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The GOAT is offically back in the field!




Thought yall were waiting for wellz


He probably couldn't wait to watch it and told them he watched it so then they decided to just do it lmaoo.


Yay another episode of fodder sternShitters . worst and most clown anime villian group of all time. About time useless ichigo did something for once 😂😂😂


So is Wellz extending his vacation and told the guys to watch it or what’s going on here?


Stop being delusional it’s clear as day the quality drop from first cour is insane. Prob most ugly looking cgi I’ve seen in recent anime


The One & Only Dual Bladed True Shikai: Zangetsu (Slaying Moon) In It’s Original Shikai form, Zangetsu is an oversized (5’7″, nearly the same height as Ichigo who was 5’8 pre-time skip, now 5’11) plain black blade with a broad silver cutting edge, without a guard plate or proper hilt. It just has a white ribbon wrapped around the handle. The tape serves several purposes: When Ichigo is not using Zangetsu, the band wraps around the blade, and can be used to tie Zangetsu to his back. This is especially helpful since Zangetsu is no longer sheathed in the Shikai, but is permanently liberated. In combat, it unwraps again automatically. After Ichigo lost and regained his soul reaper powers, his sword has also undergone a change: the top and bottom ends now have arcuate tips, the grip surface more closely resembles that of the Bankai, and the band has been removed. Instead, like in Bankai, a chain now hangs down from the sword. Zangetsu’s abilities have not changed. However, it become substantially stronger due to the additional Fullbringer power. Now that Ichigo has found, forgive, and accepted himself after uncovering his roots, Zangetsu turned out to be a dual blade as the result of Ichigo’s dual nature: A large sword representing the Hollow White as Zangetsu’s true form, and a smaller blade representing the Old Man Zangetsu as the source of Ichigo’s Quincy powers. They’re both combined and mixed into his soul reaper powers. In this state he is known as True Shikai Ichigo. As for one of his new signature moves, Getsuga Jujisho (Moon-Fang Cross-Impact) it’s basically just a double cross slash Getsuga Tensho, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


There’s a bait culture that persists on Twitter. Think you’re lost here and might wanna go back on there for some real engagement.


Go back to Twitter where you belong. You’re lost on here.


Rob will be gone for the next 2 reactions for surgery, so we wouldn't be able react with all the guys either way. Didn't want to keep you guys waiting for too long!


I dont use twitter like a brainwashed sheep who cant think for him self. Funny you say that considering you use twitter as a source of news and nonstop link garbage from there. What I said is facts. Sternshitters are literally just villian of the week with corny ass dialogue. Espada > Sternshitters

Devin B

I know Wellz is going to be worried when he sees the end of this episode. I forgot how much he bet Rob.


bro said last 4 eps have been bangers when in reality only the kenpachi episode was good. 95% of the fights have been 80% dialogue 20% actual fighting


I get news sources from all over social media, not just Twitter. I’m rarely ever on there but it’s clear that’s where you belong with your troll kind.


Damn hope big Rob the GOAT of rttv feels better. He really deserves this break been a good year for rob


The last 4 Eps have been general bangers as they trended like crazy all throughout social media, especially Rukia’s Ep, so it’s not according to me or just the Bleach fandom. And enough with the made up percentages.


Orihime pulling up with them things out for no reason 💀


Oh there’s a reason alright, just wait for the next episode for it to be explained.


Kid said he gets his news from social media I’m dead 😂😂😂 no wonder your always sprouting garbage with 0 credibility . You already took a L the minute I broke down your masculinity and made your boyfriend tingz run away.


Yeah I’m not reading this entire essay. Summarize it in 5 or less words thanks


At least it wasn’t her fault of her own choosing.


Crazy how ichigo didn’t clap orihime during the whole show. I seriously thought ichigo was gay if kubo didn’t write future one shot. Ichigo most beta main char in shounen ? bon clay got bigger balls then this femboi


An essay makes this look like nothing. Besides it wasn’t meant for you or anyone that’s not interested.


I think i can solve this one, a fight is "take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons." It states exchange, uryu was the only person attacking, chad blocked uryus arrows, he didnt touch uryu so it's not by definition a fight.


Thanks nicholas for the quick summary. You got mf in here writing whole ass poems on a surface level anime made for children that’s wild 💀💀💀


ExrialHD still coming in hot with room temperature IQ takes.

Matthew Gilroy

"The better the surgery, the harder them reactions go" (Elegant Rob, 2023)


Better to not question and just turn your brain off while watching bleach so you don’t notice plot holes


a fight is a exchange ichigo was just being attacked and chad stopped ichigo from beingattacked


Most shounen MC's dont have sex till the conclusion, its not pertinent to the theme or within the nature of the MC's. But its obvious you're a troll.


😂😂😂 guess my standards are just to high after watching jjk. Crazy how much better jjk fights are. Instead of characters explaining their move for half the ep in jjk they just fight 😂😂😂


This isn’t Fairy Tail as a surface level feels good series. Xep breaking this down shows how much depth there is to it.


