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AMAZING last 3 episodes to close out this season





Yessss y’all did 3 W

Justus A

They listened!


Yall blessed us with 3??? Good looks 🙏🙏🙏

Marcos Mejia

Yes!!!!!! They listened hell yes!!!!!!!!!!!!




I knew yall looked at the comments sometimes. Appreciate the hard work.

Devin B

We got the triple guys


so happy yall did all three!!!!


eyy the 3 piece is real

Juan L


Adrian Bisutti

Common W RTTV for blessing us with 3


I literally said if you know RTTV then you know we’re getting a 3 piece 😂😭 not surprised but definitely thankful


Goats for the 3 peat

Leon Mabonga


Ronnette Buchanon

I know you guys don’t look at the openings but the next one is so good. It doesn’t really have any spoilers and it’s a great song to a new start of the story. I hope you guys react to it. ☺️




I’m so happy y’all listened to us!! Y’all amazing for that. Now can we have y’all react to fairy tail’s openings like they are so good!! 👆🏼


Yeah, the only real spoilers is the matchups for the fights but I feel like they should expect those matchups already


Bruh that opening scene of the next season bout to rock them when they see that!!! Can’t wait

Luna Mé

After so many people have been hating on this show for so long, I'm just glad you like it👆🏾👆🏾👆🏾.

Big Daddy Dre

This is when the power of friendship started to bother me cus ain’t no way natsu should’ve won this 😂

Luna Mé

He didn't win because of the power of friendship, he won because of his second origin. The guy wasn't even struggling the whole time.

Big Daddy Dre

My problem isn’t that he won it’s the fact he basically did it with no problems i would’ve preferred that he passed out too and they won because gajeel was the only one left 🤷🏾‍♂️


Natsu too strong for these fake dragon slayers 👌🏾


the way they kept spamming the sting and lector flashbacks to make u feel bad for them like oh my god


This was the dumbest power up in anime history

Zander Infinity

You forget they also massively underestimated Natsu power. Sting was shook when he stormed the guild and he nearly took out their master. They were way weaker than Natsu from the start

Zander Infinity

I feel like people purposely misunderstand why Natsu is so strong in this fight. Like everything is laid in front of you. Second origin power boost which is explained, Sting stating he greatly underestimated Natsu power, Natsu almost beating guild master. Like it’s all there

Big Daddy Dre

And there lies the problem why overhype these niggas for an entire arc just for natsu to no diff em and then there’s the stupid shit sting does right after this they made me almost drop the show🤦🏾‍♂️


I remember seeing that 😅 mans got foresight

kyoto drake

double tenrou island natsus power and he strong enough to cover a 7 year gap and fw gmg arc niggas thats insane writing hiro mashima

Devin B

Don't forget Natsu beat Sting and Rogue without using his lightning fire dragon mode, even with both of them using dragon force Natsu didn't have to go all out.


Next episode is when the art style changes


Where bruh at that swore they would do a 3 piece smh stop playin with them RTTV boys man 🔥


Tried to tell you bruh, they hear us when it counts


So glad you guys did the last 3 together! Thank you for these reactions


👆Wellz speaking facts at the end there. Love that the haters are crying about them actually enjoying the show though. Never stops being funny lol. Because I see this question asked a lot. In case you were wondering, White/Shadow Drive is Sting and Rogue activating their lacrima. (This is why Laxus and Cobra go through transformations that aren’t DF as well when using their powers.) Igneel is the strongest dragon parent, yes.


As a huge Natsu fan, this is an extremely common problem with both people who love Natsu and those who hate him. They tend to count a lot of circumstantial stuff as being indicative of his actual strength when that’s just not the case. Which ultimately leads to them overhyping him and diminishing the strength of others that are either at his level or stronger than him.


They weren’t even hyped actually. Not by the story itself at least. Sting and Rogue overhyped themselves and you can tell throughout the arc. The dragons disappeared 14 years ago. They were toddlers. It’s not hard to put two and two together with that. Then there’s the fact that you never see them do anything until this point. Every other Sabertooth member showed their strength. Sting and Rogue were always just talking. And then once Natsu storms their guild, they both still don’t do anything and are actually afraid. Like Rogue said, they were just really arrogant.


