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Malachi Davis

should do this for bleach and maybe other shows also... this is dope!


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could do with a podcast on this topic


I 100% agree with Jerry, people who have Mihawk in their top 5 but not Akainu are smoking crack. Also, people who have Mihawk in their top 5 with or without Akainu are also smoking crack. Based on what I have seen, it’s only Zoro stans who say this so that when Zoro eventually defeats Mihawk they will want to say Zoro is top 1 in the verse. Agenda piece at its finest.


Excluding Imu, Dragon and the Gorosei, what I believe to be a logical top 5 is (in no particular order) Kaido, Shanks, Akainu, Big Mom, Blackbeard.


Not a agenda . Shank stans are just retarded and have 0 reading comprehension. When Oda has compared Mihawk to being legendary like Roger or Whitebeard then he must be above mid Shanks. Oda even said he needs a rival stronger then shanks. Zoro is literally the new Rayleigh and Rayleigh in his prime smokes Skanks/Mihawk/Other fodder yonko. Shanks is literally not top5 bro got fucked up by a BB without any DFs and got fucked up by a sea king. Safe to say EOS zoro will be above Ryuma who makes any swordsman in the modern era fodder.

Devin B

Akainu has the highest attack output so he's definitely up there


If you have Crydo or Big Meme in your top 5 your abs retarded. None of the current yonko are top 5 besides EOS BB . Shanks is just a bootlegged cosplay of Goat D Roger Objectively Factual Tier List : Mihawk, Akainu, Garp, Kuzan, Sabo

Myles Xavier

cool argument lol, but i agree with wellz that akainu should be in top 5 from what weve seen, A lot of the Op community sleeps on Admirals for some reason


Yall should do this for other shows too. Would especially like this for bleach and naruto


@Myles Xavier exactly tf you is this dude on about


Mihawk has a bounty higher than all three admirals, he clashed with shanks on multiple occasions is has been waiting for a swordemen to surpass shanks, you claim to not like zoro stans but you always have zoros name in your mouth, you just be chatting.


do naruto next


Akainu is not washing mihawk

Matthew Gilroy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-19 21:51:29 Shiryu > Mihawk
2023-07-19 18:38:20 Shiryu > Mihawk

Shiryu > Mihawk

Devin B

Y'all should've did top 10 instead of top 5 cause most of the spots are going to Admirals, Yonkos, and Mihawk.


Same Shiryu that got 1 shot latest chapter xDDDD bro is sanji level

george rizoiu

why is rob there again ?


Pat and Evan, King is not stronger than Marco, and Akainu beat Marco and the entire whitebeard crew

Daniel Gotenks

I would say that they are on the same level as he was able to fight both Queen and King simultaneously. That shows he is on the same level as them.

Saud AlMutairi

Kaido, Shanks, Luffy, Big mom and Akainu


Mihawk is washing kaido and theres no debate


exactly what i said Marco 1v1 beats king. And akainu easily beat Marco and the entire crew


there is quite definitely a debate, as of right now kaido is stronger, until mihawk shows some feats


This man got kuzan in here like he isn't just a stepping stone for Coby lmao.


Im saying this off feats we know, kuzan is the only YC I can say that is stronger then their yonko captain as of right now. Obviously EOS BB is gonna trash akainu,kuzan,mihawk etc. Same for Koby EOS he will be prime garp level or above and will def be top 5


Imu is the strongest in my opinion. You guys said that you can be the leader without being the strongest right so that should apply to the guy whole rules the entire world basically right? He also is being depicted as the main final villain.


That could be debatable lol we’ve seen sword users who knew haki cut him in marineford (flower sword vista & Marco who used a slash attack) and it didn’t do too much to him


Facts one of the strongest logia’s in power and overall in my opinion


I swear he didn’t say a word besides “gang gang gang”, “smash”, and “everything” for the intro

Quinton Teratino

You don't know that because we still don't know how strong mihawk is. You're just talking out of your ass.


Mihawk does have feats, they just don't match up to kaido. He's shown up at marine ford and we have seen the dude cut a ship in half, that said at where we are at in the anime. Kaido is literally considered the strongest character in the series in a straight 1v1. For all reasons you could try to claim Mihawk should be strong, Feats, Narritive, everything. Kaido wins,


Having a higher bounty doesn’t mean you’re stronger

REFORMED (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-19 23:27:34 And kaido literally has lost like 20 times in the story. hes fucking trash. Mihawk >>>> Crydo . As of now Mihawk is undefeated due to his title unlike Kaido
2023-07-19 21:22:27 And kaido literally has lost like 20 times in the story. hes fucking trash. Mihawk >>>> Crydo . As of now Mihawk is undefeated due to his title unlike Kaido

And kaido literally has lost like 20 times in the story. hes fucking trash. Mihawk >>>> Crydo . As of now Mihawk is undefeated due to his title unlike Kaido


Wtf am I reading, y’all can keep being delusional I won’t interfere in that 🤣


Put respect on Sabo's name they dont call him the Flame Emperor for nothing. Hes legit yonko tier under dragon. So this must make Dragon top 3 in the verse. Sabo is stronger then luffy rn


When shanks lost his arm Mihawk didn’t see him as a rival anymore so to say akainu washes Mihawk is just wild


I’m guessing they’ve been spoiled on some spoilers. Which is fine I guess, as long as they don’t know when, and how, or what happens. Wellz is the only one that reads the manga right? Either way I’m still pumped to see their reactions.


