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Streets don't want to see an angry Happy.....



Their attitude towards Carla is weird and I blame Jerry for tainting it. Why wouldn’t Carla feel depressed about finding out she unintentionally betrayed the only person she cares about?


Definitely Jerry’s fault. It’s crazy because Evan was the only one that actually understand what she was going through.


The Spiderman 2 game upload got deleted


Happy shining my boy👌

Zar D. Goat

They view it from a watchers perspective instead of the actual situation. Obviously WE know the friendship is real but to her it’s confusing as to what her own thoughts are and if she does love Wendy and they have so much control on her what should she do?

Zenru Renari

Honestly like I don’t get it💀 like they doing the most when it comes to Carla. She betrayed her friends against her will and lost her will to move on. She has no clue what Wendy could be going through because of her, the person she swore to protect, then she finds out she was destined to unalive her this whole time. Naturally after all that you’d be even a LITTLE depressed and sad. So them saying she has an “attitude” with the Mom is stupid asf. She doesn’t have an attitude she’s fkn depressed that she got her friend kidnapped and arrested to be used as a damn battery. It’s Jerry’s fault fr for why they have this ignorant outlook towards Carla. They be calling her names for no damn reason smh.💀💀I don’t even get it tbh, Joel and Patrick lame asf for the random unnecessary shit talking.

Zenru Renari

Their hate towards Carla feels forced asf.


Not really the pussy cats of this show are the worst part of it. Happy needs to be shot


And look at that bum ass nigga complaining that a 2d pussy cat is getting bullied. At the end of the day her back story is forced and was written in 5 min she trash


@ExrialHD None of your Patreon trolling is going to bring your father back into your life. He knew your mom birthed a bitch that’s why he has no interest in you. Cope somewhere else lil bro.


Says the Nigga with the pfp of a sexual predator🤣 go harass some women like your role modal cause we all know you wouldn’t try that shit with a male you limp dick HIV infested rat🤣🤣🤣


Unlike you anime characters aren’t my role model I have a father so I can’t relate to anything you’re saying. You string together insults like the average whiteboy in a COD lobby your father made the right decision.

Zenru Renari

Your opinion means absolutely nothing in these Fairy Tail comment ExrialHD


Nigga with the brook pfp wanna act tough then got bullied to hard by me😂what I thought BITCH NIGGA glad you blocked me


In regards to the one piece similarities — eichiru oda and hiro mashima, who created one piece and fairy tail respectfully, are long time friends who were both inspired by akira toriyama who created dragon ball


OP is prob top most unique manga in the whole medium. Meanwhile you can find a 100 manga very similar to fruity tails. Fruity tails dosent have 1 single unique thing about it


Anytime someone tells me they hate cats, I always ask “Do you try and spend time with them during the day or during the night? The answer is always during the day...It’s like people don’t realize cats are nocturnal. Imagine someone trying to bother you when you just wanna sleep. You’d be cranky and mean too XD. They’re super nice and lovable if you play with them at the dead of night instead.


EP84 felt like a episode of Ruby & Max 😂


No denying that OP is unique -- just that some fairy tail items/characters look similar to OP because they're friends. A lot of mangaka do this e.g., luffy's flag in a naruto chapter. Fairy tail isn't unique and that's okay, it can be pretty fun and happy -- that was hiro mashima's goal when he made it. He wanted to do something happy because he made some depressing shit before so this was like a palette cleanser for him


im so happy, happy met his parents bro, even if he didnt know it was beautiful asf.

Monkey D. Lucci

This makes me want a show with Happy as the MC

daquan parham

u cant like one piece an speak on character designs


the problem is english dub happy makes me wanna kill my self


It's not Jerry's fault. They said they didn't like her before he even said something. Get his dick out yall mouth. Wtf yall want them to do? They don't like her because of the way she acts with everyone else except Wendy. She's fuccing rude. I never liked her and I've seen the whole series twice. This is my 3rd watch. And I still don't like her. Just like I don't like Lucy or Ichiya or Jet or Droy or Rudus. They don't like Makarov either😂😂😭 Stop acting like yall made the fuccing anime. Let mfs have their opinion got damn you mfs are worsum




It seems like you’re the one slurping here. I already watched how as soon as Carla was introduced Jerry was like I don’t like Carla and then he said you’ll see why. The host is supposed to be impartial. Wellz doesn’t share his opinions on OP characters until one of the others says something from what I recall so I expect Jerry to not share his disdain for a character before an opinion is made. I watched the groupthink happen before my eyes. Move around.


The rudeness at the start is one thing. But when she’s just like “I too was named by a friend.” And they call that having an “attitude” there is a problem.


yall suck ass and dick in the comments fr this arc is not boring


Yeah as much as i enjoy their reactions, these guys (with the exception of Evan , Pat and SOMETIMES wellz) aren’t the most aware or sympathetic when it comes to the emotoons of the characters. They tend to just view it from a watchers perspective.


Rob of all people had explain Carla’s feeling when everyone’s just shitting on her and it’s all Jerry‘s fault for hating on her character and talking shit every single fucking episode when there’s a reason for her actions and all that hate made everyone else not like her

Rayshad Strigglers

I’m genuinely impressed with Jerry not saying a word lol my ass would’ve been dropping hints about everything


Cats aren’t nocturnal they’re crepuscular and have a polyphasic sleep pattern that ranges from 15-20 hours because their pray have 2 different sleep cycles What that means is they have two periods of activity early in the morning before sunrise so they can hunt birds and just after sunset so the can hunt nocturnal rodents. Cats burn through their energy hunting during those periods and then spend the rest of the time sleeping in 1-2 hour increments to prepare for the next hunt As a result cats are only fully energised and awake when we’re getting ready to sleep and just before we wake up. The rest of the time they’re in lazy sleep mode No one likes being woken up, but if a cat is awake and doesn’t like you it’s far more likely that you have a strong smell on you either from soap or deodorant or that you frightened them unintentionally

Zar D. Goat

U stay on my dick like I won’t beat your ass 💀 let’s go to discord and show yourself you fat back neck beard bitch

Cheddah Slammer

If you have a Cat, what that one cat is doing with his arm is scratching the Cat post

Cheddah Slammer

Honestly comes down to the English voice acting, certain characters English voices make them sound more annoying then in the Japanese. Specifically Carla, Lucy and Cana.


Yh those episodes were rough

AJ DeNofa

Well there is a series all about Happy in another world. Don’t know how it ends yet.