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another dope episode of undead unluck!



juiz is so OP <3 also love the brazil reference too!!

Justus A

The story in this show is really interesting


This is what peak entails.


The loop hole in Juiz's ability was already shown. Juiz saw that alien guy didn't kill himself like the rest of the invaders and came to the conclusion he didn't actually believe invading earth was justice. So i'm assuming as long as you don't feel your actions are justified you won't be affected by her ability.

Nem Kos

Or it could be the opposite, maybe that guy really was convinced of his ideals, so the loop hole would be not being motivated by any concept of justice whatsoever. For example a villain like Friezer who only cares about destruction would be completely immune to her power. I see it as an all-or-nothing kind of power

Devin B

But is it really a loophole because it's not that easy to just switch up on your beliefs, if you truly believe your actions are justified then even if you know what her ability is you can't just unjustify what you think. Plus with the alien guy he saw his comrades kill each other off their justice so at that moment in his heart he lost all justifications for trying to invade Earth and lost the will to fight.


This show is really good and has some of the most creative concepts I've seen in awhile. Getting closer to Top 5 NG imo

Kwame Braithwaite

Holy shit I had to skip that intro the cringe of hell