moral decay" a few times and clearly is not expecting a happy ending, but I can't fathom defending Yeon-jing and bullies, or thinking they are in anyway equally terrible, ain't no way).


Anndd the husband can do a lot if he wants to get himself and his daughter out of the situation hypothetically. If a stranger told me they want me to break up with my SO, I'd feel some type of way ngl, but he does have options. If he wants to stay with his wife that's cool, but that's his business if he and his daughter are affected in the process.


Rob really doesn't understand how badly Dong eun was treated by the same people she is getting at. Yeong Jin wasn't the only one who bullied, they all did so Sara got what she deserved.

Luna Mé

It's interesting that you think Moon shouldn't hurt their families when they were the ones covering up their children's BS and encouraging their behaviour. They're as guilty as their kids. The least they should feel is shame. The only person we should be feeling bad for is Ye-Sol, Yeon-Jin's daughter. The rest of them can get it!


We getting undead unluck td??

Luna Mé

I think you guys also forget that Moon is not their only victim. They bullied people before and after her. For Christ's sake, one of them even died. In a way, this revenge is for all the victims, not just for herself. You guys saw how many people were willing to help her. That's how bad it was. These people burned her skin with a curling iron. Come on guys! This is criminal.

keja ryals

Rob is voted off the island for me

A. P.

Yeah y'all wildin lol I guess y'all need to rewatch episode 1. When did Dong Eun ever say she was concerned with healing? lol She wants revenge, plain and simple. At the very beginning she said she wants to take everything from them and if she stops now, she hasn't done that. And yeah, Sara's family took an L too, but they were far from innocent. Personally as someone who grew up in the church, seeing what she did to Sara in the church was like daaaaamn that's grimy, especially since you're using someone's sickness against them but honestly Sara has done worse to her and to everyone else she was complicit in bullying and her family is complicit by having covered up all of her BS and lying in the face of their congregation like Sara ain't a demon.


She showed the daughter that, so she would see who Jae-joon really is. Also sent him the video instead of Do-yeong so he wouldn’t A. Look bad in front of his daughter and B. So he wouldn’t get in trouble for beating the crap out of Bowl Cut. That wouldn’t make him look like the safest parent to the courts. So Dong-eun is also helping Yeong-Jin’s husband out, along with little Ye-sol who is much better off with him who she know as her dad and who actually is a good person. Also everything these mfs get is justified. Their parents are just as much at fault for constantly bailing them out and holding their kids accountable. The church scene sure was disrespectful, but Sa-ra did much worse to her, and her family are rich and the pastor? Who backs his daughter even when she was torturing kids back in the day.




This definitely wasn’t too far for Sa-ra considering she was the one holding the curling iron to her skin. She’s getting back at them more than fairly. Their punishments are all appropriate


Idk how they didnt catch his vibes on the playground last episode with the camera


bro gotta be doing to bait people for engagement🤣 guess someone gotta be the bad guy


rob just be talking,he is saying if you get brutally bullied and you life is ruined,and you try to retaliate your a bad person. who are you to tell anyone how to respond to abuse? and about the church, the dad was going to pay money so his daughter can do more drugs somewhere else just so he can protect his business. fuck that family and that empty building because its not a house of god MOON YOU DID YOUR SHIT!!!!!!!!


Also didnt rob say something along the lines of not being able to trust a crackhead/fiend when referring to Moon’s mom but doesnt keep the same energy for Sara? 😂 no one made her take them drugs and her family should have tried harder to get her help while they could

Myles Xavier

Rob your point was literally for nothing bc Moon literally stated EVERYTHING you said already, she knows whats shes doing shes okay with it, we all know, and her too prolly that she crazy, but the point of her revenge was literally to ruin them like they did her, she doesn't care that she becomes them or worse lol, it was 4 or 5 v 1 when she was a kid, Yeon Jin and everyone just messed with the wrong one. Moon literally says she's their only salvation lol

Myles Xavier

and rob over here blaming her for others possibly being hurt like they didn't sign up to join her, im not feelin bad for them, even ms kang, at least on the joining part


