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What did you guys think of season 2 as a whole? Would love to hear you guy's thoughts!


Jamaal Ellison

First I read somewhere that when Rimuru was fucking up Clayman, he useda skill called parallel thought. Which extended the pain he was feeling for weeks, so Clayman was really suffering.


Dub took me out of it NGL. It's so damn bad and cringe.

Dario Noel

Where’s episode 23 ? THATS the only reaction I wanted to see 😂


There is a Reincarnated as a slime movie as well btw

Quincy Jones

Not going to Lie. General W reaction and logic from Rob. Wish he could have this energy all the time.


Jerry and Wellz complaining about Rimuru wins easily but he heavily struggled with Hinata and Milim. He is both strong and smart so he is able to build good relationships with people.


Can’t believe niggas said this shit was good when it’s literally made for women. I can’t respect you if you rate this higher then a 3. Belongs in the garbage

Sting Eucliffe

Next season is gonna be fire. Rimuru finally gonna get his revenge against the only person who’s been super close to killing him.


Trash anime with a trash dub, trash characters, trash fights for a trash demographic.

Dequone Jackson

Yet here you are at the end of the 2nd season. I'm sure your comment convinced everyone that watched it all the way through. Niggas just mad haters for no reason lol


He just gave you several reason to hate the damn anime. You mfs make me sick. Most of the anime community thinks Slime is trash. I tried to give it the benefit of doubt. But it’s just not there for me. There are some great moments but overall it’s mid and lazily written


Yeah it’s called thought acceleration you can use it on yourself to speed up your own thought process or you can use it on someone else like Rimuru did here. It’s like the scene with Hakuro and the other worlder or the scene with Mayuri in Bleach. You force the person’s mind to speed up to a point beyond what they’re body can react to, thus making them experience everything in slow motion with no ability to react. They mention it a few times before this and like I said you see Hakuro use it when decapitating the other worlder


What i do know is that slime season 3 thats said to be coming out in spring this year will be much better


I think it’s fine overall, it’s just rimiru’s voice that was ass in my opinion

Dequone Jackson

The fact that you literally just said that there are some great moments negates your ENTIRE argument. If an anime is trash overall how would it have some great moments? You can call the anime average sure but calling it trash is just trolling


I’ll never get over hearing Mr. Satan’s VA doing the kamehameha and street fighter moves Also yeah there’s self proclaimed demon lords which are basically like sound cloud rappers and then True Demon Lords which are basically like NWA or Tupac That’s why Carrion and Frey stepped down as they had the potential to awaken one day and become True Demon Lords, but after seeing how they stacked up to everyone else they felt like it wasn’t going to happen for them Oh and Ramiris mentioned this way back in S1 but Leon was a human hero who like her fell from grace. They called him a demonoid here which means a human who has become a monster


Pat don't say shit is goated within a genre when you've only seen 2 anime in that genre.


They have to be capping for all the slime fanboys cause ain’t no way lmao!


The author Fuse is a dude who worked as middle manger for a road construction company, Rimuru’s background as a general contractor was inspired by his own time working construction. There’s also the guild master of Blumund named Fuze who’s also a dude. Not sure where you got the idea that Slime was created by a woman

Dario Noel

Yo ya boys in the chat did they skip ep 23 ?

Zar D. Goat

jerry and wellz really had the saddest argument. in anime were he can provide endless Resorces its obviously way faster and easier build a nation. lmao if a nation had land and nukes with resources like tempest even in our world u could establish a nation like that. and for jerry boys just need good friends and can beat anyone in fairytail please have some self awareness. u know its sad when rob has to be the voice of reason. the reality is yall couldnt follow along like u thought u would and the show made u feel dumb as a bunch of ur statements and theories proved it.

Zar D. Goat

yeah you're a clown lmao if most of the anime community didn't mess with it just cause u and ur friends don't then it wouldn't get a 3rd season lmao. "trash characters and trash fights" lmao fym the story is compelling and not predictable the charcters are fire and the animation is fire yall just some dick riding ass mfs who think cause its not the best that its "mid" if anything is lazily written its yall bs excuses and complaints. agin this is set up for something more grand yet yall tryna judge it like its done.

Zar D. Goat

that ship never sailed hence everyone complaining about it every week

Zar D. Goat

"most of the anime community" brother not even most off rttv agrees lmfao

Itzkingkongbait Nj

Rtv I’m new here on comment and not trying to sound rude but like yall boy said they start with the weak villain and if u really play attention clayman people was telling him he was weak and rimuru said himself “oh clayman he must be weak and got all of his subordinates under his control. If u watch they say clayman is a like a out of control child so if u really watch and see u tell his personal

Itzkingkongbait Nj

But I am a light novel reader and I can tell u this is going to be one of the top 5 isekai and I think it’s book is one of the top 5 or 10 selling books


Also Rimuru has memories and knowledge from his past life so it's because of him that the nation is built so quickly. He choses and uses his people who have the skills to make it happen. If Jerry and Wellz actually paid attention they wouldn't be so clueless. Keep that same energy with Solo Leveling and Fairy Tail.


