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Thank for all your patience guys! We hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend with your loved ones. Lets get back to some greatness! 



Undead unluck My g’s


Thanks man I ate a bunch. I hope you guys all enjoyed your holiday and I hope you spent time with your families. It’s been roughly 5 years and I’m not going anywhere RTTV for life 😤💪🏾

Darren Metts

If I’m being real nanamin’s death really didn’t hit like that one thing this show kinda lacks


I never started it. I want to wait until season 1 is done so I can binge it. But now the you said something wtf happened to Mushoku Tensai?


Managed to stick to eating healthy this year(with a few deviled eggs no one saw but ill let y'all in on the secret lmao), and still had a solid year with the fam. Hope everyone else did too, back to some greatness.


Aww they’re forgetting Maki has a stronger body than most people due to her Heavenly Restriction.


I’ve never seen niggas laugh this much during a death scene💀💀 and did y’all forget that Yuji can fight Mahito regularly and doesn’t have to worry about getting transfigured cuz of Sukuna if it was anyone else, one touch and your finished

Enrique Nicasio

Nanami’s death was on some Jiraiya shit


Anime lowkey spoiled it with all the build up. The manga he just go savage mode then turn the page and it’s so sudden with it. It hit pretty good for people who knew what was about to happen tho

Devin B

That's only because we didn't get to spend much time with the character, he's a dope character but I didn't have too much attachment to him


Big respect to gege killing off his favorite character and not being a complete pussy like naruto and bleach authors. Gege is a true artist who dosent let the sheep dictate how to tell his story


RIP Nanamin… enjoy your retirement. You deserved to be on that beach in Malaysia you dreamt about.


Better tbh jirayah was a lame ass peeping Tom that had it coming due to all the sus shit he did


How pat watch the series twice and don’t remember shit 💀

Darren Metts

@exrialhd yea honestly they should’ve never faked his death either and then with that dancing scene as well like it was kinda obvious at that point

Benito louis

Nah just stop I felt bad for him but jiraiya had niggas crying out here


ONG he puts everything on his life that this is his favorite new GEN but don’t know shit and can’t remember shit about it even after rewatching the fucking first season 💀💀 he only likes it because of the fights n Rob only likes it because of Gojo that nigga be zoned out every episode cuz his precious sensei ain’t around💀💀


The real sad part is honestly Yuji reaction and his emotional state. Haven’t seen a shounen main char take this many Ls back to back

Darren Metts

@exrialHd facts that’s what I like about this show yuji not actually getting crazy dubs or being top dog


Agreed. We really didn't get to spend enough time with him to really get attached. Plus they dragged the scene out too long. At a certain point it's like okay just get on with it we all know he's dying.


She has a Heavenly Restriction lol it’s a result of her being born without cursed energy.


Spoken like a true autismo. Jjk is essentially Naruto without all the homosexual themes revolving around saucegay and gayruto and no filler. Naruto is a product of nostaglia and should be used as toilet tissue to clean up shit with


I don’t see how a lack of homosexual themes would make a show/manga better, if anything I just feel like your a little kid without an understanding of much of anything which is fine everyone starts somewhere. If JJK is anything it’s an attempt at gege trying to capture some essence of hxh but it’s doubtful that someone who calls people autismo, like a child, would be truly able to get that. TLDR you’re just a child spouting nonsense


Yea instead he's on Akame Ga Kill time and kills characters off just for the sake of it, without giving them a solid character arc/conclusion. Also Kishimoto's favorite is Kurama, so he actually did kill off his favorite, just took him until Boruto to do it. Bleach is too scared to kill characters off in general.


Yes that’s why kishimoto is bitch made how it take 20 years to kill off kurama 💀and don’t get me started on the biggest cop out arc in shounen the pain arc. And nah every death is justified it’s realistic and actions actually have consequences like real life. Only the strong are privledged to die on their own terms which a main theme in jjk speedreader


If I wanted to watch gay flamboyant men I’d just read that dog shit Jojo. Jjk is for men with high testoerone which dosent seem like you have much of princess . And no shit jjk takes from hxh with the battle system and arcs and homage he always does. But don’t act like Naruto didn’t influence jjk when it’s clear as day to see the similarities . Go slap some dick and put respect on my name drag queen🤡🤡🤡🤡

Toshin D. Raizen

felt nothin for this death. Nanimi was trash af and y'all acting like its a big deal


Just cuz they aint post/record the reaction yet dont mean they dropped it lol


So a creator has to kill off their favorite character with the quickness or else they're bitch made? Also we're well past trying to be realistic lmao. A lot of the deaths are unsatisfying and leave me feeling like I didn't get nearly enough from them and that they didn't matter at all. Giving them an actual character arc would make the deaths feel a lot more impactful too. There's a reason why even the biggest JJK fans complain about this aspect of the series. Has nothing to do with being realistic or actions having consequences.


