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Itadori and Megumi shows the old generation why their era is now over(literally), Rimeru gets introduced to some new powerhouses, Fairy Tail officially brings in Wendy as a member, tons of great things we saw this week, but one stood above the rest. who takes the title this week! 



Hyped and looking forward to BLEACH Memories of Nobody tmm, or if Hellverse just be sure to include EP 299 with it!

Dequone Jackson

Comparing two old anime that people have already seen to a new gen that is still coming out is kinda crazy and serves no purpose lol

That nika

Reincarnated as a slime is boring imo


Where is undead unluck?


Undead unlock is pure garbage . Literally same shit like pedo force and my kiddie academia. Not surprised brain dead bleach fans would eat that feeces up 😂😂😂

Shadow - BS

Not gonna lie I think u guys would love Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. It gives similar vibes to Mushoku Tensei, but because it's a pure fantasy story, it doesn't have any of the isekai BS. The atmosphere and worldbuilding are excellent, and the animation and OST is incredible. I think it's gonna be the best anime this fall 2023.


my nigga you need a hug fr youre too negative


exrial smells like a old man shit on himself and hasnt cleaned it in a week