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As many of you know we were on a holiday break! We still see some questions about when JJK is going to be released. We don’t get back until the 4th of January and we have plenty to catch up on when we do get back. The final two episodes of season 2 of JJK will be released on Saturday Jan 6, 2024! Undead Unluck will follow up on Monday Jan 8, 2024! One Piece canon episodes will continue as scheduled. We hope this reminder helps answer any questions yall might’ve had and we hope yall are off to a great new year!



So there is a live action Zom100 and Yu Yu Hakusho. Let’s get into it gang

Giovanni _king

Can you guys pls get back to me about my membership pls I paid for a membership I never was able to enjoy it in the membership lasted for 3 day in told me I had to pay again so could you guys pls get back