This was sadder then goofy ass clown yasuie and oden mid back story which showed us he’s a coward who sold his own pride


im in love with hte outro guys


Looks like somebody didn’t enjoy the holiday weekend with any loved ones and instead is still miserable as shit to bring down bigger and better series. Poor child. Also it turns out it’s a misconception that Bleach’s author was influenced by his fans. There’s actually no source for that.


They are bigger for all the wrong reasons due to both of them having some of the worst endings in all of media. How’s jjk in 40 eps have more impactful deaths then 2 series with over 500 eps


Now go block me again bitch ass nigga just know your daddy raised a coward🤣🤣🤣 you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about me

Darren Metts

No way you just said this was better than oden back story what lol 😂 oden did all that because they were holding thousands of people of his country hostage lol


Oda tried to hard to make him likable when bro is just a boot legged version of roger. Not to mention bro was literally retarded and waited all that time while kaido and company just got more power/influence.Meanwhile nanami was just a everyday man who got the short end of the stick. Oden is a bum who got what was coming


Neither of them had the “worst endings” one had a partially controversial but overall mixed to happy ending, and the other had a rushed one that will be rectified with the anime into one of the best. Someone that’s been agreeing with you here (Darren) has already pointed out that this death wasn’t as impactful. Jiraiya’s and Ulquiorra’s deaths clear any deaths in this series. And trust me, nobody is blocking or thinking about you in the middle of the night. Don’t project your “homosexual tendencies”.


Lol bro listed a one arc villian who literally had 0 personality and was emo cause he was “lonely”. Bleach villians suck ass . Espada and SternShitters are some low quality loony toon villians . And seriously nobody is crying about jirayah when the nigga was retarded af thinking he was James Bond sneaking around like a rat. Got clapped like the peeping Tom that he is


And I agree nanami death isn’t sad it’s the fact that Yuji is taking nonstop Ls this arc something midchigo and midruto never took. I compare Yuji to a new gen shounen gutts and he clears the big 3 main chars

Matthew Gilroy

Ichigo got psychologically mindfulness in the Fullbring arc. Got sonned by Ywach, witnessed the death of his comrades (including supposedly Byakuya at the time), got his zanpakuto broken by Haschwalth, and got banished from royal Palace all in COUR 1 OF TYBW. Also, him taking Ls (from Grimmjow and Yammy / Ulquiorra) in the beginning of the Arrancar arc was literally the whole setup for the saga moving forward

Matthew Gilroy

Ichigo got psychologically mindfucked in the Fullbring arc. Got sonned by Ywach, witnessed the death of his comrades (including supposedly Byakuya at the time), got his zanpakuto broken by Haschwalth, and got banished from royal Palace all in COUR 1 OF TYBW. Also, him taking Ls (from Grimmjow and Yammy / Ulquiorra) in the beginning of the Arrancar arc was literally the whole setup for the saga moving forward


The Nanami slander in these comments is wild


You proved my point dip shit all these things happen yet 0 consequences and death while ichigo just heals up and returns to save the day cause of plot armor. Ichigo dosent suffer cause of his weakness he just uses power of friendship and gets stronger. Literally fairy tail esque writing😂😂😂


Naruto's entire childhood was an L and his parents died within an hour of him being born, tf you talking about? Yuji is hardly even relevant in his own series and is as bland as they come. Even Sukuna knows he's trash and only cares about Megumi 💀. Yuji doesn't even clear Deku lmao.


Nigga said naruto childhood was tough🤣🤣🤣 that’s how I know your soft as shit, Naruto was just a cry baby loner who just wanted friends which plenty of youths experience today . And atleast Naruto has people who care about him in the village Yuji has 0 ppl and has experienced more hardship in his 6 months as a sorcer then Naruto did in his whole life 😂😂😂 and yeah Yuji is useless when gege has set him up since ep 1 to be the one to fight sukuna 🤣🤣🤣 while everyone else has is fodder


Both his parents died as soon as he was born, was demonized by the entire village, had to raise himself, was hunted by a terrorist group, had multiple people he cared about get killed, yet bro said he's a cry baby 😂. That's how I know you're trolling, if it wasn't obvious already. Yuji literally does have people though, more than Naruto did. I bet Naruto wishes he had a grandpa to raise him like Yuji did. Yuji also chose to put Sukuna inside him, Naruto wasn't even given a choice. Also I'm glad you recognize that the characters in this series are treated as fodder, really says a lot about the writing on them. Plus if it takes literally until the end of the series for the MC to be treated as the MC then that's not exactly saying much lmao.


undead unluck is my favorite series they're reacting too but it gets the least amount of views. They're enjoying the show so they'll get to it but it's never going to be first.


