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This has been the best arc of the series BY FAR!!!!



Let’s goo


Please react to 173-175 all together please. It would be better for y’all.

Leon Mabonga

yall NEED to react to 173-175 in one video cuz you'll ruin the experience and it wont make sense


Take a shot everytime Rob says Lucy


Def a three piece next 173-175


Photographer from Atlanta tapping in 📸🙏🏾, I love y’all platform shit fye Asf I appreciate y’all


How much I gotta pay to get Rob off the fairy tail reactions? He honestly makes me not want to watch them half the time, dude gets so annoying.


Lucy ass lol 😂


Since you guys prerecord the reactions could the do a 3 piece for the next one

Dante Johnson

yall NEED to react to 173-175 in one video cuz you'll ruin the experience and it wont make sense


Just might just for you. Really all I’m saying is you can hate but just be like Pat and hate in reasonable amounts. Nobody needs to hear you orgasm over the word bimbo being used.

Dante Johnson

yall NEED to react to 173-175 in one video cuz you'll ruin the experience and it wont make sense


Nah man they did my girl dirty 😭 and I know y’all might not look at the comments buttt watch 173-175 together 🙏🏼 plus end credits 😫 see ya Tuesday.


It’s a reaction channel and that’s his reaction, not sure what you expect. Not everyone has to love every character in the show. …and yeah she is a bimbo lol


By Rob’s definition sure she is one. However that definition applies to like 50% of female anime characters. Secondly that’s not even an authentic reaction anymore. It’s clearly done purposefully.


It has to be a 3 piece in tuesday


Not really 🤷🏻‍♂️ I would say that about any character. It’s the same way he jumps all over Deku in MHA it’s equally as annoying. But go off.


It doesn’t help when the characters in the show itself call her a bimbo. Either way it isn’t that serious. Unless you’re new here, you should know complaining about Rob is a waste of time.

Marcos Mejia

Please watch 173 to 175 please This will make since when you watch it because this three episode need to be watch at the same time


For once I agree with Rob on something, Lucy character is constantly failing upwards. She realistically has not put in any of the work to be where she currently is.


Oh 100% I know the complaint falls on deaf ears. This ain’t anything new. EVERY show Rob has to find a character with the weirdest trait that he is gonna hate on for the whole show. It’s just his personality trait at this point. Also the bimbo word is only part of the dub variation. The original doesn’t use it. That’s neither here nor there tho, dubs always change stuff.


I’d rather Rob hating than Jerry constantly yelling the whole reaction tbh


Nah because that trade off is just Rob yelling instead of Jerry but the difference is he is just spewing negativity and starting arguments. Which then translates into them talking all over the whole show. (Applies to all reactions not just FT)

Luna Mé

watch 173 to 175😆, 175 is the season finale!


Nah Jerry has wayyy too much energy when he gets going, now that’s annoying lol I’ll gladly take Rob’s approach to trolling. Atleast I can still hear the show when Rob is hating.


That’s how the author sadly wrote her in the spin off she’s better and he’s not even writing the spin off

Devin B

In terms of power Mira is a better option than Gray but Gray is more consistent

Tim Huynh

you guys gotta do 173, 174 and 175 together plz

Nuna 🖤💋🖤💋

Bro some of y’all need to stop the unnecessary hate for Lucy 🤦🏻‍♀️


Jerry, who has already watched the show, is reacting more than first time watchers


Can we just meet in the middle and say maybe both can stand to tone down their purposefully over exaggerated reactions 🤣


They def should do a three piece for the next video 173-175

Aaryn A McKenzie

I'd just like to put it out there (since I know you guys record these in advance) that 175 has an end credits scene (a very IMPORTANT end credits scene) that you guys should watch. And if I'm not mistaken it's the only episode with an end credit scene (manga canon, of course).🙏🏼

Aaryn A McKenzie

Also, the majority of yall commenting next reaction be 3 episodes might as well give it up, lmao, cause y'all know they not gonna do it.


