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Rudeus's actions in episode 3 after finding out he has ED were out of character from what we've seen so far. Do you believe his emotional struggles were portrayed realistically or exaggerated for dramatic effect? Let us know in the comments how you would react in his situation and if he went too far.



Yeah he didn't try to off himself from the ED, he just felt like he was going the same path of rejection as his old life, people start rejecting the dude and PTSD kicks in and he thinks everyone is going to ditch him.


Very realistic and in character. You have to consider everything Rudy has been through, both in his previous and current life. Was bullied/tormented so bad that he literally never left his house for half his life. Got teleported to a whole demon continent. His Mom and Sylphie still missing. Entire home village got destroyed. The girl he loves, grew up with, and survived with, abandoned him and left him completely alone without any explanation immediately after losing their virginity to each other. And now he just got abandoned again by sara and broken arrow, after finding out there is something physically wrong with his body with the ED. He is severely depressed and quite literally has PTSD. He thinks he's destined to fail and be alone just like in his previous life. Considering all that his depression and attempted suicide feels very natural.


I personally think rudeus life wasn’t that bad. He’s what we call a first world victim . Why is he crying when he had a roof over his head and food and equal opportunities ? I’m of the belief that you can only be bullied if you you think of yourself as a victim . Rudues wouldn’t be able to survive in my city tbh. Rudues is still the goat though for inc char development


I think it would be exaggerated had it been any of us instead, For real world rudy, it took only one mistake for his entire life to go downhill but there he has the virtual world to escape to. As for here in this world, not so much though I guess he felt the same way. In the light novel, we get to hear his initial thoughts and it built up to him trying to kill himself vs the anime it just happened


Not exaggerated. He already was about to let himself be killed in that fight against the bears before so we see he already has suicidal tendencies. Him losing someone again is a justified trigger.


him having ED is blown way out of proportion..also, Sara catching him saying all those things is exaggeration too. The concept that a man cant get it up because he cant get over his ex is more or less pretty dramatic. However the anxiety from being afraid of women is very real and that can happen to any young man. However the cure to that is getting women. Rudy is basically a player at this point.....if he just took a step back and realized, his fears and anxieties would go away. His meat being completely dead is a gross dramatization of whats realistic...him attempting suicide, however made a bit of sense, based on what he was going thru...(the straw that broke...)but the concept of him being that bothered by eris leaving is a bit dramatic tho