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We got the gang back and we move on to the next arc!!!!



Thank god there skipping the horribly boring filler arc😭


Once of the most epic fights coming up soon in episode 173-175


Well there were still some callbacks and characters that shows up in the next arc. Just saying, in case there are some plot holes in some characters

Matthew Gilroy

Pat you look like a smurf playbuh

Tim Huynh

what episode are they skipping to? are they going straight to the grand magic games?

Ryno Live

Best arc Tartarus to me den the aganolgia arc


The "filler" arc's in Fairy tail are all canon to the story their just not in the manga only referenced so you don't need to watch them to get the full story. But this next arc is one of my favorite anime arcs can't wait for y'all to see it


This might be the most drippy I’ve seen Rob lol


It said lucys dad worked himself to death that’s how he got that 7 year rent in 👌🏾 n Romeo been learning different flames


GMG here we come! 🔥 after 🔥. No filler even if this filler arc is actually pretty good.


We jumping to GMG right??


“Nobody dies in Fairy Tail. Literally nobody.”


There is no Acnologia arc. If there was then Acnologia might’ve actually been more of an actual character and less of a literal plot device.


Btw, Natsu never actually whooped Totemaru. He destroyed Jupiter then got motion sick and was saved by Gray and Elfman. Their fight never actually concluded.


Dragon of Apocalypse. He’s always been just a force of nature. Always been a plot device. Bro is just evil. You wanted him to be conflicted? Or a deep backstory?


Upcoming GMG arc is the best fairy tail arc and nothing before it or after it was or will be as good as

Astral Dragon

I’ll be honest I’m kind of sad they are skipping the “Key of the Starry Sky” arc because even with it being filler it’s actually really good, I do understand why they are though. But on the other hand they are going straight into another one of my favorite arcs so that’s awesome.


I want them to watch 126 so bad 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Amber Wilmot

Omg im so fucking hyped I can’t contain my excitement lol I freaking love the GMG arc! ‘The Key of the Starry Sky’ arc is good but I’m relieved they are skipping it and getting right into a spectacular arc. Excited excited 😁😁😁😊😊😊❤️❤️❤️

RonnieJayPlays (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 03:31:40 Tartoros is way better
2024-01-03 00:15:43 Tartoros is way better

Tartoros is way better

Marcos Mejia

I cannot wait for the arc coming up easily one of the best and my favorite one I’m excited to see them react to this arc and I’ll be happy if they stop after but I love fairy tail

Pretty PINK

God Bless you all :)

Nero Luv

While we’re waiting on Bleach to come back… Why not do the Zanpakuto arc?! It’s fire 🔥


Ntn beats a good tournament arc lol, tartaros is a good arc but GMG takes the cake for me 😬

Pretty PINK

Jesus saves, protects, and loves us all so very much. God Bless you all :)

Ryno Live

The last one was basically his arc i dont wanna say to much cause i want them to react

Ryno Live

He been drippy yall eyes just catching up like in slime when the old man fought that kid

Ryno Live

What your favorite arc mines tartarus i feel like it had the best moments n villians

Ryno Live

Thank you alot of us really needed this may all gods angels protect and bless you and your family


Ah yes, the character that plays a crucial role in the main female lead’s character development is a nobody. Try again.



Leon Mabonga

i want them to react to the openings of 10 and 11 cuz they make the story look lit

Leon Mabonga

it may be filler as it aint in the manga but its canon within the anime's story


Who cares it has same probl as one piece where people only die In flashbacks there’s 0 stakes and tension

Oluwagbenga Ayeomoni

Ohhhh y’all eating good… tenrou, grand magic games then Tartarus arc? Peak


Yes Lucy was 17 she isn't 18 for another 3 months


it is shit actual dog shit even worst then the edolas arc and they hated the edolas arc


The filler arcs in Fairy tail are pretty much all cannon to the anime near the final season or in 100YQ and some react channels skipped over it because its not cannon to the manga


can yall release the bleach filler arc, would be fire


The previous reaction is locked

Alice Refachinho

The previous reaction is locked for rookies !!


Why is Jerry never saying stuff that the show already states. Like he refuses to say romeo is macaoe son when they already know that and even the subtitles and narrator say so they just didn't hear it.

Alexis Maracle

Personally I don’t care for the arc y’all are skipping so eh, but it’s not bad. It would be nice to do that and bleach’s arc later and move on with the canon story