No ones asking him to love her character but I also don’t want to hear him moaning over fanservice when it’s going to be common in this show. We get it, Lucy is a point of fanservice. We don’t need to hear about it every time she’s on the screen.


Only reason Rob hates is cause of Jerry and wellz, who were hyping up fairy tail to trash slime. If they hadn’t done that, Rob would’ve remained chill


Your probably right but never hurts to try right 🤷🏻‍♂️ we have been saying it for over a week now.


I feel like if they’d had replaced Gray with Juvia or Mira Jane, it would’ve been an OP squad


Thats how the author wrote her unfortunately in the finale series she actually can fight and in the spin off thats not written by mashima she is way more powerful


Lucy is mashima/ the authors favorite character in the show he didnt really want her that strong in the show as you can see because he wanted her to be relatable but in the spin off and finale series that changed and she actually got more powerful good thing he’s not writing the spin off


Lucy is mashima/ the authors favorite character in the show he didnt really want her that strong in the show as you can see because he wanted her to be relatable but in the spin off and finale series that changed and she actually got more powerful good thing he’s not writing the spin off


Yea I know I already finish it and currently reading it but still my least favorite and I still don’t take none of her fights seriously


Stay strong Evan lol


You tweakin bro Juvia is OP when she isn’t on Gray’s dick. She literally lost the match in the episode cause of it. In this arc Gray just hasn’t had a good showing.


Not necessarily true, they’ve done it before if Wellz gets the heads up

Ceno B

I didnt say shes not strong but she would not be a better pick than gray. Especially cuz she be on his dick.😂


there's only 3 episodes left in this season so you guys could just watch them all next video


Ayo this was one of the best Fairy Tail reactions. Might even be the best one so far 🤣🤣😭😭 Aye Rob FUCK LUCY 🤣 🗣EV TALK THAT SHIT If y'all know RTTV yall should know that we are def getting a 3 piece on Tuesday. Its the end of the beginning gang


This shii was gas you heardd


Aye for black history month yall should react to the emmit till movie (till). It’s base on a true story Hands down one of the greatest movie about racism!


3. Piece the next one


Hearing rob constantly come at lucy is annoying asf ok u don't like here we get it tht shit takes away from the reaction....

Nathan Aitcheson

Y'all should watch 3 episodes for the next reaction, TRUST ME!!! Jerry will hopefully vouch


Nah word 😂 Rob havin me dead when he play on Lucy


Bruh I had to pause the episode at some parts get my laughs out 😂😭 These people be on these reactions acting hella sensitive


I don’t know man, I feel like Gray is due for a power up. He can’t keep bluffing with Ice Shell when the chips are down. We know he isn’t gonna do it lol


Think about it though. If Gray just cheered for Juvia, she’d be a monster lol all it takes


Yes please let this message reach them

Devin B

Gray is like high mid tier at this point, he's not part of the top 5 strongest in Fairy Tail but he's shown before that he's not that fair behind

Devin B

Tbf she was probably going to get hit by Minerva's attack even if she was on guard because of the nature of her magic. Also yeah so far they're doing Gray dirty but that's only in an event that doesn't involve fighting, in a fight he's definitely more useful.

Ceno B

@Wolf ur not wrong lol but gray would still be a better choice.

Anne Rene

Especially the comments on her body all the time. Calling her a dumb blonde. So what she doesn’t cover up god. 🙄


Can you please make the next three episodes together because there are only three left pleaseee

AJ DeNofa

I wish instead of a full day off, they did at least one more game before the Battle Royal. It would be called “Cat-Fishing” and feature the Exceeds. Since so many characters returned for this arc, I thought it would be cool if the Exceeds did too. Picture this: Nadi and Nichiya are the guest speakers. A forest has already been materialized in the stadium and 100 Exceeds are hiding inside it. The object of the game is to find as many Exceeds as possible before the timer runs out and tag them with a special wand that will transport them to where the players’ teammates are and they must collect them. However, the Exceeds’ job is to thwart their attempts as it will be a battle of whits between wizards and beasts. The exceeds lay traps and taunt the players who must also deal with Exceed warriors they have to fight. Each regular Exceed is worth one point while the Exceed warriors are worth 5 points. The game will be over when either the timer ends or all the Exceeds have been tagged and the player with the most points at the end wins. The players would be Laxus, Rogue, Ren, Kagura, Toby, and Warcry or Semmes. No clue who the winner would be, but it would be funny if it was Toby.


