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Crazy back to back episodes we watched here!



Before I start watching just to let u know I’m always waiting for FT uploads ، 50sec since upload 😂💘💘💘

Juan L



to be honest oracion 6 arc was one of my least favorite arcs


He doesn’t slow anything down or speed anything up what he does is manipulate ur perception of time, like a genjutsu he’s making them think he’s fast when he’s not it’s why greys attack hit him


I know u lying pat 😭😭😭😂 Netflix??? " I wouldn’t do that for u" lol Just stop bruh it’s too late u self reported 😂"there’s a limit to what I’ll do to save y’all"bro it’s okay u was thinking about yo homies 💅 man really tried explaining "the most I would do…💀

The Gaming Morgana

There is an actual.term for the anger Nastu has for his friends sake. It called Righteous Anger. It's also how Goku turned Super Saiyan. Anger is a negative emotion, because it's selfish in nature. Righteous Anger, is for someone else's sake.aking it selfless anger


“I wanna know about Erza’s power.” Man, they’ve gotta watch Phoenix Priestess XD. These episodes were great, yeah. Fight against Racer was really good and setup the momentum for the future fights.

_ FlusterCluck

Pat said Megann? they start watching young justice again??


Yall too bust talking and looking at each other and laughing yall see the girl bending it over


I feel like the high moments were like top highs for Fairy Tail but the low moments definitely dragged and rewatching it with these guys makes that more apparent


Pat if you don’t like the show then Leave lol nobody forcing your ass

Cheddah Slammer

Its funny because Happy already explained how Erza's abilities work.


“stand back ho” LMAOOOO

Shallow Truth

Please just wait it out, Pat I promise the show picks up LOL (also he has a point, you got Natsu, Luffy, Goku, Naruto, even Deku all bein impatient little rats who never strategize before a fight x.x)


didn't gray say he was on empty thats why he couldnt stop the bomb... how did he make an ice slide immediately after then