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If Robb allowed himself to just give into the joy of the show he’d have a better time watching it.

Hasani Wilmer

Zava = Zlatan the actual goat of soccer


Not every player chases the money. Robbed used Messi so much let’s use Messi. He chose to go to Miami instead of playing for what was an estimated 1.6 billion over 3 year deal to play in Saudi Arabia for Al-Hilal. Again with the least respect Rob, stop talking like you know this game when you don’t. This isn’t football. It’s not the same. Players change their mind on where they want to play all the time and it isn’t always motivated by money purely. (Also Messi got a cut of revenue from MLS pass on Apple TV, NOT Apple itself)


Rob, bro stop jumping to conclusions about everything with this show, and then letting that speculation affect your view and not pay attention to the things proving you wrong, it's wild how off the beat you are about most of the points you're making, you can have your opinion but when your point is proven wrong you hold true to it like it's a lifeline to the detriment of our enjoyment watching you guys talk or debate.

Devin B

Zava has had a long career and a lot of success so at this point in his life money might not be the deciding factor. Rebecca basically said that he's had it easy so he probably picked Richmond to prove that he's talented no matter where he goes.


Evan also made a good point because realistically speaking it’s the only play Rebecca had. Remember at the beginning his team straight up denied them even a visit.

Devin B

When Rob takes a certain stance against something he sticks with it even if it means asserting his points at random times


Rob clearly has no idea what he's talking about and can't just enjoy a show for what it is, I have no clue why he still is in these reactions😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Yall should start pausing the episode, arguing over whats gonna happen and speculating or wondering while the scene is actively trying to explain the situation and the problem..


I do agree with Rob, but its a goddamn TV Show its not real. But knowing Zava character he likes chaos and always does stupid shit, joining a huge FC is already boring for him.

Jesse B

Zava is based off Zlatan Ibrahimovic ifyyk 😂😂😂

Kyran Lane

Can yall PLEASE watch this without ROB? He doesn’t listen to the plot, the scene or even follows, yet has the biggest WRONG opinions. I bought the subscription solely for this series and he’s ruining it.


yikes well rob aint changing nor going anywhere so we just gotta deal wit it

Kyran Lane

Yeah I know lol. I just wish he would allow himself to enjoy the show. He definitely has SOME valid points but it feels like he’s looking for things to dislike.


take that old ass nigga rob out of the reactions


Rob lol you gotta learn more about soccer/football even Cristiano Ronaldo left Real Madrid and took a paycut to join Juventus lol

Myles Xavier

i get what yall mean about rebecca but at this point it’s more about her trying to win more than getting back at Rupert

Myles Xavier

and again rob, american football and sports are not the same as Soccer. yall gotta stop comparing lol, literally the biggest player on the planet could’ve taken a saudi Arabian deal for hella money but went to mls and got less money but got compensation for it. Messi is now playing mls, a league way less advanced than others. and i’ve seen people say they would choose a team and end up picking another and people are surprised and family members upset

Myles Xavier

Also Rob you were talkin again while the show was explaining, it never said Rebecca had an affair with rupert before they were together, after that moment he didn't come back with his wife, rebecca said he kept coming back while she said no, for 6 weeks, and she only said yes then bc she felt chosen. it never stated that he cheated, and it implies he was no longer with the other woman

Myles Xavier

and to defend the “craziness” of the zava rest room scene, rebecca wasn’t expecting to get zava in that moment, she was making a last ditch effort and i think the scene expresses boldness, also the thing rebecca hapred on was his skill as a player. so his decision would be his, is how they write it bc if he goes to richmond he’s choosing to take less pay and reach potential glory. its not bad writing at all, it’s just unlikely like yall said. but i’ve seen many shows and movies where chicks or dudes go into the restroom, but somehow this specific scenario is “fake”, that is wild imo lol

Zar D. Goat

Rob stop talking like u know messi cause u seen 4 matches in the mls 💀

Zar D. Goat

How much do u have to hate woman to side with rupurt? Even after the divorce he still antagonized her of course she hates him still. At what point should he just leave her alone? And as for zarva and the kd thing it did work cause he left All his good situations especially using the dreymond shit. Just be chatting fr.


rob stfu you dont kno football


the bathroom scene was for comedic effect its a fucking sit com, you guys are mad at a sitcom for trying to be funny is crazy

ryan stoddard

I enjoy your reaction but just lower the mic volume.

Gabriel Rodriguez

teams have hijack moves in soccer and has people change their mind last minute. Rob really trying to just ruin these reactions. like no shit everything that happens in this show ain’t real it’s a show 😂🤡

Gabriel Rodriguez

At what point did Zava care about money. Dude character inspired by Zalatan Ibrahimovic and you listen to him talk he doesn’t care about money it’s about being the best to him and proving he is the greatest.

Bria McCutcheon

I’m so glad Evan and Wellz finally brought up to Rob that Richmond ISNT losing!


Wow rob is legit dumb af