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We in a new arc and new world!


kyoto drake

feels good to be watching canon


The New World of the first Slam Dunk


Happy when he gets his own arc before Natsu- :^


I mean it makes sense that Mystogan and Carla didn’t tell anyone. Carla was sworn to secrecy and the Anima weren’t that bi, so Mystogan was strong enough to close them. It wasn’t a problem until one got TOO big that even he couldn’t close. He’s been doing this for years on years and that was the only one to cause an issue.


once this arc ends ya'll are going to love fairy tail this arc isn't bad but the next three arc's after this one is peak fairy tail


This arc fire 🫡🫡


Wow, gotta give props to Pat. Literally every other reactor I’ve watched takes until the end of the arc where they directly spell it out for you to figure out the Mystogan and Jellal thing. He guessed it before they even got to the guild.

Zenru Renari

Nah Jerry be doing too much Carla is annoying but she isn’t that annoying. I feel like yall are really just in your feelings cuz Jerry keep gassing this Carla hate. She ain’t that bad💀💀 Jerry just sensitive and take everything to heart. Carla does get better and learns to love the others in her own way. Jerry be doing too much.

Dequone Jackson

Right! For someone who has already seen the show and this is his "Favorite anime" he's hating on Carla like it's the worst character in anime..

Alexi Gutiérrez

You guys should be reacting to the new Bad Bunny album!! A fire trap album!!! 🔥🔥

Zenru Renari

Exactly RTTV loves to place blame on characters with it actually thinking about things.


Why didn’t y’all react to episode 76


Ep First Slam Dunk Movie

Ryno Live

Yo at the end its all gonna make sense to you pat and you gonna love mistogen again

Ryno Live

We all hate carla doe

Ryno Live

I aint gonna lie from dis arc and up you bout to see top tier anime n dont skip the zero fillers


carla is just the worst

Darrin Davenport

*Guild disappears right before Wendy’s eyes Wendy: “Get out right now”😭


Eh. Carla’s disposition makes complete sense to me. To her that world Wendy is in doesn’t really matter since she knows what her mission is. Jerry should know that considering he’s seen the series.


Exactly. As the “host” for this show he shouldn’t be influencing the others with his opinion on characters and to me Carla’s attitude makes sense since she has information that Happy doesn’t it makes sense that she is the complete opposite of Happy’s personality.


I’m surprised he figured it out after they talked over the part where Mystogan said he told Wendy his real name because he didn’t understand how this world worked. Once you hear that and see the Edolas fairy tail guild it’s obvious. I haven’t seen many fairy tail reactions, but the ones I have people always put 2 and 2 together in episode 78 with only a couple needing to watch episode 79 to confirm it for them


It’s hard to tell sometimes if he’s playing into certain feelings so that he doesn’t spoil anything, or if he just really doesn’t like certain characters. Like I’ve seen people react to Naruto and hate on Gaara and they’ll be people telling them not to hate on him, but you’re not supposed to like him at that point. The same goes for Carla, you’re not supposed to like her right now, and you don’t want to reveal a character’s development by defending them too early


It’s funny because this is the arc that cemented Mystogan as one of my favourite characters, but in doing so made me permanently dislike Jellal


What subscription are you using for me they leaped from 70-71 to 77-78


Mystogan went around closing all the Anima for 5 years. Assuming Edolas wasn’t making new ones each time Mystogan closed one, then Edolas stole 5 years worth of magic from Fairy Tail. Which is crazy when you think about how strong the members are now, imagine how strong they would’ve been with those 5 years of stolen magic


Very true. It just always amuses me that Happy even got his own arc. I like it and appreciate it though.


ive seen it too...but tbh episode to episode feels like i obtained a memory i lost..so i understand why he doesnt know things like how Wellz knew the one piece spoilers, being that he just read it


ngl...Jellal naturally isnt an evil guy. That isnt his disposition. Whats more accurate is the dark magic forcing him to switch from light to dark. Because of the envionment he gew up in, it makes since that he'd have some wavering thoughts. The same thing couldve happened to Erza


Can Jerry keep his opinions to himself and not influence the others to hate Carla. If they actually listened to her reasons then it would make more sense. Jerry hypes up Gajeel and Erza too much while hating on Carla is annoying. Just watch the show.

Quinton Teratino

Anyone notice how Jerry's left eye twitches when he talks bad about a character? Like what's up with him lol


It's ironic how Evan talks about how he hates characters like Carla who don't share important information but his favorite character from Bleach is Kisuke Urahara who always hides important details until he decides to explain what he knows.

