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GET THIS 150 LIKES AND GIVE KID HIS RESPECT FOR BEING USEFUL! Law and Kid do a combination attacks that directly hits Big Mom!



lets go


Oda Why Didn’t you Kill Him That’s Why it’s Egghead over Wano 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


On the real, that whole Useless Kidd thing is one of the worst parts of the OP community. I'm not even a Kidd fan like that but shit's weird. Wellz need to keep the toxic part of the community away from these discussions so these dudes can go into this with a fresh mindset rather than coming into it acting like these idiots yelling on Twitter. Same for the Zoro vs Sanji stuff as discussions these days between them pop up based on what Wellz says rather than what's happening in the series.

Alexis Vazquez

Can’t wait for next Saturday peak episodes 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Sanji episodes are always character driven, not just fighting. We love to see it.

Devin B

It's a good thing you guys are doing double eps cause if you ended it on 1055 that would've left a bad taste for the whole reaction. 1056 definitely made up for that fake out death.


If you find crying like a little bitch and mental retardation as character driven then that’s all on you. Sanji is the worst straw hat that appeal to mentally damaged people


Fuck I want the rest of these reactions already lol


Wahhh he made fun of my favorite kids cartoon character wahhh. Stay off the internet creampuff and go back to your safe bubble hiding from the world


Pat Watching Ahead


@exrialHD everyone here knows you’re the mentally damaged one 🤣

Elijah W.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2V5rYYhgrc , timestamp :42 seconds and timestamp 2:00, just see for yourself. lemme edit this so yall dont think its shady, its wellz legit glazing kidd 🤣


God these eps are so mid no one gives a fuck about all talk kid when boi got carried so hard by law. Just skip the sanji fight it’s just him crying like a lil bitch and go to zoro fight which is 10/10


seeing pat jump on his chair had me crying lmfaoooo


useless captain mid

Thomas Vasquez

fake out deaths are an annoying part of shonens, but they all do it. Funny thing is I don't remember them complaining about bleach or naruto doing it and I think those are worse because those were bigger characters than kinemon/pell.


Hopefully Oda maintains the quality with the egghead arc

Myles Xavier

zoro and sanji didn’t put kinemon back together right, i wish they explained that though


Exactly, Jerry and Pat seemed to forget a lot of stuff about Naruto when they compare both series.


The thing is it’s more frequent here and there’s hardly ever any deaths to begin with.


tbh, i do like Kid over Law, BUT. BOTH ARE GOATED


It also takes away from kaidos actions as a villain cause he doesn’t actually kill anyone. It also brings up kinemons power scaling as he took kaidos club to the face + the stab


Who tf are you to be telling somebody who they should be repping with lol 🤣


I've always been of the opinion that fake out deaths are not inherently a bad thing. Whether it's a good or bad fake out, the purpose of it is suppose to either build up a sense of tension or unpredictability/ uncertainty within the story. Generally when a "death" occurs with a character in Bleach or Naruto, I could say that there was a level believability in a death among readers. Conversely, in op, if a character dies, a majority of readers can predict that they are not dead and have a 95% chance of being right. Which is problematic.


Don’t be mad that no one gives a fuck about Lanji. The character polls speak the truth where sanji is just a literal who😂


Nah I don’t know why seeing Pat getting hyped for kid put a smile on my face dude kid needed his moment

Nem Kos

lmao am I the only one who didn't think Kinemon was dead there

Josh Guardado

Nah nah nah how tf did pat guess that. That’s waaaaay too close lol. (Manga readers iykyk)


Man I totally agree with pat and jerry here, Kin'emon literally had 2 fully fleshed out death scenes that he survived and Kiku should be dead too. Those scenes were cheapened so much by the fact that they lived. Letting them live through that is a huge L for Oda.

Kade Wilson

y’all should know this by now and oda even said it he doesn’t like or want to kill ppl in his story. yes it makes for weird written but he doesn’t care


Wellz be switching up cause he was a kidd fan before the manga

Louis Savage

wellz reading the manga was just the final nail in the coffin for Kid in my opinion.

Darren Stewart

For those defending the fake out deaths in the comments. Just stop. This is a certified Loda moment


Once you become a narrow-minded spoiled manga reader you lose your way. Toei is killing it ,would be a shame to ruin each episode by knowing whats gonna happen from reading the chapters. I personally read the chapters that coincide with each ep to compare and see what was added, so happy I stopped reading weekly been enjoying the anime so much more now


Only fake out i fuck with is a pokemon move


Kid a goat, ppl who dont agree are prolly internet weirdos like that HD guy


He was until people started changing him. Wellz listened to the vocal fans and they changed his opinion on things from Kidd to Sanji to tons of others. He listens to people too much.


Once on the roof when he bled out in luffys hands, the other when he got stabbed by kaido


The fakeouts, or really just using a cheap and ineffective gimmick to try to add tension is the worst part of this arc. Idk what Oda was on with this. It wasn't working with these characters. I still fuck with Kanjuro though. That dude is crazy. He could instantly kill tens of thousands of people right now. Idk why but I feel like the Kazenbo might be his awakening?


True idk why oda wasted so much time with those kinda stuff. It’s one of the reason his arcs are too long post ts. He added a lot of stupid shit like that consistently. Like with kanjuro coming back 3 fucking times and kiku struggling to fight him twice is just too much.