However, you are absolutely correct that this was still the power of friendship. And I don’t know why people are even trying to deny this. It’s said by Minerva, Mavis, and Natsu himself that it is.

abdulhamid salad

Natsu power up was lame as hell, they coulve made him go dragon force ,sting shoulve won that

Big Daddy Dre

being 3 generation dragon slayers then mavis being surprised every time they threw out an attack and the arc being centered around them beating saber tooth to be the number one guild was the story literally hyping them up and just because we didn’t see them do anything doesn’t discredit the fact that they were hyped up that’s like saying pain was trash because we didn’t see him do anything until his fight with jiraiya


Nah facts lol Stings motivation was weak as hell


I understand the reasoning behind it but that doesn’t take way from the fact that it made the fight a bit underwhelming. I would’ve liked Gajeel and Rogue to be involved some more to but I’m not mad about it the results, I can just see why some people would be disappointed.


Natsu is “special” so I don’t think he really needed that kind of power up tbh. Sting and Rouge were just all talk


The whole generation thing doesn’t mean much aside from just different ways of making dragon slayers. Mavis reacted that way to multiple characters in the tournament. The arc is centered around them because it’s their arc. It’s about them realizing their arrogance and coming to terms with that. The whole second half of the arc makes this even clearer.

abdulhamid salad

he went against 2 3rd gen dragon slayers with dragon force, it dont make sense


And the Jiraya correlation is bad btw. That’s precisely why Pain was a big deal. Because the show actually had him take out Jiraya before he pulled up on the Leaf Village, so the story showed you why he was a huge threat. He actually did something before he directly faced the protagonist.

Devin B

@dmasterxd Sting, Rogue, and everyone in Sabertooth were hyped up because they're the number 1 guild so there's a certain expectation people have for them, plus like you said they were hyping themselves up, especially when they said they killed their dragons


I never enjoy natsu’s fights cuz it’s 200% guaranteed he’ll win and there’s never an actual logical reason behind his win, just him overpowering opponents that according to the “plot” should overpower him💀 and if they do give a reason, it sounds too random and convenient that it’s almost an ass-pull. it makes whoever fights him look weaker than they should be after overhyping how strong they supposedly are and thereby making the fight boring and predictable to me. But well, i still enjoy the show cuz i get that not everything has to be that serious and fairy tail is the kind of show you just enjoy without thinking too much🤷🏽‍♀️


It does make sense you’re just choosing to ignore why it doesn’t. Sting and Rouge aren’t even the strongest in their guild (Minerva is). We saw Natsu go head up against Sabertooths guild master and actually press him while Sting and Rouge were shock standing there in awe. Natsu has second origin plus its explained very early in the series that his flames grow stronger through his emotions which Erza reiterates again during this fight (you don’t have to like that but there is an explanation). Sting and Rogue just aren’t as strong as we were led to believe.


I mean i respect your opinion if you enjoy these types of fights, I know a lot of people do, it’s just not for me.. I enjoy fairy tail not for the fights but the characters and silly humor so

Demetrice Pritchett

Natsu could take not their guilds strongest, that doesn't make the dragon twins weak it just means Natsu is stronger. Having dragon force is strong but it doesn't automatically make you stronger than another dragon slayer. Their dragon force was no match for his flames, they wouldn't beat any dragon slayers in fairytale besides Wendy and none of them have dragon force.

Quinton Teratino

Sure the anime isn't that complex where it makes you think but it's pretty unfair to say that when we are deep in this show. How are you just gonna complain about it now? Since the beginning, the show always had a certain tone of fairy tail always being triumph and such. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing. It's to be enjoyed regardless. There's many different anime, you wanna think hard about why certain things happen in a show? Go watch anime like steins gate or death note.


For me it’s how they hyped up these two for being 3rd gen dragon slayers as in they are supposed to be Natsu and Laxus level combined. Then they introduce dragon force to up the scale even higher because we know how much higher it took Natsu’s power when he used it. So all this combined amounts to nothing because natsu is still supposed to be “stronger”. And why is that? Because he is the main character. And that to me, makes it boring and predictable


I think by this point you should’ve known sting and rogue were literally all talk, especially the way they were so cocky from the very beginning. Nastu literally did not need dragon force at all to beat them, fairy tail was always stronger than all the sabertooth members from the moment they were introduced. If anything I think fans like you and the npc’s in fairy tail just underestimated Fairy Tail in general because 7 years have passed.


The way I knew the boys would deliver with the 3 piece while some people were over here doubting them, like they do listen guys, at least MOST of the time.


