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Gildarts had that boy Natsu SHOOOOK!


Hidden Lotus



I think gajeel didn’t get picked cause he’s on a mission I actually got no clue Is he not trusted ?


Each of these 8 chosen don’t sleep on em

Devin B

This was such a dope lesson for Natsu because he really be running head first into a lot of situations, just knowing if something is too much for you is a great skill to have

Giovanny Barrera

It is based on strength, intelligence, and achievements. That is why they were all doing solo jobs is my guess. Gajeel might have strength and some intelligence but not many achievements since he just joined. All my guess though since it would make the most sense since levy was picked, and her talent is her intelligence.


This is exactly right. Gajeel is clearly very strong and smart. But he just joined the guild, he has no standing in there currently.

Astral Dragon

This part has one of my favorite intro songs in the series. It’s so good.

Ryno Live

I was waiting for this 2 when i first seen this i was like damn cause Natsu always act like he got ot when he seen gildarts he was like damn i cant wait till yall see the end of the show if you know u know


Ok we need this after the arc is over and you see the new stuff you guys need to react to the ops there the best.


Pretty sure a lot of people said this already but the anime changed Gildarts' appearance in the anime. He looks different in the manga with dirty blonde hair


Natsu reminds me of pussy asses who are all talk and no smoke like you goofy ass nigga. Don’t let me catch your bitch ass around here again


How fruity tails literally gonna copy shanks and his speech to luffy 1:1. I can’t take this infant ass show esp when Niggas in here think goofy talking cats is peak fiction


God, just go watch something else, it gets tiering trying to read comments about the episodes and finding other anime fans trash talking shit that other people genuinely enjoy. Also copying what? That anime trope? Because as far as I’m concerned, Gildarts just said the most morally known thing ever, like that’s not even just an anime troupe “talk” it’s literally something people tell you in real life, so you saying they copied that shit of one piece makes you look stupid cause since when did one piece make up civil morally good decisions exist? If you don’t like the goofiness of Fairy tail then just get the fuck out of here and stop ruining people’s experience.


The guy literally beats some of the shows biggest villains like what are you on? Get out of here bitch ass.


Fruity tards getting triggered cause they are tired of getting used and abused for almost 20 years by every fandom. Shouldn’t you be protesting at a civil rights rally with your blue hair and glitter fruity ass nigga 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Luna Mé

Oooh FT is officially starting now🔥


That Wendy pic around the video box is crazy 😭 fbi coming for y’all boyz


The fact that you can just ignore the upload but took the time to complain is crazy lmao fairytale got you in your feelings dawg 😭

Zenru Renari

This is why this gonna be the best arc, but yeah they put trash characters against Erza and Mirajane so plot armor was the only way that they were gonna pass.


Yeah but the could made a moment like gildarts for elf man and ever green a lesson to pass.


You ain't standing on nothing. Who'd pay your dog water tastes any mind? You are shouting into the void; I can already tell you got vry underwhelming opinions that no one would find any value in hearing. As opposed to me, dam, that's night and day.

Leon Mabonga

i cant wait for the grand magic games by far the best arc. RTTV GUNNA GO CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Darren Stewart

You're like that dude who goes into gay porn comments and starts hating. Like why you here in the first place? Just come out of the closet as a fairy tail fan already


I'm gonna say it... I like Gildarts more than Shanks. We just get more with his character than we do Shanks honestly.


This is the beginning of nonstop heat and FT's top tier arcs.


I’d rather watch gay porn then this sorry piece of shit .Ive never met a fairy tail fan that liked women. And I’d say this to any fruity tards face and y’all wouldn’t do shit😂😂😂


Nice oxymoron cause there’s no such thing as a good fairy tail arc🤡🤡🤡 you can’t compare a bootlegged shanks knock off to the real deal esp when Midarts who has 10x more screen time yet only takes Ls when it matters 💀💀💀


Umm… why are such a hater? If you don’t have nothing good to say then, don’t say it. Look up Gildarts Win-loss rate and ur in for a rude awakening my friend.


The fuck are you talking about 🤡 the niggas only Ws are against literal randoms 😂😂😂 look what happen the minute he stepped up to someone that actually mattered. And fyi shanks has a better W/L so I just took a piss all over your greasy acne face you bum🤣🤣🤣


All I’m gonna say is u obviously don’t know what ur talking about. I’m not fueling this anymore…BYE!


We don’t claim him, he’s in every comment section just being nasty like bro, who hurt you. If anything don’t mind him he’s prolly 10 years old.


I mean that’s fair, shanks hasn’t done anything yet, in the anime at least.


Ayo fuck Shanks for real my G Gildarts would shank Shanks up for real fuck wutyeeard


I cannot wait till the END


One of the best Natsu moments and one of the best Gildarts moments right here. What he was saying is very true and it was awesome to see Natsu realize that. Mest...why did that meme have to end up becoming an actual thing...


If the master saw what gajeel did in Edolas he would’ve put him up. Bro can do covert missions unlike most ft members


I know we far in but the amount of fan service still surprises me, it’s really a core element of the show 😂😂

Ibrahim Holmes

Leave it to Shanks to be the coolest character in two series


Extrial being a clown can’t even ruin my experience because it’s just so dumb what they say in general that all I can do is laugh at it lol.


I owe you an apology Fairy Tail. I wasn’t really familiar with your game.

Ryno Live

I agree you barley even seen shanks 5 time in 1000 Episodes


I swear they try to shit on Makarov at any point it’s obvious that everyone was affected by what Mest did with their memory and everyone thinks he’s a part of fairytail but they always want to single out Makarov and call him trash and an idiot💀💀


Can’t wait for the final reveal about Mest and to see how Pat and Wellz still try to pin that as Makarov being trash while contradicting themselves lol.


That’s not it. Gajeel and Juvia joined at the exact same time. It’s because Gajeel is working as a double agent. That requires tact. You want Ivan to think that Makarov trusts him, but not too much because then it raises suspicion. He can’t chose Gajeel for that reason. Hence why they literally flashed back to show you that scene when Gajeel asked why he wasn’t chosen.


just tell them like one thing there wrong on in the reaction


yeah gajell a anbu black ops for fairy tail to watch a very vry very dangerouse foe


You been here for 100 episodes, come out the closet my guy


Pat: who's Wendy with? Happy: MEST