There hasn't been a single good fight in this tournament except maybe Kagura's. Juvia vs Minerva could've been a hype fight but once again the author decides to kill all the hype by exhausting the same annoying tropes and makes Juvia lose by default due to her constant dick riding and of course Lucy just gets her ass whooped the entire fight as she usual does yet still winds up in 2nd place.


Every character that Rob hates be in his mind rent free ONG I have never seen a person hate as many characters as Rob does it’s like collecting the fucking infinity stones of characters to hate from different shows💀💀💀


Do you guys seriously believe that Rob hates these characters? You buffoons still can't grasp that Rob is just putting up an act and just trolling the others on the couch. Rob trash talking characters like Zoro or Lucy is just him fucking around with Wellz. Do you guys not have other friends you troll or banter with? Jesus christ man.


I can agree they always do the cliche bullshit. all cause of natsu bitch ass


Plus she’s pretty much the main character it’s her perspective on how she sees fairy tail. I just wish the author gave her more moments to shine instead of handing it to either Ezra or Natsu nearly everytime. But her power proves to be something you might need especially with the Edolas arc


Nah you guys need to put some respect on Gray lol. He has not lost a single fight without a good reason🤷🏽‍♀️ he is undoubtedly one of the strong members of fairy tail


You guys forget that Gray one-shotted juvia in the first arc💀 Gray is stronger than Juvia cuz his ice beats her water by a long shot and that is setting aside how she wouldnt even be able to fight him lol. Even just his resolve in a fight is stronger than hers either way


This IS the strongest team of fairy tail. The only stronger member who didnt get put in was mirajane but Gray still trumps her in that she is just not a fighter anymore, and her powers arent as consistent as they used to be. Other than mirajane, nobody else on fairy tail could replace Gray on the team


The Lucy slander had me dying! lol. Rob was on demon time for ep 171.


Exactly like stfu or go to sleep or something damn 💀💀💀


And like i said we get it ts annoying to constantly hear an see


It’s annoying for you, but other people agree lol


Guys don’t worry, even if they don’t see the comments, once they see the end of 174 they won’t have any choice but to watch it 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

Daniel Gotenks

The whole point is that we enjoy Rob trashing lucy. It's funny as fuck b/c we feel the same way as him


I find Mira more consistent tbh, the only reason why she wasn't in the final group was most likely because the creator likes to throw mira to the side which is pretty unfair. At least up until now, Gray just hasn't had a moment where you can say he should be up there with people like laxus and Erza.


wtf did natsu even do? not his fault lucy cant win a fight, literally everyone is carrying their own besides her and second none of it is cliche, fairy tail has literally been last to second last up until now...

Devin B

I mean throughout the story so far, Mira is definitely more powerful than Gray but Gray is mostly on the field but admittedly he hasn't done much in the games so far


Omg i agree, it’s such a waste to find out she is as strong as Erza only for them to just give us crumbs 😪

Nate Deezy

lets get a quad on tuesday lmaooo


Pat: Ichiya’s gonna get back up. If Wendy can do it so can he. Don’t know what you’re talking about. Wendy was on her feet for that entire fight, Pat.


He also beat her while she was amped by the rain and emotions. Whereas he didn’t have an emotion boost in that fight. And she wasn’t holding back because of her crush either since he peeved her off after making the gloomy rain comment. Anyone saying Juvia over Gray has a problem.


You are very misinformed. Mashima is writing 100 Years Quest. And even still doing the storyboards. Atsuo Ueda is simply doing the art.


stop sleeping on gray

Pretty PINK

God Bless you all :)


As good as this arc is I can’t wait for the later arcs so Gray can shut them up w all this slander