I mean did Gajeel and Rogue really have to be that involved considering they get their rematch…


Some of y’all in the comments doubting Natsu for winning that fight when it was obvious from the beginning that Natsu was stronger than both the 3rd gen slayers boggles my mind. Even when Natsu stormed Sabertooth, it was so fucking obvious that Sting underestimated Natsu to the point he made the dude blush like y’all need to wake up a little bit.

abdulhamid salad

first of all a guild master doesnt have to be the strongest just like how gildarts is stronger than makarov an the wizard saint in lamia scale, the reason why sting was shocked, when natsu fuaght the guild master is because he never knew Natsu was that strong, Natsu power was clearly some plot armor if he beat them with his dragon force that wouldve been way better just sayin


Yes, I brought that up because there is a difference between what the story shows you and what the characters say. Unreliable narrator is one possible example of this. Show and tell. Some things need to be shown and others are told. You’re only ever told that Sting and Rogue are supposed to be powerful. Never shown, like how it was with Rufus, Orga, and Minerva. So if people just believe all of Sting and Rogue’s bluster, it’s entirely on them.


He was getting tossed around by Sting in a 1v2, then suddenly he just gets up and not only is he now able to overpower Sting, but also an additional dragon slayer with dragon force activated. He even was able to overpower their combined attack, which becomes exponentialy stronger, with no struggle at all. All this bc "he gets stronger to match his opponent"...


If you’re going to comment, be respectful. I did watch the show, and I know this “reason” you talk about, it does not change how the fights remain predictable and boring to me, and that reason which comes so much later on feels like it was just conveniently thought about later. You can like it if you want and find it logical but to me it will still feel like an ass-pull. The power-scaling in this show to me has no actual logic so watching some side characters fight while not being certain of their win or loss is more entertaining to me sometimes than watching natsu knowing he has to win regardless of how much they hype up the opponent. But a lot of times side character fights are not even fully fleshed out or just turned goofy, and while that’s okay, and I can still appreciate the humor, it just means the fights in this show in general are not really my cup of tea and I dont take them too seriously.


At the beginning of the fight sting and rouge were getting there buts kicked. They had to keep powering themselves up through out the entire fight to go even toe to toe with Natsu and Gajeel. White drive shadow drive then dragon force. Sting went full power dragon force against them they got back up and were barely hurt. So it was at that point I knew Sting and Rouge were not winning. The whole argument is based on they should have won because they have dragon force. Just because you have dragon force doesn't mean you are going to win every fight. Yea they had dragon force but that still wasn't enough. And this so called made up friendship power that does not even exist in the show but just a meme the fans came up with. Are some of the fights badly written yes but this is not one of them. Most of the fights in the series are great the good out ways the bad for me. I think it is a great series you may think differently and that is fine. Sometimes people just loose and you can't make excuses for them. Natsu blocked stings dragon slayer secret art then went on to beat them with his own dragon slayer secret art. How much more evidence do you need to know that Natsu was way more powerful than sting and rouge.


I think I made it clear from the start, I am not complaining. I do enjoy fairy tail and the reactions. I do not take the fights too seriously and I’m just stating my opinions and reasons why. I enjoy fairy tail for other aspects, not the fights.

Leon yagami

Natsu beating sting and rouge by himself without really struggling is lame. Since the beginning of the arc they was hyping them nigggas up just 2 washed


This episode opened some old 2013 FT wounds, lol. I really don't like how their dragon force was brushed off, almost as some kind of joke. dunno, It never really sat well with me, well, how it was executed.


Idk why you’re so mad that fairy tail usually concludes most of their fights with the power of friendship, like this is already a known when you get into the series, and second Erza literally mentioned Natsu is driven by emotion heavily, the stronger his opponents are, the stronger he gets. I don’t see a problem with the fight at all, Natsu had never experienced a fight with dragon slayers who had dragon force at will so I don’t see the big deal with him getting tossed around during that 1v2 when he wasn’t used to fighting that power. As the fight progressed, Natsu got a good read on both Sting and Rogue and managed to just outfight them, even with the power of friendship. Nothing hard to understand imo.