Zar D. Goat

The fact that kanjuro created kazenbo with his blood is fire tho and good ending for his character in spite of the route it took to get here

Dick Chappy

I appreciate pat saying how he hates the fake outs instead of saying “this show is ass” like before. The generalizations were getting annoying

Zar D. Goat

Imagine if kidd used his awakening in a metal place Nigga would make a planetary devastation 😂😂

Nem Kos

@Deelane It was never stated he died on the Rooftop

Nem Kos

By now it should be pretty clear that in One Piece like most animes it's not the gravity of the injury but the way the scene is set up that tells you whether or not a character's gonna die. Like they wouldn't just kill off a character as important as Kinemon just like that and then skip to the next scene. To me it wasn't a fake out death since he didn't actually die and then come back to life on some bs but he actually re-used a plot element to justify it. I'm also not that mad about fake out deaths in general, but that depends on how they explain it and also why they decide that it would be worth to bring the character back. So far Oda's done a pretty good job at both. GRANTED I'll admit Kiku was kind of exagerated


You think it has to be explicitly stated that a character died for them to be dead? The scene was done up in a way that the audience was supposed to think he was dead. He was hemorrhaging blood and exchanged what were definitely intended to seem like last words with Luffy. They even did a shit ton of foreshadowing before the raid with the 9, having basically say they intended on dying at onigashima. They even started sailing with just the 9 of them before reinforcements arrived.


Law is getting packed up by king in a 1v1 Rob, stop tryna downplay Zoro. Laws best feat will forever be 2v1ing big mom where he got 90% of his shots from behind and even after using all he had with kidd they still weren’t strong enough to KO big mom. While zoro will 1v1 someone stronger than big mom and actually beat him not just push him off an island.

Nem Kos

@Deelane But they were all bleeding, Kiku even lost her arm, surely you didn't expect the whole akayaza nine to die. And the scene, on the contrary, was set up with a whole other meaning to it. It carried more a message of hope than anything else. That whole scene was focused on Luffy's arrival to the battlefield and the buildup before his attack. Kinemon is quickly shown defeated with the akayaza nine to boost Luffy's fire to punch Kaido. Then you have the hopeful ost playing with all the flashbacks from Wano leading up to the punch, they all get safely teleported out of the battle. But most of the scene is focused on Luffy and his epic entrance. If they intended to kill Kinemon there they would have given much more context in that scene and not just killed him off screen. Like you guys make up what you think the intention of the scene was and then you call it a fake out death. No. He was never meant to die there.


You are delusional if you think any of the other 9 were the focus of that scene. They may have all been bleeding, but did any of them have any lines or focus? No, the focus of that scene, out of all of the 9, was 100% kin'emon. The scene started with no BGM at all, a flashback of the 9, again with kin'emon as the focus and then a transition to the present. They have all sustained horrible injuries and kin'emon is literally leaking. He asks Luffy to carry the land of wano on his back, what else could that possibly mean? He can't fight anymore, his storyline is complete, in what world in any media in the history of time does that mean anything else but that character dying?

Nem Kos

@Deelane But the whole episode is focused on the narration of how Luffy and the others are the new hope that will take down Kaido. It focuses solely on that, even with the Yamato flashback. They wouldn't just throw in the death of one the most major characters in one piece in the background of an episode centered around a completely different topic. Especially with how short that scene was.


No pat, it just means sanji’s physically a lot stronger than zoro now that he got enhanced strength and speed. Zoro and sanji already have superhuman abilities before their power up. Zoro got enma as a power up and sanji got his awakened genes, pat be downplaying sanji’s power up when zoro actually got a weapon that was OP, you can tell how biased these guys are.


Law is not losing to king 😭😭😭


I don't enjoy powerscaling but you think a yonko commander is stronger than a yonko? LOL


Yooo this reaction was so lit it had Pat n Wellz climbing on their seat like Tom Cruise on Oprah haha


And yes he is. The dude lost to doffy in a 1v1 low-mid diff when doffy didn’t even use his awakening. You think law getting an awakening would be enough to beat someone like king? Who is way stronger than doffy. If you put king on the level as katakuri, luffy who was way stronger than Law needed two major power ups to ‘beat’ katakuri. Law would get mopped in a 1v1 against Kat or king bro is a better support than a duelist. Law hasn’t won a 1v1 since fucking vergo ☠️


No the difference between Zoro’s power up and Sanji’s power up is Zoro needed to actually train to wield that sword where sanji was born with those abilities. + I’m so sick of people not understanding how Enma works. Enma does NOT have power stored in it for use. It drains the user’s (Zoro’s) haki specifically CONQ haki and thats where the power comes from. Meaning Enma is only as strong as the USER. So zoro makes Enma OP the sword isn’t OP by itself.

Jonathan I Butler

So refreshing to watch ones piece content without all the stupid memes or agendas😌hearing objective veiws on kidd is rare

Dick Chappy

I guess I missed that. At any rate I feel he was a little more respectful about it in saying that it was this specific aspect that bothers him. Last time he really pissed me off it was like he had a childish tantrum


The fakeouts are even worst when you remember that Kuina died falling down stairs 🤣💀

Aurora Bash

Pat the biggest Zorotard acting like he doesn't get carried by cursed swords "all by himself" headass