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Can’t wait til Shanks appears 🔥


It’s crazy watching these early episode again; this show came so far 💀


weird ass take, if you want to watch fairy tail in silence you can go do that. we aren't here to watch shows we are here to watch rttv ya feeeeeeel me


@Jermaine Roger told me that sadly I’m not the one who can change the world (Joyboy), so this made me cry. He told me I had to wait for the right time when Joyboy and Poseidon are born

Amani Homran

“Ur my secreted light mystogan” pat doing tricks on it😂


You didn't mention JJK there is no power of friendship in that anime.

Nem Kos

But Jerry what people criticize Fairy Tail for is not just having the power of friendship but how it's overly used and also the way they go about it. It's almost every arc, plus the way it's done is repetitive (Natsu thinks about his friends, power up that does nothing but make him stronger, ennemy's defeated.)

Crawford Wooden

If you guys think about it, Gajeel had a field advantage given that he had access to alot of iron to eat while Natsu had nothing. The assist from Lucy def made it more fair imo. Mind you they were both out of breath too.


Yes power of friendship is in a lot of animes BUT, this entire anime is based on the power of friendship damn near lol

Ryno Live

I told you wellz when u see Fairy law u was not gonna have the same energy im telling yall mackraoff top 5 old niggas in anime really top 3

Ryno Live

Fairytail best anime hands down when we was all kids

Marek Borucinski

To be fair its not THAT common, there is a lot of reason he power up, someone give him power, he ate some weird stuff etc, thats not power of friendship. Of course, it is used too often, but he have plenty of fights he won because of other factors.


This clown Jerry only wanna be awake when it comes to this trash anime.


WELLZ U and pat are FORGETFUL LAXUS SAID 2 EPISODES AGO ITS MARKOS MESS SO HE SHOULD CLEAN IT UP IM NOT gonna help you SO LAXUS AINT GONNA DO nothin also pat u never respected markov to begin with anytill after he does something epic. also laxus >mystogen

Nem Kos

That's still, and I'll bet, the majority of how he wins, if I remember correctly.


You saying trash but you're watching episodes 27 and 28 with them huh!?

Devin B

Plus Natsu was using up his magic fighting 2 of the Element 4 and destroyed the Jupiter cannon


i think its funny how awake jerry is for this anime in particular


Here before the hatewatcher ExrialHD comments some random bullshit


Wells shirt is fire


Jerry stop it, even if Natsu got an assist nigga Gajeel had the upper hand because he was able to eat his element and Natsu couldnt so it was already unfair 💀 If anything the assist for Natsu to finally eat fire should have made them evenly matched again but Natsu molly whopped that ngga cuz he jus better😭


W reaction/eps tho


If you tell me irl you like fairy tail I’d prob slap the shit outta you and beat you until you become a man


If u told me irl u spend ur time trying to be the most human garbage in existence id believe you 100%. Ur like the villain of the week in these comments im not even annoyed anymore ur just entertainment LMAO.


You gotta understand, he’s just trynna hype up the anime to his boys by making them pick sides that are obviously gonna win. You see how semi bored they are? Jerry the only one that actually cares about this anime


Did i miss it or did they at some point comment about doing dubs over subs?


understandable, i jus like the discussions lol


Every single fight in fairy tail is abt the power of friendship even the side characters lmao


Retarded reasoning for a retarded anime. I know autistic people that are higher iq then the writing in this show


Glad to see rttv is using fairy tail to catch up on sleep. I don’t blame them I use this as a substitute for melatonin to


For a show that you hate so much it seems to live completely rent free in your head lol.

Liliana Jimenez

ngl I forgot about the flashback 😂😂 a lot of shonen have the whole "power of friendship" deal to their fights but what I like about Fairy Tail is that the bonds they form literally power their magic and is why they form guilds, the power of friendship being an actual tangible power up


I wish jerry would just be quiet. He’s so loud for no reason and obnoxious😭


You guys should start reacting to some death battles lol that would be some heated debates


Your feet hang when you sit at the dinner table fuck outta here


Bro that’s like every shonen anime people just like to only point out fairy tail


If it’s trash then why you here on episode 27 and 28 mf just gotta go out they way to hate on fairy tail


I love Fairy Tail but yes, for real, literally, the power of friendship is the power system, lmao.


You wouldn't because you'd look crazy af and someone would call the police. Pls stop hate watching and do something productive that you like.


he trying to hype it up so bad. like, it's okay, let it be, let them like it or not like it. 😂


Watching these early episodes is so...weird? Idk, definitely makes me wonder what 20 yr old me was thinking, lol. Also, while I have no problems with English (dubs), I think Fairy Tail is best watched in Japanese (subs). Tetsuya Kakihara as Natsu is iconic, and all the other voice actors are extremely familiar and suited to their roles. Even the fan service moments hit different.

Joey Sabishii

Bro Natsu was fighting other people before he fought Gajeel. The fight wasn't fair from the beginning. Gajeel had a whole lot of time to chill and relax compared to Natsu.

Joey Sabishii

Yall argument in the end was kinda meaningless lol. Yall should've mentioned that to Jerry. Happy even mentioned it during the episode. He said his been fighting the whole time so he lacks magic. There you guys go, it wasn't fair from the start.