ONG so many niggas in here be underestimating Natsu Like bro, that wasn’t no ass pull bullshit bro just really like that Ignel is literally the strongest dragon no shit he would win 💀💀💀

Astral Dragon

I love the whole fight with the dragon slayers it’s just so good. But I can’t wait for one of my all time favorite moments of the Grand Magic Gams with Erza


Why wasn't he able to overpower Gildarts then? He gets stronger to match his opponent right? He was also very driven emotionally to become S class, yet dropped his knees out of fear... c'mon now


Man when they find out whos the person behind the hood ohh wee cant wait


Because Gildarts is actually stronger than Natsu while Sting and Rogue were all talk like cmon? it’s really not THAT hard to understand the concept that Natsu can defeat opponents based on his emotions but it doesn’t mean he’s gonna go over here and beat a wizard who is YEARS above his level and experience. Sting and Rogue had their little moment with dragon force and it obviously took Gajeel and Natsu by surprise, but it doesn’t mean that they were stronger OR that Natsu couldn’t beat them, like why are yall complaining that Natsu struggled for a little when it was clear as day the boy was stronger since the day he stormed into Sabertooth’s guild?


Why people getting upset like they literally didn’t say how the memorized every single of their attack patterns down to the heartbeat lol


This was the original animation studios goodbye to the series btw, a great way to go out; feels kinda somber

Ryno Live

Cant wait till next arc tartaros


Or you could just not be dumb and spoil shit that hasn’t come up yet. Can’t go victim blaming.


It's a bullshit power up and people need to stop coping and accept its a bullshit fight. Even if Natsu was always stronger than Sting how the fuck does Natsu memorizing his move set make him physically stronger than Sting's dragon force power up? The fight is beyond lame as hell and instead of the author being intelligent and having Natsu and Gajeel over come Sting and Sasuke through teamwork or something we just get unga bunga me actually just stronger than you aahhhh my friends unga bunga garbage. I can't think off a single tournament where the fights are this bad and ass pull heavy. Even Naruto had to outsmart Neji despite being innately stronger than him. Literally zero strategy in this tournament.


That’s what I’m saying XD. Heck, from the start of the series, it’s been clear Fairy Tail’s wizards are generally stronger than other guilds. Fairy Tail’s S-Class>Other S-Class. Just look at each guild’s ace for an example. Sabertooth has Minerva, Lamia Scale has Jura, Blue Pegasus has Ichiya, Mermaid Heel has Kagura and Quatro Puppy has Bacchus. Then Fairy Tail has Gildarts. Who had to be written out from competing in the tournament in the first place lmao.


Natsu never had a power in that fight he was always stronger. Like a lot of fights in shonen, studying your opponent's movements and being able to counter them does not take power plus having second origin means he has twice as much magic as he did before. So all it comes down to is the pool of magic you have and experience and natsu excels at both.


Just because sting and rogue had dragon force you know typical shonen power up doesn't mean they were automaticity going to win. That would be to boring and predictable. This isn't dragon ball z so i praise this show for not doing that.


How was is it clear? Sting just one shotted his guild master with ease. It was implied that Natsu would've lost if Minerva hadn't jumped in, all his punches weren't causing any damage. It's common sense that Natsu shouldn't win against Gildarts at this time, but to just simply overpower a dragon slayer who is able to utilize dragon force bc 'Natsu matches his opponent's strength', leads to him technically being able to beat any opponent. Without further explanation it's plain idiotic.


He one shot the master with ease because he killed Lector? You know damn well that if the SBT master killed happy, Natsu would’ve done the same and even without someone important to him dying, Natsu could’ve also beat his ass because the SBT guild master looked like a fraud who Minerva was looking to overtake. Also gonna add that Minerva said that Sting had this newfound anger inside of him and he should use it to beat fairy tail like…this is all clear as a sunny day dude. Also you’re forgetting ONE simple thing, Natsu was ALWAYS stronger than the twin dragon slayers, you’re underestimating Natsu to the point you’re overpowering the twin dragon slayers in your head to be at the same level Minerva was. The twin dragon slayers weren’t even close to Natsu’s level from the start seeing as Natsu didn’t even feel the need to use his full potential aka Lighting fire mode. You’re clearly just stuck in your head over the idea that Natsu can get stronger based on his opponents strength and feelings when this is only possible when it actually IS possible to beat an opponent who’s strength lies around the same category or below. Lastly, their dragon force awakening at will is strong and all, but you’re forgetting that these 3rd gen dragon slayers wouldn’t even hold a candle to the 1st gen’s dragon force as seen with Gajeel and Rogue later on.

Pretty PINK

God Bless you all :)


Ye people tend to forget that they literally explained earlier on in the show that magic is fueled by emotions and natsu was holding back against them two because if he didn’t, they would have literally died to one lightning dragon roar or a sacred art. People just don’t pay attention and rather downplay Natsu than to be true to his actual strength. Especially since he has the experience. And for him to bring up Gildarts? Gildarts would have destroyed all of Sabertooth at half strength 😂

Amy Rose

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