It’s not debatable because “washing” is just a wild thing to say. Extreme dif fight for sure


Trolling because no way you got sabo over shanks and luffy


Yea im not saying mihawk wins but any fight with top tiers is ATLEAST mid diff. Washing is crazy


remove this corny background music gang


Music kinda lit man


The retard here showing that all the downplaying he does to Mihawk means it downplays Skanks even more LOL

Devin B

@Jeff he basically did the same thing Karakuri and Trebol did where they predicted the future and dodged Luffy's haki attacks

Devin B

Definitely not, Sabo would have a hard time against base form Luffy rn


Akainu would win. Idk about violate but he would win. Did you see what Garp did?


im glad Rob didn't talk

Amani Homran

Swear u niggas are speds thinking characters with actual feats can’t beat mfs with no feats


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSf8SCb8ZCsY79SG2oUj78e6kP89Ywom3_9zg&usqp=CAU this is mihawks Vivre card RTTV you probs wanna read this when scaling him.

Josh Guardado

Was this only pats top 5? Or did the whole group agree on this top 5 list together? Maybe there’s more to this that they edited out but yea seemed like they were just arguing against pat’s list


Lmao bro didn’t say a single word just sat there like 😑


1.Enel 2.Shanks 3.Sanji 4.Mihawk 5.Crocodile (Law, Fujitora & Zoro my runner-ups)

Thomas everett Scheffer

top 5 in want arc era Kaido , shanks , akanu , mihawk , big mom

Nem Kos

My guess is Ener's thunder is stronger than Big Mom's thunder


Mihawk is stronger than Shanks, Mihawk is called the strongest swordsman while shanks is a swordsman himself. They told us who is stronger without telling us who's stronger


Also gotta love pat’s hypocrisy. Bro said akainu probs got weaker after the fight with aokiji even though he never lost any limbs. Meanwhile shanks who was mihawk’s former rival lost a whole arm but you know when it comes to shanks logic is out the window because they are so bias. If they were both equal and both got stronger how could Shanks lose a whole arm and still be on the same level as Mihawk who literally has the title ‘worlds strongest swordsman’.


only right answer is shanks, kaido, mihawk, big mom, and blackbeard


I don't remember mihawk ending the marine ford war like shanks did lol


Based on where they are in the show and without any speculation the current top 5 should be Kaido, Shanks, Big Mom, Akainu, Aokiji.


But you do remember when shanks lost a 1v1 to a sea king kek


No, it doesn’t, recent chapters specified that mihawk only surpassed shanks in sword skills. Implying even further that, being the strongest swordsman is only meant for pure swordsmanship.


@exrialHD last time i check it was like zoro who pass out from attacks in wano. Stab to the shoulder by killer and then by kaido 🤣. Shiryu took an acoc attack to the face while broken bones Loro got put to bed.


@exrialHD you’re talking out of your ass again. When did mihawk got compared to roger and wb?lmao. Nobody give af about mihawk he wasnt even on kaido’s top 5. Mihawk got stopped by vista, croc and jozu in MF, stfu lmao. That’s more embarrassing than shanks losing an arm 13 yrs ago when he was weaker than a 2 yrs ago, because shanks will one shot those characters lmao. Mihawk has zero feat, he is trash like you and your idol zoro lmao.


Mihawk is trash; has no feats. The titleman is nothing but a fraud. Come back here guys when he was able to beat vista, croc and jozu because we all know shanks one shots characters like them 🤣 Only zoroturds like exrialHD who’s illiterate will say mihawk is top 5 when the author himself isnt putting him out there 🤣


By that extension of logic, you could argue the same for characters like dragon. Or you could also assume that about whitebeard and kaido before they were given the main stage. We know that Mihawks main stage is yet to come given that he trained Zoro himself. Also, Oda would have not chosen a legend like Silvers Rayleigh to train Luffy - I would assume Mihawk was chosen to train the right hand man of the Future Prate king for the very same reason - that he does live up to his feat, its just not time yet.


We are still to see how Mihawk trained Zoro, and what happened to Zoro's eye. Also I think Mihawk is depicted as a noble and smart man, respectable on the likes of shanks, hence their seemingly close friendship as shown early in the series. I think most people's agenda against Mihawk is false.


Sure i aint saying dragon is stronger than shanks kaido or WB. I know he is strong but not that level strong because im a logical person. Dragon has no feats but the difference between him and midhawk is that, midhawk had anti feats lmao. The difference between WB, kaido shanks vs mihawk is, those guys had feats, even before they took the stage they were hyped especially shanks. Shanks is as much as a mystery as midhawk bro. But guess what? Shanks be splitting the skies with WB. Also, before kaido was given a spotlight nobody was ranking kaido as high as midhawk is. Everyone was hype that he was branded as the strongest creature, his hype came when he jumped from sky island which is post dressrosa. People were holding everything until we actually see feats. Midhawk’s been around since baratie, we saw him a lot in MF and we are seeing him again right now, in all those times oda showed him, never did he make mihawk look like one of the guys who can pull up to and split the skies with WB and shanks. Instead, oda made WB’s underling deal with him lmao. That’s how trash midhawk is.