Joey Sabishii

If it was full magic Natsu vs full magic Gajeel, We know who's winning


Its basically a canon power boost in this show; other shows do it as much if not more they just don't say it and we all accept it for some reason


Pat: this guys ass bro, he’s ass. lmao its like everytime someone losing pat just think they ass.


I'm waiting until they leave the honeymoon stage of fairy tail, then they'll start hating on it and then me and others will say we told you so. I admit when I first watched fairy tail I throughly enjoyed the anime but after arc after arc of the same bullshit win, power ups and friendship speeches it's when I realized this anime is fucking low effort garbage. Wellz already knows this anime will take a dumpster dive and just wants a show they can rag on in the future.

Nem Kos

No other shonen do not say it because they don't use it lmao. None of One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, HxH, Black clover, Jojos, and I could go on and on, use power of friendship as an actual plot device lmao.

Todd Williams

Weirdo in ever season comment section for fairy tail go outside & touch grass please


Not 1 single power of friendship moment. Main chars have taken straight Ls


They’re gonna like this show more when the main villain and his group comes. I can hear rob saying better than akatsuki already lol when we know most villains group aren’t


Yeah I actually kinda agree…I liked the first half of this anime but the second half…it changed and it started to get ridiculous, I kept watching it but it was painful so I feel like they may drop it towards that second half I won’t mention cuz *spoilers*


Only person who cares is Jerry anyway the rest of them look like they bored off the living dead and rob over there looking like the next Sleeping beauty 💀

Zenru Renari

@UltimateHope101 Are you new here?😭 Rob is ALWAYS looking bored and be quiet for almost all the reactions they do. This isn’t new for Rob. 😂😂 he is just always like that. Only show where he isn’t like that is A0T

Zenru Renari

Deadass, ilove Ft but if you ain’t letting them actually watch the show uninterrupted then how are they gonna get their own personal opinion on the show if you keep distracting them💀

Zenru Renari

Man is the Captain of the Fairy Tail hate squad 😭💀 like why are you here?

Zenru Renari

Bro tryna act tough online💀💀 you know you ain’t putting yo hands on nobody. You get shot like that.

Zenru Renari

@Dequone Jackson This exactly, they be swearing up and down that they hate the show but be watching all the episodes faithfully😭😭😂 it don’t be making sense. If RTTV was reacting to a show I don’t like, I simply don’t watch the reactions and don’t involve myself with it. But y’all keeping up with their reactions just to hate us insane😭 y’all probably don’t touch grass.

Zenru Renari

@Mad4Life I get your parents don’t love you but you gotta chill😂 it’s never that serious, truly. 😭👏 Go outside, get some bitches and stop acting like middle school 13 year old in these comments. The show only gets better from here in terms of plot/story and animation. Yeah the POF still exist in a few moments but overall I don’t think they’ll drop it cuz they’re used to bs plot armor saves in anime. Either way, You’re really miserable for going this hard to hate on a show that doesn’t affect you at all. Go make some money and do something productive, cuz at the end of the day RTTV gets PAID to watch this show, this pays their bills. You however get paid $0 to be consistently in their comments hating on the show waiting on its downfall. Which is mad corny 💀 go do something with your life bro, this is embarrassing at this point.

Zenru Renari

Out of the Big 5, that’s true. Behind the old nigga in DBZ and Bleach with the fire sword. Makarov is up there.

Zenru Renari

Yeah and it’s so stupid cuz the author could’ve literally AVOIDED that but he literally chose to make them say “the power of friendship” which I don’t understand 💀 like Ik they don’t use POF sin every fight but when they do it doesn’t make sense cuz they could’ve made up a better reason. Because I’m other anime’s like Naruto, when they use plot armor, they at least try to cover it up with some bs excuse or “unlocked sealed away power” but FT said “nah, we gonna use our plot armor openly”😭😭😂. Luckily they don’t always use POF but it’s just when they do😬…. But FT still my #1 Anime.(not saying it’s the best anime but it’s my #1)

Zenru Renari

Fr , the episodes now vs here are like night and day difference. It really did come far. Especially in terms of animation and dialogue.


Not all shonen but even the ones you mentioned are nothing like this (except demon slayer maybe)

Korbin Cullers

What you forgot is that they explained that Natsu was “weaker” at the time because he fought off two of the element four before fighting gajeel while gajeel was just chilling before, so even with the assist I think it evens out to an even fight.


I mean he hasnt said anything or argued so as long as he doesnt talk its fine by me lmaooo


Yeah never make the mistake of overenthusiasticly showing something you like to people cause it really pushs them away

Andrew Orta

mystgons true identity being shown bout to be so funny


W reaction gang Fairy tail is only gonna get better

Luke Naxh

Jerry being apparently a HUGE fan of FT and not realizing gajeel was beating women while antsu had multiple fights before they had their fight. Happy said it literally. And noting how he keeps saying the flashback was a result of fighting when he also saw the guild crumble is just confusing asf. Jerry acts like a child fr.


So a 100% Gajeel getting whooped then eating his element is legit but Natsu running Gauntlets and eating fire is being assisted?? Crazy 💀


well it definitely wasnt fighting either compared to what natsu was doing


Jerry acting like Natsu wasn’t in 2 other fights directly before fighting Gajeel while Gajeel was still at full strength and needed to eat iron.

Brent Sully

Jerry acting like Gajeel woulda been able to do all that without any iron around