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Moon Confronts her aggressors in the same gym they used to bully her at and the moment is priceless!


Jamaal Ellison

The real Kang The Conquer.


“I’m lying to my husband” 😂😂😂 Now it gets good. The bully friend group are horrible to each other. They probably like being around each other because they could show their real personalities.


Park Yeon Jin should be shook🤣🤣🤣. Rob got the most funniest but realistic comments when it comes to stuff like this. Like, if I did that to somebody and they show up smiling, bet🔫🔫. 🤣🤣


Man, I wish I didn't have to wait a week😭😭😭


Also they bullied Yoon So hee before Dong eun. They bullied someone else after.

Luna Mé

I'm so happy you guys are liking the show so far. It only gets better from there😆.


One episode per week is tough man 🥺

Jesse B

Nah y’all gotta post Saturday & Sunday bruh😂😂😂


I'm loving the reactions and hope we get two episodes a week soon. I recommend Hazbin hotel or Percy Jackson, both short and good shows.


wish ya'll would post this sat and sunday bruh

Quintin Peterson

We need 2 per week especially since you guys forget some important details like names and faces lol

Myles Xavier

i really recommend yall watch Deaths Game after this Another K Drama

Myles Xavier

y’all would have to fact check but in this show i think the doctor and her shogi partner has a role in it Deaths game he’s pretty good

Myles Xavier

Bro this show is just like ABCs revenge, i love this show fr so far, someone said the writing is bad and i disagree so far they are good at detail acting’s and for shadowing imo, plus it makes you come up with theories

Myles Xavier

good writing, like how Dong eun laughs at her joke cuz she wants to relate but it’s “funny” to hear that coming from her partner who has had DV history

Nuna 🖤💋🖤💋

You guys should watch SpyxFamily when your finished with one of the Animes your watching.


We need episode 4 this instant 💯💯💯

Lois Kim

Bro once a week? NOO WaY Have to change at least 2-3 per week Actually Me and ma firends who’re watched this whole show Just finished In A Day LoL


You’ll definitely like the kdrama My name, since you’re loving this one


you're probably referring to my comment on the last episode, i've finished the show now and i'd give it like a 7.5. My gripe at the time was the motivation of the male lead and the trivialisation of murder by everyone in the show. I have more detailed complaints but its still a fun watch and im enjoying the reactions so fuck it.


C'mon please do 2x a week because waiting 10 more weeks just for y'all to finish this show is too long pleaseeee

Zalika Barnes

I don't think they are making the idea of murder trivial. I think rather this show enacts true human emotions that can happen when situations such as these characters came to pass. Bullying with a curling iron, murder of a loved one, etc such actions could lead people to revenge in a form that may include murder. Like it or not, right or wrong, it can be a pure human reaction.