Let's be honest this is the last time Rimuru will ever really struggle.😂


Ignorance can't be your default all your life.


I would argue I can say whatever I want about it cause it is my opinion and that says a lot about the isekai genre as a whole lol


Bro is retarded sitting here saying the characters and story aren’t predictable this the type of niggas that like shit like this dumbass ones lmao!


Well I don't know the source material but Rimuru is smart enough to not make the same mistakes lol

Zar D. Goat

Lmfao it’s so predictable that wellz and Jerry didn’t understand a bunch of shit lmao it’s obviously well explained but u didn’t know clayman was a pawn until they shows you clown Lmfao get off my dick


Brother I ain’t talking about RTTV Im talking about myself I watched the show awhile back it’s a basic power fantasy spice of life isekai my nigga it’s not meant to be super compelling have all these layered characters and this unpredictable as fuck show that you have no clue what’s gonna happen next ever. Tbh it defeats the purpose of a power fantasy isekai cause we all just wanna see slime level up and defeat his opps at the end of the day that’s why people fuck with power fantasy shows mostly. You can like the show that’s cool but don’t sit up here and act like it’s this complex ass story and characters when you know damn well it’s not.


Rezero clears the shit out of this mid ass series. Will never be top 5 in the light novel medium


No way niggas think characters in this show and the plot are deep lmao! No wonder these wish fulfillment power fantasy series are so popular cause the brain dead masses will consume anything that gets their few remaining neurons going. Compare this shit to any big name light novel series and you will see how this shit deserves to be used as toilet tissue

Itzkingkongbait Nj

Lmaooo yet the lovel is still top 5 top 10 and rezero is not even above it 😂 good loook up but don’t get me wrong slime amine pacing is ass and rezero amine is good but it’s just ur opinion

Zar D. Goat

No one said it was deep lmao it’s just fun and well written the characters are cool and enjoyable and it’s cool seeing the nation come together lmao everything doesn’t have to be some philosophical brain teaser.And again it’s so simple yet they keep missing the connecting threads and plot until it’s already explained so it’s that straight forward

Zar D. Goat

Again nowhere did I say complex yall just on dick and complaining about nothing like a fucking child cause someone probably said it was better than something u like lmao oh fucking well. I said it’s not predictable now that means it’s complex? No it means it’s some plot twist and mystery hence it’s success 🤡


Going by that logic the irregular at a certain high school and index are peak fiction 😂 at the end of the day 99% of light novels are garbage written to appeal to the sorry virgins who actually buy this shit . In reality there’s only about 5 light novels worth reading since the medium is a waste of time and is dumbed down writing compared to actual books . ReZero/ Mushoku, and Utsoro Maria are the peak of the medium


Yoo mans really like throwing dick around a lot you got something on your mind huh? Scroll up nigga you said the story is compelling and not predictable. I was just letting you know it’s not but for niggas with 30 IQ who probably liked the dubbed too cause you cant read fast enough it might be


Yeah the fact that you’re going off a top 5 or top 10 list means a lot. Didn’t they have Frieren as number 1 on an anime list of the top anime of all time simply because everyone was shilling and hype for it being one of the best anime to come out last season like common now stop being a sheep come up with your own conclusion instead of looking at a list to tell you some shit or to try to use it to validate your argument.


The only reason i hate on them for this show is because i was excited and my expectations turned to disappointment and than bitterness, but that's my fault should not have expected anything. However Wellz dunking on slime 47:32 is just funny cause they missed 50% on the info of the show like Kazalim being alive and so much much else, but i can say that he is not qualified to judge something he has not really seen especially in the DUB


I hope you guys react to the movie too. It’s cannon and has future ramifications.


Best part of this series so far was Veldora vs Milim other than that this anime is mid af. Every time it gets good they blow it with some OP plot bs. I hate it. I hate when MC’s do absolutely nothing and gets the craziest power up. Plus the story is terrible. This is one of the worst written anime’s I’ve ever seen.


@Dequone Jackson what tf are you talking about dumbass. Something can be trash and have good moments. If you’re a trash person doing a good thing for someone means nothing. You’re still a trash person. Same thing with a show or movie. It can have a part or 2 that are good but overall it’s trash. Fucc I gotta troll for. This shit ass with a few good moments. That’s it


@Zar my nigga you be on niggas dick more than they women. Get a fuccing job or something. All you do is talk like a goofball

Devin B

Just because an anime has fighting in it doesn't mean it has to focus on the fighting, it's obvious Wellz and Jerry were watching this for the wrong reasons if all they're thinking about is the fighting.