RIP Gremmy strongest Sternritter 😔


Ain’t even been out that long comment section is already live lmfao


A young man that has found clarity in a world beyond his own, caught in the middle of two clashing society factions, must now clean house and take care of some bitches: The Bambies & their Schrifts (Script/Holy Letter/Signature Ability) Liltotto Lamperd, designated "G" - "The Glutton Meninas McAllon, designated "P" - "The Power" Candice Catnipp, designated "T" - "The Thunderbolt" Giselle Gewelle, designated "Z" - "The Zombie" Before they went and activated their Vollständigs (Complete Holy Forms) they powered themselves with a subjugation ability Quilge Opie used against Ichigo: Sklaverei = Holy Salve, achieved by perfecting the basic Quincy ability of gathering spirit particles to the highest degree. It allows the user to complete control over foreign spirit particles. Them fighting Ichigo in those forms was completely anime original as an extension of their fight despite this episode covering about 7 chapters by trimming down and fine-tuning the dialogue, as well as the fast paced action.


no plot holes in bleach, just loose threads, I ask you to name one. Your the troll all over this post shit talking, if you hate bleach then don't watch it. Sharing your opinion consistently of how bad you precieve it to be is a form of coping and validation.


I mean, we’ve been waiting a couple days already for it so it makes sense.


I don’t agree with you on a lot exrial, but you were right that this guys switches his names a lot. How many names has this guy had already

Shahbaj Mohammad

These clowns are just sexists lol. Imagine thinking chad saved ichigo and made uryu run because chad blocked like 4 arrows. Meanwhile Orihime blocks like 50 arows and protects them both and gets no credit. Orihime was standing in front of them protecting chad and a non Bankai ichigo and Robs dumb nigass thinks uryu walking away after seeing his friends one last time is him running away in fear seeing chad. like uryu can literally kill chad without trying hard. Then this dumbass goes hating on kenpachi after he killed one of the strongest sternritters and took on 4 others right after. This guy has chads dik so deep in him that u could almost see it peeking out of his mouth when he talks. Im all for dumb skits but even my cringe threshold cant take seeing a grown ass man make a fool of himself every video. like literally ruins the others reactions with his logic. U could literally see it in others faces when this dude talks. There's a difference between confidence and overconfidence, if everyone in comments and ur pals are saying something then maybe u should think abt what they r saying instead of screaming and repeating nonsense over and over. U would think someone who suks the ghost of chads dik so hard would talk less like chad. But i guess this happens when u have two nutjobs defened a nut job like rob in the comments... ayayai..


Mindless fighting is never a good thing.


@DW What’s your issue with that? It’s a personal matter.

Devin B

Let's be real the reason besides the actual reason is for our enjoyment, same thing with another Bleach girl's certain power up later on


🤓 mf really gonna talk about fairy Tail when it almost overtook bleach’s spot as part of the big 3 when it got canceled . Don’t worry though once shibuya boost jjk sales it will easily surpass bleach’s entire run in 5 years 😂 talk about embarrassing


Non-participation from one side isn't a fight Rob. 🤦 If Mayweather throws a punch and I jump in the way, I didn't fight Mayweather.


Facts DW 😂I’ve made this guy change his identity from eon,joestargang,jodeo,truthcrusader and more. I mentally and physically broke this bum

Dequone Jackson

Just a reminder, they showed Aizen because the soul king was also his target.


I just lost brain cells reading that. At least make your bait believable.


Out of all the usernames I’ve had, none of those were ever me.🎪🤡


Make a poll let’s decide if it’s a fight or not


The anime is different as it’s not 1:1


I know you guys didn’t hear it correctly and it probably sounded like “Yuhahaha” but Yhwach’s name is pronounced “Yu-Ha-Ba-Ha” however it could also be pronounced “You Ha Bach” inspired by the Judeo-Christian God. He’s basically Hitler with the power of God.


Why are you so hateful? You mean like in JJK 0's with Getos centipedes, or JJK S2 ep 1 with the awful mansion CG floor/awful CG corridor that looks like an imported image and bad utahime walking/model CG scene to name a few, exposition is prevelant in the new season, mainly as nodt vs rukia and sajin vs bambi but the exposition builds up the fight by explaining aspects/abilities and complexities or conflicts of ideals, bleach fights also last longer than JJK (excluding exposition intermissions). JJK and all animes do exposition and explain abilities so it's not a one sided argument nor is the CGI claim. AOT infact has the most recurring and bad CG of new season animes, DS also has worse CG scenes than bleach, it's just that sajins bankai was CG for an extended period of time, it wasn't bad nor was it good, it was ok mostly. The only bad cgi in bleach is shinjis bankai and some shots of sajins bankai. I agree they talk too much in the new arc mid fight which does take away from the battles but it also adds to its thematic impact. Gremmy vs Kenpachi is a great example of balancing exposition and fighting. You can't cherry pick and your clearly a troll with nothing better to do other than shit post nearly every comment with everyone coming at you for these contradictory and awful takes/comparisons. Like i said when you commented not to watch bleach on my post about them arguing over whether chad had a fight, if you dont like bleach then stop projecting your hate onto others in order to seek validation for your opinions, at this point it's like its making you insecure that people enjoy bleach. You even said ichigo was gay and a beta because he never had sex with orihime till the end despite nearly all MC's sharing this trait, it's almost likethese characters have other priorities like fighting super powered beings nor is it thematically or narratively relevant.