Wym Iruka , 3rd hokage, jirayah, kakashi, and even his fellow classmates like naruto. And let’s be real sukuna has done way worst shit then cry baby kurama and has directly influenced the plot more. Kurama has helped Naruto multiple times while sukuna has never helped Yuji you anime only trash. And I can say the same about Naruto. Every char is useless besides Naruto or sasuke. And making the main char the strongest char in 6 months is terrible writing I’m glad you don’t write stories . And how is Yuji useless 🤣 he was mvp of s1 and will be mvp of shibuya. Not to mention current arc in manga it’s looking like he will be mvp once again 😂😂😂




Naruto literally lived alone? You're talking about people who treated him like shit or barely acknowledged him most of his childhood. Yuji literally had family raising him. Unlike Sukuna Kurama isn't even the main villain yet he still influenced the plot more 💀. Let's be honest, Kenjaku is the one really moving the 'plot'. Also nobody said anything about him being the strongest in 6 months? I'm saying him finally being treated as main character again at the end of the series isn't exactly compelling for a main character. Every other shonen MC got more focus than him, whether you want to admit it or not. Also calling every character but Naruto and Sauske useless is cap lmao.


Holy shit you actually are a child, I think you just gotta grow up dude gay people and drag queens won't hurt you or do anything to you little bro. I'll leave you with this I think everyone can change and grow but I highly doubt that your a "Man" with a high amount of testosterone(Which for Christs sake why even try to spell it when you can't lmao), I think you're just some little noodle armed guy which is fine everyone has to start somewhere I hope and pray you find god or something to get dick off your mind tho cause that's a bit unhealthy I don't even think gay dudes think about it as much as you

Hakeem Raji

Yo this isn’t about the episode, but just gotta say, Pat killed that outro verse😂. Hopefully it was a freestyle, that’ll just make it so much litter.


@ExrialHD I can agree with that. The death flag was way too huge from the moment the episode started. Would’ve hit harder if it hadn’t been so expected but at the same time they probably thought Nanami deserved a proper ‘death’.


Yall missed the line where mahito said "I am you". Throughout the series the parallel between cursed spirits and humans has been shown. The scene where Jogo says they're the real humans, Dagon lecturing Naobito that he and his curse friends have names, and even cursed wombs like choso existing who are a mix of half curse and half human. Mahito says "I am you" to Yuji in response to him asking how he can kill humans because Yuji can kill curses, all the special grade curses were demonstrating we are all just hypocrites who kill our opps and claim to be the victims when we are all just murderers, and end of episode 17 Yuji wants to escape the idea of being a murderer which as Mahito said he will have to stop escaping otherwise Yuji won't beat him.


Maki has a Heavenly restriction. So does Mechamaru. Toji had the first perfect Heavenly restriction


The deaths in jjk were not more impactful than in naruto and bleach. The author is aware that he hasn't had the best character building and world building because he wants to create a fast pace story so it lacks certain depth which we will carry on to see as we go on in the story but examples include little connection drawn between megumi and his sister that makes it forgetful that saving her is his goal while we always remember Sasuke's brother is always his goal, both characters bring parallel secondary main characters. And another example is the lack of depth in the clans/families such as Toji and his wife or Gojo's clan which would have raised character connection and feeling like the world isnt as hollow, we only care about Toji as a cool guy not much else. Nanami reminiscing of his dead friend doesn't effect us too much cuz we only saw that guy mostly in the Yuki/Geto scene on episode 5. Naruto and Bleach have more world building and character depth that made the deaths of even Zabuza and Haku painful. We had more story on Haku than a lot of deaths like Naobito


That was another great episode. These fucking villains be making me laugh. Like yoooo can yall chill already??

Darren Metts

@exrialHd I can see where you coming from I lowkey agree I never liked oden especially after people started calling him chaden 😂😂 that made me hate him even more but my take still stands let’s not pretend like oden didn’t do that goofy crap because people was being held hostage although I think it should’ve been handled better and him dying to a gun of all things is crazy

Darren Metts

@exrialHd nah bro you bugging 😂😂 better than jiraiya? Cmon is that even a debate ?