I agree with most of these comments. It’s wild you guys think Moon is just as bad as everyone else. Is what she’s doing wrong? Absolutely. But at least she’s focusing her revenge on the people who were directly involved in torturing her (and others) for so long. That includes all family who helped cover it up. Ye-Sol and the Dad are the only innocents but she’s not actively hurting them. She’s exposing the truth about Yeon-Jin. They SHOULD know about her and the bio dad. It hurts them right now but will save them in the long run. Yeon-Jin feels no remorse and takes no accountability —. Literally a psycho. She is a demon and I would not want to be with or have my child near such an evil person. I would be thanking Moon! And good Ye-Sol saw the bio dad act out like that. She thought he was her friend at first — her “protector” as he introduced himself to her. And he’s a bad guy too! I hope you guys read the comments to have better understanding of these characters.


what moon is doing is farrr less evil than what yeon-jin and the gang did, they are murders with zero remorse. They are getting off light if anything. Also you can literally come back from addiction, you cant come back from death.


You guys suffer from forgetting the core plot when you get too many episodes in. Stop trying to make this like every other show(freaking out that kang was actually gon kill her husband or moon her mom cause they had scissors and a knife) This not that typical kinda show with random death like Americans. Rewatch ep1 and renew your hatred. They sexiness and drip are starting to make you sympathize.

That nika

Rob for someone that sided with Eren you sound like a MAJOR hypocrite LMFAO😂😂😂😂 your reason for siding with Eren was because “well they did it to us first, so we gone get our get back” now you not siding with Moon because you in love with a pretty Korean lady. You keep screaming this has no happy ending. But aren’t you also the same person who always says “YOU CANT SAY THAT BECAUSE WE DONT KNOW” YES NIGGA WE DONT KNOW SO WE DONT KNOW HOW THE SHOW WILL TURN OUT😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 you funny af though. Stop forcing your opinions and slow ass thought process on ppl not allowing them to speak because you think it’s facts G

That nika

Also moon is not just as bad as them, SHE HAS NOT KILLED ANYONE. Asking her to just shoot someone would make her as crazy as them because then they would both be murderers

That nika

WELLZ BRUH I KNOW YO ASS BE KNOWING ROB BE WRONG AS HELL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Dongeun gave Yeonjin a last chance at the cafe. She asked her to go confess to the police. But Yeonjin laughed and crumpled up the documents. That’s why Dongeun is going all in with the revenge plot now. Y'all need to pay attention!

Lilly Le

Literally all Moon does is put the pieces together and let everyone ruin themselves….she never directly does foul play against them nor plant false evidence to try to get them. The group just crumbles by themselves bc of who they are as people and moon utilizes that. If they were decent people, Moon would have no ammo and the ball in this revenge would not be rolling. Ie (if jaejun wasn’t so hot headed, he would’ve chosen to go the legal route and yesul wouldn’t have seen what she saw….if Sara just ignored the drug in the chapel, she wouldn’t have ended up how she did in public, if yeonjin didn’t murder someone new just to cover up her past…etc). To say she’s just as bad as those who are living with not only negative zero remorse, but happy to taunt and mock about what they did to her is wild asf

Maximiliana K

It was only Jae- joon who did not actively burn her and he was shown be a pervert and stare at her . Myeong also held her down and kissed her by force so she was physically, emotionally , mentally and sexually abused . Now moving on to So-hee. Moon already said that it was for the both of them . So-hee was most definitely abused in the same way that Moon was and she somehow ended up dead and pregnant. I doubt she just randomly or willingly got pregnant . Their parents aren’t innocent , they are enablers who knew their children were ruining lives. That’s why none of them have remorse coz they got away with it . I’m a Christian and a pastor like that should be exposed and should not be leading a church.



Sangye Ngoedup (edited)

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2024-05-02 02:34:09 Y is ep13 n later not unlocked yet even tho it's been over a month since it was uploaded
2024-05-02 02:34:09 Y is ep13 n later not unlocked yet even tho it's been over a month since it was uploaded
2024-05-02 02:34:09 Y is ep13 n later not unlocked yet even tho it's been over a month since it was uploaded
2024-05-02 02:34:09 Y is ep13 n later not unlocked yet even tho it's been over a month since it was uploaded
2024-04-29 04:46:44 Y is ep13 n later not unlocked yet even tho it's been over a month since it was uploaded

Y is ep13 n later not unlocked yet even tho it's been over a month since it was uploaded