Dylan Hayes

Comment section active ☠️


That’s not a fight bro please make a poll😂


i like how you're ratiod on every single comment lmao. ur now known as the retarded 12 yr old Twitter user in the Patreon comments

Bleach Expert

Clown thinks Kenpachi is like Vegeta. Rob credibility is gone with that comment. Difference is Kenpachi delivers.


Chad really is the GOAT. Uryu's arrows injured Ichigo while an attack from Candice Catnipp, who put Kenpachi out of commission, couldn't even scratch him. And he was able to block them like they were nothing with the power of Abuelo


Hell yeah


Ichigoat pulled up in the new drip. 🔥 I love that new remixed version of Number One. Calm Ichigo is badass, reminds me when he fought Aizen. Really wish Wellz was in this reaction I know it would've been a super heated debate with him and Rob about Chad lmao


Last Ep marked when it covered 100 chapters of the arc in the manga, and as of this Ep with the shot of Ichigo and his new outfit unscathed by Candice’s attack marks the half way point of the entire arc in the manga. So 20 1/2 + 20 1/2 equals 41, leaving us with exactly 11 Eps worth of anime original/additional extended content. Aside from last November with Eps 5, 6 and 7, this might’ve just been the best action packed month in Bleach’s history with these last 4 Eps. They knew they had to show off for its birth month. Bleach forever owns August.


Facts made bitch made metro station looking ahh uryu run away


Damn we have covered so much with these episodes.. us manga readers are gonna go into the last 2 cours somewhat blind


This is not a fight. There has to be a mutual exchange for it to be a fight. Ichigo was just standing there while Uryu was attacking him. If anything chad stopped them FROM fighting. Ichigo actually jumped in the fight to stop Kenpachi from losing. They were actually fighting. Chad stopped a fight from happening. That doesn’t count as him getting into a fight. Orihime blocked more attacks than Chad. Does that count as her getting into a fight? And they ran from Orihime?


Im not sure if they realized this cause they watched bleach as DUB. but Ishida uryuu's Japanese VA is the same as sasuke uchiha from naruto. watching this scene is like deja vu XD

Darren Metts

Imagine if aizen had a thousand years to plan

Darren Metts

Bro over here explaining low key spoiling as if the anime ain’t gonna tell us itself dude is a clown

Dylan Hayes

He’d need less tbh based on what he achieved in his first attempt


exactly. according to that Rob's logic, Orihime fought and they ran away from her as well lmao..

WildSnipez G

Imagine being so strong that the enemy knows as soon as you step trough the tides of war can change

Peter Lora

Wishing you a successful surgery Rob. Get well soon. 🍻💪🏽

Seal (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-30 06:47:43 Bleach really just had some of the best string of episodes in these last 4 back to back general bangers, while for part/cour 1 we only got 3 being episodes 5 to 7. Even episode 17 was legit great. The Director wasn’t kidding when he said this cour would have better animation, and the part isn’t even over yet.
2023-08-30 04:08:09 Bleach really just had some of the best string of episodes in these last 4 back to back general bangers, while for part/cour 1 we only got 3 being Eps 5 to 7. Even episode 17 was legitimately great. The Director wasn’t kidding when he said this cour would have better animation, and the part isn’t even over yet. Episodes 25 & 26 are said to be high priority episodes as well.

Bleach really just had some of the best string of episodes in these last 4 back to back general bangers, while for part/cour 1 we only got 3 being Eps 5 to 7. Even episode 17 was legitimately great. The Director wasn’t kidding when he said this cour would have better animation, and the part isn’t even over yet. Episodes 25 & 26 are said to be high priority episodes as well.


Please tell me what I spoiled without directly saying it and I will edit it out. The anime tells us, but it’s written in Japanese in the eye catchers.


I’ve been waiting this whole week to see ma boi Rob see chad again WASNT dissapointed 😭😭😭


wishing you a successful surgery and speedy recovery robcity.


My nigga you a virgin for sure bum ass troll 😴


Nah Rob determination to hype up Chad for anything is funny asf


Must be pretty brain dead if you think that was a fight


Rob was too focused on Chad and took the attention from the rest of them away from her while everyone else that was focused on her just cares about the Booba……

Shahbaj Mohammad

I care abt the booba tooooooooo...... But honestly, I have nothing against Chad. Not all characters have to be broken. Just that sometimes robs logic make me so annoyed that I feel like a chad hater haha


Some extremely unjustifiable faith being put into chad here tbh.

Señor Confused

Oh brother. Not this Oda Shlong licker again. Stay mad that a single Bleach episode has more budget and animation quality than an entire One Piece arc. Go preach it to the pole you shove up your ass every night.


Good vid


I’m late but rob was straight lying about on that characters rant lmao