Darren Metts

@ExrialHd and I agree with the pedo stuff never liked that crap mad weird Asians are sus with all that crap but it doesn’t take away from his death


Nah bro Oden and the nine red shitters were the worst part of wano . Not to mention over 20-30 chapters of momo crying like a bitch still 💀💀💀


But these one piss cucks will cry over the retarded looking furry aka Pedro who went out like a hoe and didn’t even accomplish shit💀


Nigga really loves his cliche predictable shounen 😂😂😂 and Wym hxh is a manga that has arcs that focus on other chars dumb ass😂 and yes every char in the war was useless bar Naruto and sasuke who literally carried tf are you talking about . The way naruto treats its side chars and female chars is hilarious. And clearly your anime only gege has been setting Yuji up . And I was right as usual as shown from the spoilers Yuji once again going to be mvp you dumb fuck 😂😂😂


@Dyoung nigga said naruto and bleach have world building and char building when one of naruto main villian was a incel who was thirsting over a middle school crush when nigga was 30 yrs old and ywatch doing all this cause he basically has daddy issues and villians are written just to be cool with 0 depth. Bleach was often critiqued the most of the big 3 for having weak world building and char complexity. Not to mention kubo forgetting about kido 90% of the time 😂😂😂 and bleach has 0 sad deaths imo


RIP to Nanami man, he was a real one who always stood on business! This death personally hit me hard because I'm big Nanami fan, but looking at the bigger picture I can see how it wouldn't hit as hard for most due to his screen time. I'd compare it to Asama's death in Naruto; a sensei character we knew since the beginning of the story, taught the MC 1 or 2 things essential for their growth, and who's death that would be more impactful for character development rather than the story as a whole. Regardless of what you thought about this character's death JJK is top 2 new gen and it's not 2


I remember watching you guys Young Justice reactions a few years ago. Are y’all picking up from the beginning or starting where y’all left off?


RIP to Nanami, he was a real one. Also that elevator went through it.

Dylan Hayes (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:02:17 Happy late b day Rob
2023-11-29 13:05:08 Happy late b day Rob

Happy late b day Rob

Devin B

Pat those were just 2 random people Mahito morphed, remember most people can't see curses so that one dude didn't notice Mahito inhabiting him, it really was just a coincidence


@ExrialHD careful bro you gonna hurt yourself reachin like that


HxH has multiple main characters and they're all better characters than Itadori. Naruto is known for it's iconic cast just stop the cap. You call people anime only but I'm starting to think you might be if you think JJK treats it's female characters any better and the upcoming episode is about to prove my point. Gege somehow managed to make Kishimoto look competent when it comes to female characters in comparison which is crazy. Only thing Itadori is MVP of is getting his ass kicked and letting people shove fingers down his throat 😂. Got violated by a mid tier character and half of Shibuya pays the price smh.


Actually brain dead 💀 gon is officially the protagonist and killia is the deuteragonist I can tell you didn’t watch hxh😂 and niggas really forget Naruto given deus ex machina powers along side his boyfriend still had to 2v1 madara and Kaguya 😂 and look what happen to boruto Naruto got done in like a dirty dog with his god like power . Naruto will for ever be trash with its garbage ending and boruto even more. There a reason why the jjk fandom considers Yuji to have the best fights and emotional weight and ch 244 spoilers once again cementing Yuji having carry the cast once again. At the end of the day naruto and bleach status as the big 3 got carried by their father Op


And don’t forget the char your defending kissed another male like the fruit cake that he is no wonder you identify with him so much you cock sucker 🤣🤣🤣


All this coming from the dude that constantly has Gege and Yuji's dick in his mouth. Stop projecting your own homosexuality you do this on every post. HxH clearly has multiple protagonists. Kurapika has been the main character for two arcs, and Kilua has been alongside Gon the entire time. There's also a reason why the JJK fandom rips Gege's handling of Yuji as a main character. You're also conveniently leaving out Higuruma who's domain was the focus from the 244 spoilers. Yuji is almost always overshadowed by the cast. I sure hope Yuji actually does something against the big bad at the end of the series though, pretty standard stuff for a MC.


Dawg this episode is so fire. JJK surprised me this year.

RonnieJayPlays (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-19 02:02:17 The only reason pat says its his favorite new gen is because of the deaths, he’s so obsessed with death in anime that he can’t really appreciate a good story
2023-11-30 03:40:46 The only reason pat says its his favorite new gen is because of the deaths, he’s so obsessed with death in anime that he can’t really appreciate a good story

The only reason pat says its his favorite new gen is because of the deaths, he’s so obsessed with death in anime that he can’t really appreciate a good story

Steven walka

When it comes to back to back episodes I’d say code geass had a few especially the end


The transition between the beach and the present time with Nanami was dope along with the OST. It's as though he was at peace. Itadori doing his big one though. RIP Nanami 😥👔🕊️