Zar D. Goat

Nah u be on dick fanned out fr. I really be getting paid while I’m watching this shit so it’s whatever. You’re the only one talking like a goofball that’s why I had to call it out

Zar D. Goat

I didn’t know compelling was such a trigger word for u Lmfao man stfu it’s interesting it’s fun to see how his powers help him speed run a country it’s fun seeing how the demon lords interact and all the stuff being set it. It’s not an aimless 1 season isekai and a reason it’s successful and getting a 3rd season no matter what u losers think 😂😂 like I said not Even a majority of rttv agrees that it’s not good and the reason Jerry and wellz gave were trash with no substance and shows that not EVERYONE is easily following along at no point did I say it was brain teaser or complex I said compelling and it definitely is especially if u like video game and fantasy y’all really just try hates tryna be cool and act like it’s not a fun show especially in sun


Bro you not getting no money stop it 😂😂😭😭 Niggas hate you more than Exerial 😂😭at least he make sense sometimes

Ace Hollow

yall gotta watch the movie its really good yall will enjoy it , and the dub was the reason yall didnt enjoy it that much and this anime isnt only about fighting yall gotta see the bigger picture & Slime>Fairy Tale

Ace Hollow

yall gotta watch the movie its really good yall will enjoy it , and the dub was the reason yall didnt enjoy it that much and this anime isnt only about fighting yall gotta see the bigger picture & Slime>Fairy Tale

Ace Hollow

yall gotta watch the movie its really good yall will enjoy it , and the dub was the reason yall didnt enjoy it that much and this anime isnt only about fighting yall gotta see the bigger picture & Slime>Fairy Tale


Jerry is hilarious like have we not watched a bunch of terrible wins in fairy tail? Simply hating cause he knows fairy tail is being compared to slime


Rimuru wins because he preps and doesn't usually dive right into situations, shown at the beginning of the series how he prepped so many items and skills before leaving the cave. This isn't Shonen. This show is purely about world building that I dare say surpasses One piece by far. (Light novel reader✋) Fairy tail is really censored compared to the manga and the Mangaka never liked the studios that adapted the series. But to say it has trash fights or the outcome of them is just wrong. Go back and read/watch the statements how the power system works. Let's not forget how much science/physics goes into the series of magical it's brought up way more than you think.


time stamp 25:45 rob has an std probably


Would you call sleezy an exerial deep throater zar?

Jacob C.

I'm a fellow caught up light novel reader and yes slime is my #2 story behind one piece because I love world building one piece has just been a part of my life to damn long and oda has to masterful a way of crafting one piece I can't jump off the ship but slime is definitely my #2 favorite story for world building and how skills are done

Jacob C.

As a light novel reader it is in fact the goat of isekais for world building purposes something else may be #1 for fights but it's world can't compare to slime in the slightest


Oda has many faults and it's ok to admit it. He's been doing a weekly manga series for around 25 years it's not going to be perfect. Comparing one piece to slime light novel is kinda unfair. But I respect your opinion 👍

Jacob C.

That time I got reincarnated as a slime is going to be a 8-10 seasons minimum this is literally like the straw hats making it to the grand line this is only the surface layer of the slime series we have a fuck ton of content to get through slime is a story focused on world building action is the secondary one piece is Shonen fight focused with world building as the secondary odas just the goat but slime only gets better


Laplaus killing the fake valentine was a more gruesome death than ANY death we’ve seen in FT thus far


You sound pretentious as hell saying “ for dudes with 30 iq” but you all kindve sound pretentious in this thread so imma let yall hate


What you’re saying negates that though, an anime can’t be trash if it has highs and lows. An anime can’t be trash if it has 2 seasons with a 3rd on the way PLUS a movie. There are anime’s with “cult followings” that don’t ever get that much animated content.


The anime focused a bit less on the kingdom building part of the series so im scared that some people wont like the latter part of s3 that will probably cover volume 8-9. At least the season will start strong with Volume 7.

Jacob C.

Diablo always holds it down honestly tho I'm excited for Diablo recruits

Jacob C.

Your not wrong one piece is the #1 in general for world building I was just using the example of slime being more story focused and heavily detailed


Are you guys going to watch the movie too?


I’m not gonna lie, I honestly thing them watching this in dub made it way worse from a quality perspective. Like it leaned a little too far into comedy imo, which is why Wellz might be more against the show as a whole


Nah wells and Jerry that was weak sauce my guys. Rest of the gang on yall ass💀