Justus A

You know they reacted to ep1 already right? Or are u asking for ep2


I also havent watched Fairy Tail in 8+ years so my knowledge on the story isn’t everything. But from what I’ve seen, Carla’s reluctance to share information makes sense.

Justus A

@indigo ur kinda right it doesn't show up in the list of fairy Tail reactions because they misspelled the title. Search 'Fiary Tail' and it should show up they did 72 and 76. Edit: actually the main reason it doesn't show is they forgot to put the Fairy Tail tag on that reaction


Always sleepy too like that man be staying up all night or some shit haha

Justus A

Jerry gotta let the guys form their own opinions of characters more. He overhyped Gajeel at the beginning and then they were a bit disappointed when Natsu gave him the hands. Now he's already saying that Carla is trash throughout the entire series which is gonna make them naturally hate on her more

Astral Dragon

I admit Carla is a bit annoying but I personally think she eventually gets better later on.


Stop with the Carla hate, it's getting annoying atp.

Darren Stewart

Nah carlas a whole ass bitch the whole series long. Quit tryna defend her


Jerry is being mad annoying with how he’s constantly tries to influence the others’ opinions. But I don’t think it’ll be too much of a problem. It clearly didn’t work with Wellz for Lucy or Pat for Elfman. And I’ve noticed they don’t always respond to what he says about Carla either. They wait for her to speak first. And this arc does really double down hard on her attitude at first tbf.


This is a good point. But unfortunately you just reminded me of something he did in the Naruto reactions...Literally the exact same thing with Neji. Except he was serious about Neji being awful and entirely dismissed his backstory. So...yeah, not much hope here either.


jerry should shut up. influencing people's opinion is corny as a host tbh. I'm not a carla fan either but thats corny

Quinton Teratino

Imagine hating hard on an animated talking cat like a whiny kid. Nah you know what if everybody hates her, then ima love her just to annoy you kids. All of you haters just think hating on fictional characters is cool but are just losers! Hehaheha

Quinton Teratino

Yooo Jerry straight the only reason I hate watching fairy tail reactions. Get rid of him and the reactions are better.


Jerry's comin for fairytail alot to be a fan of the show. As a fan of the show It makes these reactions kinda hard to watch when they're doggin the show constantly or comparing to other anime all the time.


Imagine caring about someone opinions on an animated talking cat like a bitch


Yeah no...I’m not part of a hive mind lol. Even if I did, I’m still not part of it. I have my own individual opinions thank you very much.


Carla is Xrial fav character in anime after ichigo

Monkey D. Lucci

I can't believe people are getting up in their feelings over a cat. Happy is a G, Carla has been kind of a cunt.


Then don't respond back if you have a problem about us getting annoyed with them hated on a cat. We don't care about your opinions.


Maybe if you understand and listen to her then it's not that hard to get. They are always talking over important dialogue and don't pay attention anyway. Monkey D. Goofy.


Clearly you didn't watch the whole show if you still believe that.


I’m convinced that Jerry is a fake fairy tail fan or never actually paid attention to it when he watched it. Dear Jerry, stfu nobody wants to hear your unnecessary screaming or you trying to influence people’s feelings. It’s ok for them to have their own opinions, if anything you are making them dislike the show instead of liking it.


For most people, it’s more about how Jerry is trying so hard to get them to have the same opinions as him. It’s annoying when he overhypes Erza and Gajeel as well and I love those two. It’s defeating the whole purpose of a group reaction. He needs to let them have their own opinions. That way the discussions are more diverse and just better in general.


You really think I’m talking to you...I’m responding to Monkey D. Lucci. This is another thing that isn’t about you.


@dmaster I wasn't talking to you either, you annoying little bitch.

Monkey D. Lucci

@dmaster I get that. Sometimes Jerry can be very vocal about his opinions to the point the opinions become grating. Still love Jerry though, no hate.


@MonkeyD.Lucci "You goober" take your own advice and keep that shit to yourself. Yelling and missing details is constantly a problem and people are tired.


Exactly, he shouldn't be the host if he keeps acting this way.


Been saying this, bro can’t remember shit that goes on and won’t stfu bout certain characters bro only likes to show cuz of Erza he deadass remembers every Erza scene💀


Jerry, I’m begging you to please stfu bro and just watch the fucking anime with the rest of them and answer any questions they have that aren’t spoilers please Nigga 🙏🙏🙏

Luce Sandoval

Carla is annoying asf.


I think it's fine to critique the things you love but I get what you mean.

Art Brownlee

Yo Jerry is getting ripped for months now